
I am looking for some help. I am trying to contact Belisarius Productions. The producers of the television show NCIS. I have been unable to contact them.

I am reaching out because of an episode titled Psych Out which detailed events in my life and am seeking their source and perhaps a way to escape the continued use of these tactics.

If you have some time, please contact them for me and attempt to bridge the communication gap caused by the computer and phone hacks on my devices.

I can be reached at Terance@work2bdone.com OR Enter a comment to this post and I will contact you.
Or write: Terance Healy 871 Mustang Road, Warrington, PA 18976
(as they indicated in the episode – PAPER!)

I have been a target of every tactic they presented in their episode. Surviving the tactics has been a nightmare…. and when compounded by the documented and clear injustice of a corrupt court, surviving every day is only an opportunity for them to further terrorize me.

Thank you.

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