
Inquirer Judicial Candidate Questionnaire (PDF Format)

Name: Richard P. Haaz

Judicial post for which you are running: Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County

Political Party: I am a registered Democrat, but I have crossed filed on the Republican ballot as well.

Campaign e-mail and website: judgeswecanbelievein.com haazforjudge.com

1. Why are you qualified and well-suited to serve as a judge on the court for which you are running?

I have extensive courtroom and litigation experience which qualifies me to serve as a judge for Court of Common Pleas in Montgomery County.

After passing the Bar in 1978, a clerked for the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County for three years. Thereafter, I joined a litigation firm (Law Offices of Robert C. Daniels (who later became a Superior Court judge). Since 1985, I have been either the principal or a partner in my own law
practice. I have tried dozens of jury trials to verdict in Pennsylvania state courts and in federal courts in Pennsylvania and in New Jersey. I tried cases to verdict in eight different counties in the eastern part of Pennsylvania.

I serve as a judge pro tem which is a court sponsored program whereby experienced attorneys act as settlement masters prior to cases being sent to courtrooms for trial.

I am the chairperson of the Montgomery County Bar Association’s Medical-Legal Committee which serves to find common areas to promote better relationships between the legal and medical cultures.

The two primary objectives under my leadership of this committee are revival of the Abington Hospital Mediation Program, as well as the “doctor/lawyer in the classroom” program which pairs doctors and lawyers to address students about the medical and legal consequences of drug abuse.

I have been a member of the Board of Directors for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association for Southeastern Pennsylvania for about twenty years.

In addition, I am a Hearing Committee officer for the Disciplinary Board of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Hearing committees are charged with conducting evidentiary hearings and making recommendations pertaining to the appropriate disciplinary punishment, if warranted, for attorneys who
have committed professional misconduct.

I have an even temperament and a profound respect for the courtroom, its procedures and all thoseparties and attorneys who appear before the court.

I believe that the totality of the above experiences addresses my qualifications to serve as a judge in the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County.

2. Did you receive a “recommended” or higher from the local bar association?

I was rated “highly recommended” by the Montgomery Bar Association.

3. If you are an aspiring judge, how do you plan to remain independent if elected to the bench?

As an aspiring judge, I would recuse myself from any case in which there was an actual conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

The credibility of the judicial branch, more so than either the executive or legislative branch, is singularly dependent upon the perception that cases are decided upon its merits based upon the facts and the applicable law. The system breaks down if people perceive that judges are making decisions
based upon any type of political, financial or other type of potentially corrupting influence. It is, therefore, essential that judges are completely above any and all appearance of any improper associations, relationships, bias or improper conduct. I make an unwavering pledge to conduct myself with integrity at all times.

4. A number of Pennsylvania Judges have been sanctioned for campaign activities, ex parte dealings or other alleged misconduct. How can the state’s judiciary prevent discipline scandals of the type seen recently?

Judges, like attorneys, should be vigilant regarding the activities of their colleagues and inform the Judicial Conduct Board about conduct which raises a substantial question as to a judge’s fitness for office or compliance with code of judicial conduct.

5. If you believe that gender, racial, ethnic, class or other forms of bias can infect the justice system, how will you work to keep your courtroom as bias-free as possible?

It is the responsibility of the trial judge to ensure that cases are decided on their facts and the applicable law and not decided based upon prejudice for or against one side or the other. I would not hire any person on my staff who has gender, racial, ethnic, class or any other form of bias. I would be vigilant to ensure that jurors make decisions based upon the facts adduced at trial (as opposed to outside the courtroom), and the applicable law.

I pledge to work as hard as is reasonably possible to ensure that cases are decided fairly and impartially without any bias for or against any party or class of parties.



Two men accused of drug dealing had charges against them dropped Thursday after their attorney told a judge that five Philadelphia antinarcotics officers involved in their case had “partnered with drug dealers” in crime. READ ARTICLE

Cops on the Drug Task Forces do NOT get charged with crimes. They get reassigned. They know too much about the illegal tactics used to create their drug cases. The illegal use of private investigators to hide the lack of a search warrant. The illegal use of computer and phone hacking to get information used to ‘stumble upon’ drug buys. They know how many people have been set up and destroyed.

The action came two days after Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey transferred the five officers and a lieutenant from the aggressive Narcotics Field Unit.

