
In Montgomery County PA, The District Attorney and her Drug Task Force use Drug-Addicted and HIV-Infected Gay Men as Prostitutes in attempts to set up targeted individuals. Her method to keep these people out of jail and out of the media is to make an informant deal, then use them and throw them in jail anyway. They can’t speak out, they signed away their voice. Their lawyers are disabled and cannot act on their behalf because of the confidentiality requirement.

Whether they succeed or fail, they end up shells of human beings who preyed on innocent people and destroyed lives. Over 45 of them failed in my case… I estimate 7 teams failed. Each believing they were smarter than each other and the prior team.

These people sign away their rights when they join the confidential informant program. You can’t blame them for wanting to stay out of jail. But, they didn’t know how they would be abused and misused in this program.

And when they realized they were pawns in an attempt to set me up, they stopped trying to set me up. Realizing the guy who was giving them a place to rest and shower and feel safe, and a meal was NOT the bad guy in the scenario. Those trying to set me up were further exposed.

Better to deny me the information, and the paperwork, prevent me from getting hold of the documents or have any form of hearing where I can testify. DENY THOSE HEARINGS. CANCEL ALL PETITIONS. MUST PROTECT THE REPUTATION OF THE JUDICIARY WHO HAS DENIED CIVIL RIGHTS AND CONTINUED THE TERROR… THE ABUSE OF POWER.

I found that Secret Order hidden at the Prothonotary. NO HEARINGS AFTER THAT. They were completely exposed as the terrorists on the bench, and their conspiracy with all county agencies and departments was evident.

Problem is the judges keep recusing when exposed, resulting in another judge becoming involved in the conspiracy and corruption and necessary protection of the reputation of the judiciary. 10 judges so far. Complete denial of civil rights and due process and procedure. Makes you wonder what could possibly be going on here.

Take everything I have from every aspect of my ‘life’ to crush me. BUT, when they don’t get the suicide they want, they continue to attack their targeted victim.

As (Judge) Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio was mailing her ‘Unappealable’ Orders – which she had no jurisdiction to issue – there were multiple surprise visitors from the County Psych ward who have no idea why they were told to check on me. Suggesting suicide. I brought them into the house to see the reason for their visits. They either lied about not knowing why they were there, or they were only there to suggest suicide using reverse psychology. They saw the volume of paperwork, demonstrated and explained to them they left and never followed up with the information about who sent them.

Their private investigator can do anything to terrorize someone and never face prosecution. He’s working for law enforcment, and is former FBI using tactics learned while working for the FBI. Fraud, misdirection, surveillance, isolation, harassment and terror.

This is happening in communities across the US. The drug war has disregarded civil rights by using private investigators who are exempt from prosecution no matter what damage they do, or crimes they commit. Reporting the crimes only targets the victim further. They are reporting the crimes to the very people who are commiting the crimes. No investigation required… so they do nothing. THE VICTIM IS FURTHER VICTIMIZED, the only escape is DEATH.