
“a little bit of a domestic issue,”… Ya think? I am still looking to confirm that he had just filed for divorce from his lawyer wife. They had separated. That detail seems to be omitted along with only a scant mention of her in the articles. He had shared a legal practice with his wife specializing in Family Law.

Philadelphia Judge Adam Beloff reportedly kills self – Read article from Philly.com

Philadelphia Judge Found Dead at NJ Shore Home, Apparent Suicide – Read Article from CBS Local

Philadelphia judge Adam Beloff ‘hangs himself after separating from his wife – Read Article from AP Newswire

Philadelphia Judge Reportedly Commits Suicide – Read article fro IQ 106.9 FM

Mourning his honor ?
An area native, who served on the Court of Common Pleas, is believed to have killed himself.

Phila. Common Pleas Court judge dies of apparent suicide

This is the preferred outcome of the Family Court where a person who has committed no crime can lose everything. Those who are familiar with the situation know the hopelessness and despair ahead.

People get nervous at the mention of the word “suicide”. Because once the word is out there everyone jumps to conclusions, and suggestions. It can be seen in these articles. People suggest he was disturbed. Suddenly, he was disturbed. Give the man some credit. He was an educated knowledgeable man with alot of experience as a lawyer and as a judge. I think he wasn’t so much disturbed as informed.

You just have to wonder as the articles suggest he didn’t know what he was doing. I see that as tremendous disrespect for a difficult decision he felt necessary. He was not an uninformed individual. He was part of the system. He knew.

He achieved his dream. Someone tell his wife, she won.

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