District Attorney Seth Williams informed Ramsey by letter Monday that his office would no longer use the officers as witnesses, accept charges, or approve search warrants in narcotics cases in which they were involved.

“There was a group of police officers who essentially partnered with certain drug dealers, and they partnered with those drug dealers to do things that were both illegal and outright crimes,”

“The implications of this are huge,” Schwartz said in response to news of the prosecution’s statements about the officers. “And not just in terms of future prosecutions. The real unknown is, how many convictions will be impacted?”

The accusations brought to mind the scandal surrounding five narcotics officers taken off the street in 2009.

Those officers have for more than three years been under federal investigation for alleged evidence-planting, illegal searches, and theft. One officer also is accused of groping several women during searches. Ramsey recently said he did not expect the investigation to continue.

The alleged activities of the narcotics unit were spotlighted in a series of Pulitzer Prize-winning stories in the Philadelphia Daily News, based in part on interviews with a criminal informant who claimed he and veteran narcotics Officer Jeffrey Cujdik sometimes falsified information to get search warrants approved.

Later the owners of several bodegas came forward, reporting that the squad had robbed their stores under the pretense of searching for plastic ziplock bags used for packaging drugs. The officers cut the wires of store cameras to mask their conduct, those merchants said.

As members of the highly aggressive Narcotics Field Unit, Cujdik and the other members of his squad made dozens, sometimes hundreds, of arrests per year.

The Public Defender’s Office has since filed court petitions to overturn at least 55 criminal convictions involving arrests by those officers. The matter is before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The city has also settled 21 lawsuits for about $1 million from that scandal.

That pales by comparison with the more than $4 million that was paid out during the 39th District scandal of the late 1990s. In that case, five district officers who worked narcotics cases were convicted of federal corruption charges.

Out of control Drug Task Force? Where has that been documented before? The illegal activity of the “War on Drugs” has become a liability all across the US.


“a little bit of a domestic issue,”… Ya think? I am still looking to confirm that he had just filed for divorce from his lawyer wife. They had separated. That detail seems to be omitted along with only a scant mention of her in the articles. He had shared a legal practice with his wife specializing in Family Law.

Philadelphia Judge Adam Beloff reportedly kills self – Read article from Philly.com

Philadelphia Judge Found Dead at NJ Shore Home, Apparent Suicide – Read Article from CBS Local

Philadelphia judge Adam Beloff ‘hangs himself after separating from his wife – Read Article from AP Newswire

Philadelphia Judge Reportedly Commits Suicide – Read article fro IQ 106.9 FM

Mourning his honor ?
An area native, who served on the Court of Common Pleas, is believed to have killed himself.

Phila. Common Pleas Court judge dies of apparent suicide

This is the preferred outcome of the Family Court where a person who has committed no crime can lose everything. Those who are familiar with the situation know the hopelessness and despair ahead.

People get nervous at the mention of the word “suicide”. Because once the word is out there everyone jumps to conclusions, and suggestions. It can be seen in these articles. People suggest he was disturbed. Suddenly, he was disturbed. Give the man some credit. He was an educated knowledgeable man with alot of experience as a lawyer and as a judge. I think he wasn’t so much disturbed as informed.

You just have to wonder as the articles suggest he didn’t know what he was doing. I see that as tremendous disrespect for a difficult decision he felt necessary. He was not an uninformed individual. He was part of the system. He knew.

He achieved his dream. Someone tell his wife, she won.


Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio heard the story of survival. Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio heard about the corruption. Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio saw the documents. Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio saw the evidence. Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio even went as far as documenting her lie that she reviewed the entire case.

Along the way the Honorable Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio stopped acting as a judge. Judges must follow procedure and the law to have, or maintain, their jurisdiction.

Carolyn Carluccio became dishonorable, unlawful, unjust and criminally corrupt. Carolyn Carluccio was even made a victim of extortion at the hands of the lawyers she was attempting to protect. Carolyn Carluccio was President of the Montgomery County Bar Association who was determined to protect the integrity of unethical lawyers… when Carolyn Carluccio had no integrity herself.

Carolyn Carluccio discussed the case with the prior corrupt judges. Carolyn Carluccio was the tenth judge to have the matter in her family courtroom. Carolyn Carluccio issued orders without process, procedure, law or jurisdiction. Carolyn Carluccio destroyed everything that I had struggled for years to maintain.

