Date: Sun 04 Nov 2012 04:57 PM

Hi there Terrance. Have you come to your senses yet. ?
About me and a guard business.

Everything else ok ?

Really? That email came as a surprise. Had to appreciate the insult, the timing, and the lie. I had no expectations when I typed #22 in my To Do List. Certainly not a reaction within a few hours from someone I hadn’t heard from in a long time.

I had not heard from Mark since receiving a txt msg on September 1, 2012:

I never lied
I sold the business years ago
I did tell u I was in that business anyway
So give it up

Apparently, Mark has forgotten he admitted his association with a Private Investigation firm. He had posted it on Facebook last Summer. (And it’s still on his FB page today!!)

When I noticed his career/professional information had been updated, I had sent Mark a txt msg.

ON AUGUST 27, 2012:
FROM TERANCE: Wondering how you never mentioned running a detective agency.
ON AUGUST 28, 2012:
FROM TERANCE: Did you get a good laugh at me trusting you?
On SEPTEMBER 1, 2012:
FROM TERANCE: Did it make you some points to lie to me?

After 3 messages in 4 days, Mark replied with the msg above admitting he had been the President of a Security and Private Detective Agency.

Prior to this, the last txt msg had been on April 17, 2012. Why would a friend stop communicating?

TERANCE: It’s been a week, so i guess I may as well point out that from the moment you indicated that EVERYONE KNEW JAY WAS A COP, I knew I probably wouldnt see or hear from you. I hate being right sometimes. Thanks for helping. Take Care.

Prior to that there were several attempts to communicate to which there was no reply.

There had been a few exchanges where Mark suddenly could not understand or recall anything we had talked about in prior months. He began following the same script that each prior “agent, detective, informant, whatever” had followed when they disappeared. Isolating. Alienating. Insulting. Forcing me to explain via text message everything they could no longer recall.

It totally sucked that he blew it by making the one statement about Jay. I needed a friend more than I needed the truth and he only confirmed the situation with regard to Jay. I knew Jay was involved from very early on. And Jay had disappeared over a full year before.

What is most troubling is that I believe that the reconnection, the contact, insult and taunt were in response to #22 on my TO DO LIST.

22. Comparison of visits with “secret” Private Investigator with murders of individuals walking alone in the vicinity of his apartment and the Market East station.

When I had typed that last entry the day before, it was just a thought that it might be worth looking into. I remember there had been at least two murders of individuals walking alone down the street within blocks of Mark’s apartment when I had been there. The incredible coincidence of hearing from Mark within 2 hours of the post leads me to ponder that there could really be something to it. Could it be possible people had been mistakenly attacked and murdered because I walked a different route EVERY time between the Septa station and Mark’s place.

Ya just gotta wonder. Hmmm?