
1. Letter to Occupants

2. Overview for Investigators

3. Letter/Notice to Domestic Relations Office

4. Mandamus Petition regarding Scheduling Order issued in July 2012

5. Mandamus Petition regarding Appeal filed August 2011 and not forwarded to Superior Court

6. Petition regarding Outstanding Petitions and Hearing to Review all pending litigation

7. Petition to Void Order of Sept 2011 for lack of Jurisdiction
– Including Plaintiff’s Successful Extortion of Carolyn Carluccio via Ex Parte Document

8. Petition to Void Order of July 2011 for Extrinsic Fraud and Lack of Jurisdiction

9. Petition to Void Order of May 2011

10. Petition to Void ALL Orders issued by Carolyn Carluccio from December 2010 through September 2011
– Including a complete listing of all Petitions for Recusal which document the ongoing deliberate and intentional abuse of power under color of law.

11. Petition to Strike the Opinion filed by Carolyn Carluccio in December 2011 Which clearly demonstrates the Intentional and Deliberate Extrinsic Fraud committed by The Judiciary

12. Compiled listing of all Orders Secretly issued by Rhonda Daniele in violation of court procedures and without jurisdiction.

13. Listing of Orders issued without Jurisdiction by Thomas DelRicci

14. Listing of all Re-Scheduling Orders issued by Thomas DelRicci with regard to Custody

15. Listing of all parties involved in the Fraudulent Transfer of Property

16. Documentation regarding Intentional and Deliberate Destruction of Property
– Angst & Angst actions
– Master actions and failure to act
– Court actions and failure to act

17. Notification to Involved Parties who are Secondary to the Divorce Action, BUT have been directly involved in the Plaintiff’s fraud and may face fraud and licensing issues as they have acted in violation of professional ethics and the law.

18. Protection Order / Restraining Order regarding continued Terroristic, Stalking and Intrusive Technology actions by Agents for the Plaintiff, her attorneys and the County.

19. History of Plaintiff’s Intentional, Deliberate and Contemptuous Refusal to follow Court Orders

20. History of Defendant’s attempts to enforce Court Orders – and Outcome where judges have excuse the Plaintiff of Any and Every failure

21. List of Court Activities demonstrating deliberate and intentional extrinsic fraud and denial of due process and enforcement of Invalid Court Orders where the Court has acted to enforce non-existent court orders against the Defendant.
– Incarceration for contempt of non-existent order.
– Secret Court Ordered Withdrawal of funds from relatives bank accounts for the purpose of creating a non-payment which would result in a bench warrant and incarceration

22. Comparison of visits with “secret” Private Investigator with murders of individuals walking alone in the vicinity of his apartment and the Market East station.

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