Without jurisdiction, Carolyn Carluccio made me homeless. Without jurisdiction, Carolyn Carluccio made me destitute. Without jurisdiction, Carolyn Carluccio threw out everything I owned. Without jurisdiction, Carolyn Carluccio involved additional families in her terror. Carolyn Carluccio prevented and blocked the legal process from moving forward. Carolyn Carluccio lied and presented misinformation in her Opinions.

Yet, Carolyn Carluccio was not able to get the one thing she wanted. The one thing that would make it all go away. Carolyn Carluccio did not obtain my suicide. Carolyn Carluccio tried so hard to make that happen.

Carolyn Carluccio is a criminal.
The fact that she has yet to be charged with her crimes doesn’t make her crimes go away.


Only in the Family Court can someone who has committed no crime lose everything.

And when the crimes committed against him are documented and presented, they become part of the record… they are proven. The facts are clear. The crimes are clear. Then the Family Court deems the issues ‘not cognizable’ in the Family Court… it belongs in criminal court.

BUT THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILL NOT PROSECUTE HER FRIENDS… so you are left to be victimized further every day… and they bring you to court again and again, and involve more and more judges in their corruption. What a great way for law enforcement to extort what they want from the justice system. They completely ignore the victim, he is simply the tool for their perverted manipulations.

This has been the story since 2007. I awake every morning to be further victimized. There is no escape.


When Carolyn Carluccio issued her first orders where she lacked jurisdiction, she was NOT acting as judge. Her order is void.

When Carolyn Carluccio acted to conceal her void orders, she admitted that she lacked jurisdiction. She was NOT acting as a judge. Her actions were criminal.

When Carolyn Carluccio further issued orders against the defendant who pointed out her lack of jurisdiction. She was NOT acting as a judge. Her actions were criminal. Her involvement of county resources to enforce her corrupt and void orders was conspiracy. Her actions were criminal.

When Carolyn Carluccio issued an Opinion which was misinformation and fraud, she was committing extrinsic fraud. She was demonstrating her extrinsic fraud. This was part of the Appeal she was preventing from moving to Superior Court. She had been committing fraud and not acting as a judge for the entire period the matter was in her courtroom. Her actions are criminal.

Judges only have judicial immunity when they are acting as a judge. When they are not following procedure and the law, they are NOT acting as a judge and can be criminally prosecuted for their crimes.

In contrast, when the CASH FOR KIDS corruptio was exposed in Luzerne County, PA, the judges were not held responsible for their actions sending the thousands of children to juvenile detention BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTING AS JUDGES when they sentenced the children. The crimes they were prosecuted for were not the individual actions against the children. They were prosecuted for their corrupt and criminal activity off the bench because they were not acting as judges as the time. When not acting as a judge, they have no immunity. What they did to each of the thousands of children was resprehensible but they did it under judicial immunity.

CAROLYN CARLUCCIO does not have judicial immunity for her corrupt orders and actions designed to obstruct justice, deny civil rights, ignore due process and prevent the matter from moving to Superior Court, because she was knowingly not following the procedures. Carolyn Carluccio was NOT acting as a judge. But, Carolyn Carluccio can only be prosecuted when the District Attorney prosecutes the case. And Risa Ferman, the District Attorney, is too busy out partying with Carolyn Carluccio to prosecute her crimes.

As the crimes Carolyn Carluccio has committed are clearly ABUSES OF POWER UNDER COLOR OF LAW, she can also be prosecuted by the Federal Prosecutor, the US Attorney. Carolyn Carluccio has worked for the US Attorney’s office. They seem determined to not return calls or respond to reports. Unless, the FBI Corruption Task Force is looking into her crimes. The matter has been with the Department Of justice for over a year. They did say it would take time.

The crimes that Carolyn Carluccio has committed are additionally creating a massive liability for Montgomery County. The Conspiracy and collusion of the Family Court Judiciary takes that civil liability and increases it exponentially. The failure of the County to address the corruption increases the liability of the County for the damages caused by the judges, and the County’s actions in supporting the corrupt acts of the County judiciary.

Once a lawyer hears what has happened in my case, they immediately acknowledge that I should not feel safe, and that my life is indeed at risk.

