
1. Letter to Occupants

2. Overview for Investigators

3. Letter/Notice to Domestic Relations Office

4. Mandamus Petition regarding Scheduling Order issued in July 2012

5. Mandamus Petition regarding Appeal filed August 2011 and not forwarded to Superior Court

6. Petition regarding Outstanding Petitions and Hearing to Review all pending litigation

7. Petition to Void Order of Sept 2011 for lack of Jurisdiction
– Including Plaintiff’s Successful Extortion of Carolyn Carluccio via Ex Parte Document

8. Petition to Void Order of July 2011 for Extrinsic Fraud and Lack of Jurisdiction

9. Petition to Void Order of May 2011

10. Petition to Void ALL Orders issued by Carolyn Carluccio from December 2010 through September 2011
– Including a complete listing of all Petitions for Recusal which document the ongoing deliberate and intentional abuse of power under color of law.

11. Petition to Strike the Opinion filed by Carolyn Carluccio in December 2011 Which clearly demonstrates the Intentional and Deliberate Extrinsic Fraud committed by The Judiciary

12. Compiled listing of all Orders Secretly issued by Rhonda Daniele in violation of court procedures and without jurisdiction.

13. Listing of Orders issued without Jurisdiction by Thomas DelRicci

14. Listing of all Re-Scheduling Orders issued by Thomas DelRicci with regard to Custody

15. Listing of all parties involved in the Fraudulent Transfer of Property

16. Documentation regarding Intentional and Deliberate Destruction of Property
– Angst & Angst actions
– Master actions and failure to act
– Court actions and failure to act

17. Notification to Involved Parties who are Secondary to the Divorce Action, BUT have been directly involved in the Plaintiff’s fraud and may face fraud and licensing issues as they have acted in violation of professional ethics and the law.

18. Protection Order / Restraining Order regarding continued Terroristic, Stalking and Intrusive Technology actions by Agents for the Plaintiff, her attorneys and the County.

19. History of Plaintiff’s Intentional, Deliberate and Contemptuous Refusal to follow Court Orders

20. History of Defendant’s attempts to enforce Court Orders – and Outcome where judges have excuse the Plaintiff of Any and Every failure

21. List of Court Activities demonstrating deliberate and intentional extrinsic fraud and denial of due process and enforcement of Invalid Court Orders where the Court has acted to enforce non-existent court orders against the Defendant.
– Incarceration for contempt of non-existent order.
– Secret Court Ordered Withdrawal of funds from relatives bank accounts for the purpose of creating a non-payment which would result in a bench warrant and incarceration

22. Comparison of visits with “secret” Private Investigator with murders of individuals walking alone in the vicinity of his apartment and the Market East station.


Every time I have gone to the library, the library internet connection has been down. EVERYTIME.

Stopped up to the Library in Doylestown, and upon return am unable to access their web site. It has also put the Nook into an infinite reboot loop.

Did I mention that the cell phone was UNABLE to connect with the Library phone line. And thew library personnel indicated there was nothing wrong with their phone lines.

Funny that their web site which was not going to install any software has downloaded software and rendered the reader useless.

This has been the experience since 2007. NOTHING ever works as it should, as designed, or as expected. It just doesn;t work and thjere is no workaround.

ONLY EXPLANATION. The hackers can block those types of internet connections easily.

Even during Hurricane Sandy, I was unable to access local internet. Unable to change my service through the phone to add whatever it might need. The option to add isnt available, and doesn;t work when you are hacked, and targeted.

They have full control of computers and phones AND DEVICES. So my comment when I say my ability to communicate, and to do research is very limited holds true. As much today as it did in 2007. You cannot escape a targeted hacker intrusion.

Especially one that is ordered by a corrupt judge who is abusing her power and county resources and county contractors (Private investigators) to terrorize you.


