
When Risa Ferman is honored to be with Judge Carolyn Carluccio, it becomes very clear the reason that they are IGNORING my case.

When the entire County is exposed because of the illegal and un-Constitutional use of county resources and personnel it becomes more necessary to protect the criminals and the county.

They are additionally partying with the Sheriff who cannot explain why her Deputies were utilized to enforce an Order where the judge lacked jurisdiction.

It’s nice when the ladies all stick together. They are also sticking together in violation of their oath of office. I never took an oath on my first day of work. It is strange that people who make such a huge event out of taking an oath to start a job protect others who violate that same oath.

And it is funny that I am blocked from posting to Risa Ferman’s Facebook page, yet fake ID’s can post away.

UPDATE: Risa deleted the post about my case… and then called around to everyone. Tracked their access. The phone tree seems to have been activated. This may make it hard for District Attorney Ferman to denyt knowledge of the case. HUH?

The devices I describe on the web site have been documented for years. They inflict the level of surveillance and terror I describe.

The Federal Government put the tools in the hands of local law enforcement to be misused without any oversight.

When I found the proof, the local Chief of Police denied any knowledge of the program. Typical response to any question from Montgomery Township Police was to lie and deny and to conceal.

It might be useful for everyone to know what was available in 2003. Here are a few documents.

Technology Transfer Program

R & D Blueprint

List of Technologies

When you read about the people who say they have been terrorized by technology and you dismiss them as whackos…. You might wish to review these documents and think again.


Seems I may have busted through some of the routines which were hacked onto the site to prevent search engines from providing the information.

I see the traffic. I see the people seeking to use the REPUTATION protection programs which directly target the search engine statistics. (Yes, Gerry. You use Reputation.com. ALOT. I see you. The other are using it also. Have been for years.)

But they are allowed to use theese services to continue their attack. Judges can issue secret court orders to prevent internet providers from revealing their efforts to prevent you from communicating. In the name of the law? Yea, it is called ABUSE OF POWER. When it is done in an official capacity it is UNDER COLOR OF LAW and it is a Federal crime.

But only when it is prosecuted federally. Why does the US Attorney not return calls? Hmmm.