My last lawyer, who only worked for me for 3 weeks, was receiving death threats. I had been brought in by detectives to see if I could help them with the investigation. That same day when I was late for our meeting, the detective came into the courtroom and witnessed first-hand the bias and intimidation of Carolyn Carluccio – a judge trapped without jurisdiction who admitted she had no jurisdiction. The transcript is on this site for anyone to read. (July 2011)

My first lawyer has disappeared. She resigned after 6 weeks at her firm’s request. I have been unable to find her since 2008. She had been emailing regularly and then all emails stopped. And I have found no record of her anywhere on the interwebs.

A lawyer I had hired for one day on custody issues repeatedly assessed my situation in three words. “I was fucked.” He did not anticipate I would survive the onslaught. That was in July 2008. This man was a friend. And I have not seen him since.

Carolyn Carluccio was also the President of the Montgomery County Bar Association. The Montgomery COunty Bar Association has never returned a call regarding recommendation of a lawyer for this matter. Not one lawyer has ever returned a call when I was seeking representation.

No lawyer would want to take on a case where they would expose the corruption of so many judges.

Litigating without a lawyer was not something I wanted to do. I had no choice but to continue without representation.

THAT part backfired on the judiciary. They did not have a lawyer they could excuse for malpractice. They did not have a lawyer they could bully into inaction, missed deadlines or legal failures. They found out I was capable of representing myself. Though the judges failed to act responsibly and it would appear I lost everything at my own hands, the docket was documenting the court’s corruption. The docket was documenting the complete denial of due process. The docket was documenting the lack of jurisdiction. The court’s own documents were documenting the absolute determination to destroy the Defendant who persevered.

Carolyn Carluccio threw all caution to the wind and went FULL ON Abuse of Power Under Color Of Law. And her actions exposed the judiciary she was attempting to protect. But she was attempting to protect that judiciary by causing my suicide. By blatantly demonstrating that there was no hope for the truth or justice in her courtroom.

She order the sale and destruction of my home and property, and stalled, delayed and continued hearings on every petition filed to prevent those actions.

Carolyn Carluccio showed me the penalty for surviving was to lose everything.

The 2 things Carolyn Carluccio could not destroy. 1. HOPE 2. TRUTH

Carolyn Carluccio is a liar. She is a fraud. She is corrupt. She is evil. She is truly a disgrace to the justice system.

The Court has tried to hide Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio by having her handle matters where she can do no further damage. I guess they keep her there to cover or conceal the liability that any disciplinary actions may have on her career or the County. Clearly, the judiciary finds it more necessary to protect the monsters who disgrace the judiciary.

When monsters like Carolyn Carluccio and Rhonde Lee Daniele have the ability to create a tremendous liability for the County, and to use county resources to conceal their crimes, they create a massive liability for the County. And when they fail to create a set-up against me, they further act to prevent exposure of their crimes. They don;t like this web site. They check it daily. They check it within hours of every new post. And THEY SHOULD. Because the chaos and terror they created, is documented. And while chaotic, their criminal actions are harder and harder to conceal.

When it all comes down… When all is said and done… Will you be ready?… When it comes… Oh, when it comes.


When a Judge orders Court Administration to schedule a hearing, and THAT hearing will expose a very determined and intentional abuse of power under color of law by one judge… and further expose the abuse of power and corruption of the 10 preceeding judges who have acted on the matter.


and after one month a letter is sent to the Judge, the Court Administration head and the administrator for Family Court…


and there is no response to the letter from Judge Haaz, Michael Kehs, or Cheryl Leslie.


and Court Administrator does not schedule the hearing

and Court Administration does not schedule the hearing

and the judge’s own staff does not schedule the hearing

When those who are responsible for the scheduling of a hearing ALL fail to act, there must have been some communication involved in their intentional failure to act or respond. Communication to commit a crime is called CONSPIRACY. Not Conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. Conspiracy Crime.

Then it can be determined that there is clearly a criminal conspiracy to deny justice and to conceal the abuse of power of Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio occuring at Montgomery County Courthouse.

But WHY???? Here’s a short list of reasons.

The same courthouse who has failed to forward the Appeal filed on August 15, 2011 to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

The same courthouse where the Prothonotary exposed the conspiracy to hide secretly issued court orders – found and docketed Auguist 10, 2010

The same courthouse where no hearings were held on any matter submitted by the Defendant from the date the secret order Of Judge Rhonda Daniele was found to the present day.

The same courthouse where Judge Carolyn Tornetta carluccio repeatedly issued orders where she lacked jurisdiction in attempts to enforce orders where she lacked jurisdeiction to conceal that she issued orders to leave me homeless and destitute where she lacked jurisdiction to do so.

