

Petition for Explanation / Petition to Enforce Scheduling Order / Criminal Complaint – State & Federal

1. Facts – scheduling order was issued

2. Court Administration has not yet scheduled the hearing.

3. Jurisdiction was established

4. The issues documented in the Response

5. Letter was ignored

6. The wider impact

7. Failure to resolve the matter only prolongs the injustice and further involves more parties.

8. Jurisdiction cannot be granted retroactively.

9. Responsibility to protect the integrity and reputation of the judiciary

10. Necessary for the justice system to function that litigants act responsibly

11. Methods to address issues – request for recusal

12. Recusal Actions

DelRicci – Surprise Recusal without request
– Transcript of Recusal demonstrates Ethical Violations / Threats Against Defendant

-Request for Recusal was being prepared – 125 pages edited down to 25 pages. Unable to print the document.
– Letter announcing the intent to recuse and Recusal of Judge DelRicci scheduled for 2 weeks from date of receipt.
Bertin – Unexplained Recusal upon submission of evidence of ex parte communication with Plaintiff’s attorneys
Barrett – Recusal Granted upon Request
Carluccio – Recusal Requested AND NOT GRANTED – Dismissed without hearings

13. Responsibility of the judiary to act instead of protecting the corrupt and unethical judges and their void orders.

14. Retaliatory and harassing actions by Carolyn Carluccio

15. Criminal Complaint against the following individuals for their participation in the obstruction of justice, denial of civil rights, deliberate failure to act in accordance with their oath of office, conspiracy, and other charges as appropriate.

Richard Haaz
Michael Keyes
Cheryl Leslie
Carolyn Carluccio
Rhonda Lee Daniele
Thomas DelRicci
Emanuel Bertin
Patricia Coonahan
Arthur Tilson
Sara Goren
Eileen Behr – Montgomery County Sheriff
Mark Levy – Montgomery County Prothonotary
Bonnie O’Kane
T (Tony)
C (Casey)
Montgomery County Bar Association
Valerie Angst (aka Valerie Suzanne Rosenbluth, Valerie Rosenbluth Park, Valerie Rosenbluth Angst)
Robert Angst
Others to be named as necessary.

Additionally for failure to contact authorities when compelled to participate in the criminal actions of the judiciary and their employer.

The credibility of the judicial branch, more so than either the executive or legislative branch, is singularly dependent upon the perception that cases are decided upon its merits based upon the facts and the applicable law.

The system breaks down if people perceive that judges are making decisions based upon any type of political, financial or other type of potentially corrupting influence.

It is, therefore, essential that judges are completely above any and all appearance of any improper associations, relationships, bias or improper conduct.

I make an unwavering pledge to conduct myself with integrity at all times. – R. Haaz

Judges, like attorneys, should be vigilant regarding the activities of their colleagues and inform the Judicial Conduct Board about conduct which raises a substantial question as to a judge’s fitness for office or compliance with code of judicial conduct. – R. Haaz
It is the responsibility of the trial judge to ensure that cases are decided on their facts and the applicable law and not decided
based upon prejudice for or against one side or the other. I would not hire any person on my staff who has gender, racial, ethnic, class or any other form of bias. I would be vigilant to ensure that jurors make decisions based upon the facts adduced at trial (as opposed to outside the courtroom), and the applicable law. – R. Haaz
I came to learn the importance of judicial independence when I was chosen to represent the United States Attorney in Washington, DC on ethics matters. If elected I will render decisions on their own merits, free from political pressure or popular sentiment. All arguments will be conducted with both parties present and ex-parte communication will not be tolerated. – C. Carluccio
The state judiciary should have an independent review board to review all allegations of misconduct and impose a series of sanctions appropriate to the misconduct such as suspension without pay, removal from the bench and/or forfeit their pension. – C. Carluccio

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