AND GET THIS EVEN THE BARNES AND NOBLE SUPPORT SITE IS DOWN. So they trashed your device and have blocked you from finding anything out about repairing it. It also happened with Hewlett Packard – they intercepted the mail and had the wrong reinstallation discs sent back then.

And for those who tell me it’s just me… how does one go from NEVER having any issue with any computer, phone or device to having constant problems and viruses and intrusions and hacks and failures ON EVERYTHING.

It’s maddeningly frustrating… but they persist.


So how many other secret court orders have been issued… perhaps regarding hacking this web site?

Ordering the Hosting Company to not provide information or details which would reveal those responsible for the redirection and obfuscation and blocking of content.

Imagine how many other orders were issued to Verizon, Comcast and PECO.

PECO let me go for 5 years without making a payment… UNTIL Carolyn Carluccio took over the case.
Comcast was needed to keep the IP connection for the illegally placed cameras (the equip the deputies were sent to the house to retrieve on the dfay I left.)
Verizon never was able to explain the $800 bump to my normally $30 phone bill. Documents indicate that is the fee charged for a couple months of a phone tap which had been discovered on my land line.

The County has been part of the terror I have experienced since the beginning. Each time I made a report, they intervened and prevented any law enforcement of investigation. Yes, the reason.

The FBI did nothing for years. The fake drug investigation to keep them at bay. Even the fake FBI investigator. Rose, who once caught disappeared like the rest. The embarrassed FBI man who when exposed went ape-shit.

Yes, there are reasons they have not held hearings regarding the ex parte documents of the judiciary. Those documents will reveal the active participation of the judges in the conspiracy to prevent justice, to deny justice and to terrorize and harass me to a hopeless and suicidal state.

Whereupon, they would reintroduce their emergency personnel. Inexplicably arriving at my door not knowing why they were there or who sent them. Asking if I am upset about anything. REALLY? Suggesting that I am paranoid – and I show them the Divorce room FULL of documents. LOL. I wouldn’t be paranoid if they explained their arrival. Induce paranoia again and again… Which all goes against me UP TO THE DAY you catch them at it.

Watching them attack and destroy another person has brought so much of it back. They strike at your core. They strike at your profession, your children, your home, your house, and all the while they pretend that they have jurisdiction to do so.

BUT THEY LACK JURISDICTION. THEY LACK LAW. They are acting as terrorists abusing their power under color of law.

The excuses for law enforcement to do nothing are simple…


They do not wish to get involved in an active case. BUT THEY WON’T LET THE CASE RESOLVE UNTIL THEY HAVE DESTROYED EVERYTHING.


You are now destitute and alone and they push for the suicide you have not granted them. AND THEY DO NOT STOP THE INJUSTICE.

You are on a fast track to destruction AND NO ONE WILL STOP THEM.

AND if you survive, they will keep the case open for years, using their resources and fraud, and abusing their power to issue secret court orders to terrorize you for the remainder of your life.

There is no escaping the terrorists of the Montgomery County Courts. The district attorney asnd the sheriff are out partying with the judges who are violating their oath and prtevcenting and obstructing justice. Of course the judge has caused them to become parties in her corrupt orders. By Knowingly ordering the county Sheriff and her deputies to participate in the execution of her corrupt orders, Carolyn Carluccio has involved and manipulated the entire county law enforcement structure into the conspiracy to deny and prevent justicwe and law.

NOTE: This case began because of a secret Order issued by Rhonda Daniele. Kept secret for 3 years while I was referred to as paranoid by the judges and courthouse staff. In August 2010, when I found the order which explained the reason for the paranoia – IT WAS REAL. A document which could be used to extort or leverage every corrupt decision by every judge already assigned to the case. They went for the death blow. AND I DID NOT GIVE IT TO THEM.


There’s no resolution unless it is in their forum, and they won’t permit it. And they won;t permit you out to a higher court. They are TERRORISTS destroying lives. Shamelessly. And I havve the case numbers of the other people they have targeted. Others who have survived their corrupt terror.