The same courthouse where deputies were dispatched to enforce the corrupt orders of Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio involving the Sheriff’s department in the criminal activity of enforcing an order which has been exposed to lack jurisdiction.

The same courthouse where Judge Thomas DelRicci threw the Defendant in jail for contempt of an Order which did not exist and had never been before a judge.

The same courthouse where lawyers extorted orders from the judiciary which were contrary to law and civil procedure based on their possession of the secret order issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele.

The Montgomery County Family Court is a criminal organization headed by the most ruthless Judge I have never met. Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele.

And it would seem that my wife’s attorney may have interned for a newly elected Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele, and had a relationship which may have greanted her the professional courtesy of the judge’s assistance in getting Valerie Angst out of the jam she created when she advised her client to use illegal surveillance on my personal and business computers, and to tap and redirect my phone and cell phones.

Who could make all of these criminal things go by without being “cognizable”…. The judiciary of the Montgomery County Family Court.

Ask Judge Emanuel Bertin about what he did when the crimes of attorneys were presented in his family courtroom. Of course, they had already conspired to the decision. And Angst & Angst presented a bill which included the ex parte meetings between Judge Bertin and Angst & Angst. When presented to the court, Judge Bertin recused without explanation.

Judge Barrett may have behaved like a complete jerk during the one session in hos courtroom, but he immediately recused when exposed for his bias and direct acts of intimidation.

Where criminal actions are not only endorsed, and accepted and ignored, they are encouraged.


The battle plays out every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year since the injustice and corruption began in 2007. Now, it is clear.. There are court documents which expose the judiciary. They can’t pretend it is the paranoia of a litigant…

– because they cannot explain their actions which do not follow procedures or the law

– because they cannot explain their failure to schedule hearings to resolve any matter

– because they cannot explain the denial of due process

– because they cannot explain the denial of civil rights

And by continuing to ignore the matter, THEY involve more and more judges in the corruption.

I cannot schedule hearings, or make Court Administration schedule hearings. Yet, people blame me for not making it happen.

I cannot make a judge follow the law. Yet, people blame me for not making the judges follow the law.

I cannot make a judge behave ethically. Yet, people blame me for their misbehavior.

I cannot protect the reputation of the judiciary when their corruption is exposed and they recuse. Yet, somehow people blame me for the recusal of corrupted judges. I am blamed for their corruption and acts against me.

It is those judges who, when forced by the overwhelming evidence against them who quietly recuse, compel the next judge to take up the perverted justice.

The subsequent judge’s hands are dirtied by the prior actions of the judiciary. In his attempts to protect the reputation of the judiciary, he then becomes involved in the corruption. He too falls into becoming a victim of the threats and manipulative actions of the judiciary which he is compelled to protect.

There is no escape – only further corruption.

There is no absolution until they act responsibly.

Injustice does not end injustice. It extends it.

It will require great judicial strength to act responsibly regarding the corrupt and criminal actions of his predecessors in the matter. I persevere that this person exists and will be strong enough to take on the shame and disgrace that the judiciary has brought to the court. I persevere and I cry because there is nothing I can do. I can only persevere.

It is necessary to protect the reputation of the judiciary because without that there would be anarchy. But when the lack of self esteem of the judiciary is it’s own downfall, there is nothing that can be done to protect their reputation.

The judges themselves hold the judiciary in such low esteem… and do nothing to save their reputation by acting responsibly and according to the law. They fail, and blame others for their failure.

When judges are so corrupt that there is no way to excuse or deny their abuse of power … it is the judges themselves who are responsible for the fall into disrepute. And there can be nothing done to save them.

There is no escaping their abuse of power and their tactics which are self-serving and determined to destroy anyone who exposes them.

The court docket clearly demonstrates the evil I have experienced at the hands of these judges. Yet, they ignore it.

I am one man, who has survived, so far, and documented their terror, and followed their rules when they did not. They persist in ignoring justice and act only where they have no jurisdiction.

The terroristic actions taken by the Montgomery County Court are criminal on a Federal level.

On a human level. they are just evil.

There is no other word for it.

The only power I have (that they have not been able to take away) is the power to persevere through tremendous hopelessness and despair.

The only constant, I have had is from one single source… THE TRUTH.


The Love and Iron Project

Imagine this…

Your son meets the girl of his dreams and has three beautiful children.

Then he comes home one day and is informed by his wife that she no longer wants to be married.

Sadly, he learns that he has little, if any, parenting rights.

He learns that his paycheck will be garnished and he can go to jail, even if he becomes unemployed, disabled or homeless.

He learns that the mother of his children gets more money for eliminating his parenting time.

He learns that the State and the family Courts are profiting off of the amount of his child support payments.

And YOU learn that YOU have no rights to see your grandchildren. NONE.



The Love and Iron Project


The answers are as follows:

a) Abuse Of Power Under Color Of Law
b) Corruption/Conspiracy
c) Violation of Procedure/Law
d) Judicial Extrinsic Fraud
e) Denial of Due Process/Procedure
f) Lack of Jurisdiction

According to my research, there is no way for jurisdiction to be granted to the court retroactively. The orders issued by the corrupt judges of Montgomery County lacked jurisdiction. Delaying the inevitable hearings only serves to prolong the denial of due process.

Additionally, it is a threat to my life. The only way it won’t matter is if I die. I have been told by two lawyers (who would not /could not take the case) that I should not feel safe AND that my life was in danger. The longer hearings are delayed the greater the threat on my life becomes clearer and further debilitating. If my information was wrong… why delay the hearing? The last thing the Montgomery County Judiciary needs is MORE proof of the corruption which has involved the entire Family Court Judiciary.

Every order issued by Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio lacked jurisdiction. There is no way to gain jurisdiction for her orders where she neglected to hold any hearings on the matter. And in many of those cases Angst & Angst had intentionally made certain the paperwork was not complete further exposing the lack of jurisdiction for thier petitions. Their is also no way to enforce the orders… which is why I was forced at the command of Carolyn Carluccio to endorse multiple checks totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars during the last appearance. No way to see that money. And it was gained through fraud. The fraudulent sale of MY home.

In June 2012, Judge Carolyn Carluccio and Judge Thomas DelRicci spoke at a public meeting regarding how the Montgomery County Judiciary would begin following procedures regarding jurisdiction. Funny, I didn’t think that the law regarding proper process for jurisdiction was an optional issue.

Do you suppose they realized after the full year of terror (2011) I had experienced at the hands of the VERY corrupt and biased and just downright EVIL Carolyn Carluccio as she abused her power… that they realized that the court was doing this to more than just me. There were others who had lawyers to conceal the judicial corruption. Without a lawyer, my case is clearly documented with the court and exposes her absolute determination to ignore, the law, procedure and civil rights in her efforts to strip me of everything. Everything. EVERYTHING. Because her criminal actions were exposed in the court documents. The destroyed EVERYTHING and still didn’t gain my suicide. They underestimated the power of the truth and my ability to persevere through the hopelessness and despair of being further victimized.

Carolyn Carluccio had multiple opportunities to recuse as her violations were exposed and documented with the Court. She never held those hearings on those petitions. She kept issuing invalid court order on top of invalid court order on top of invalid court order. She made sure there was no way to escape her corrupt, illegal and destructive acts.

Now it would seem that the current judge is unable to schedule a hearing because it will expose the criminal actions of the many judges involved in the matter. Judge Haaz ordered a protracted hearing to be scheduled on July 10, 2012. It is now December 2012 and that hearing has NOT yet been scheduled. This was brought to the attention of Court Administration and the Judge in August 2012. There was no response to my letter and no scheduling order issued. (Oddly, DelRicci and Carluccio both indicated in their discussion in June that the Judges would schedule hearing and provide the date and time to litigants during the Short List. THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN. But the Court Order for Scheduling by Court Admin did clearly confirm the change in procedure and expectations. Is Judge Haaz being threatened to not conduct the hearing?

Whether on the petition against me, or my counter petition, the question of jurisdiction will definitely be raised and the crimes of Carolyn Carluccio will be further exposed and recorded. They will see Carolyn Carluccio for the cruel and malicious monster who was determined to destropy a man who survived injustice in the Montgomery County Court since 2007.

There are a few basics things to consider.
— Justice delayed is justice denied.
— Jurisdiction is necessary for a court order to be valid.
— The misinformation of an authority figure does not make law or truth where there is none. It’s fraud.

I will post the Court Orders and their corresponding issues below and in individual posts and summarize below.
