
The Psychological Attack which was only one aspect of the terror and harassment experienced included the following:

1. Behavioral Modification:
The behavioral modification process starts with identification and qualification of the subject with additional considerations given to minimizing security risks of exposure, the subject’s suggestibility index, the subject’s intelligence and reasoning ability, moral and superstitious beliefs, and the subject’s social status and the weakness of the subject’s primary support groups (family).

They failed by underestimating my strength of character. They also failed by using the technology which I was able to detect because of a broad exposure and experience with computer and phone technology.

A.) The subject is subjected to long periods of REM Sleep Deprivation and reinforced torturing suggestions that will breakdown the subject’s will, confidence, self-reliance, and moral values. Meanwhile, the subject is increasingly isolated from their familiar and trusted peer groups causing the subject to experience depression, apathy, and ultimately social and financial failure.

I realized they were doing something to affect my sleep, I resolved to sleep when tired and to eat when hungry. While the tactic was disruptive, once I knew what was causing it I was no longer bothered by it but I lost alot of sleep.

B.) After a while, the subject has an emotional breakdown and a new support group is built around the subject.

I recognized at one point that every person I communicated with had only met me in the preceding few weeks. I could tell I was being surrounded by a new ‘group of friends’. I may have pretended to trust them, but I paid attention to EVERYTHING.

C.) Minimal security as the subject might recognize when he is not actively being observed resulting in a security concern and where it would be cost prohibitive to baby-sit the subject 24 hours a day.

D.) Behavioral modification generally occurs fastest when using negative reinforcement continuously. It is not practical or economical to watch a subject continuously to apply real time deliveries. Additionally, using multiple delivery patterns confuses the subject, causes the subject to believe they are always being watched, and maximizes behavioral change over time though continuous pressure.

The support of my new group of friends seemed to include similar vocabulary word. Certain words and phrases indicated their knowledge or involvement.

Scientific understanding and practical applications experience in the fields of psychology, hypnosis, and problem analysis are considered risks in the subject that may complicate or inhibit subsequent behavioral modification processes. Once the subject identifies the technology used it is nearly impossible to contain the potential security breach without terminating the subject.

So as I figured out their technology and reported it to the proper authorities, it required them to further manipulate law enforcement people, departments, and agencies into concealing their actions. Once again, all of them used the same approach which indicated direct involvement, or participation in the conspiracy. The more I documented in the Court and on this website, the more difficult it became for them to murder me.


1. REM Sleep Deprivation
A subject deprived from REM Sleep has multiple symptoms i.e. reduced protein synthesis, black circles around eyes, loss of short term memory, confusion, impulsiveness, anger, frustration, diminished self-esteem, increased suggestibility, reduced productivity, apathy, and depression. Long term REM Deprivation results in death.

The Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep is controlled and usually limited to one to two cycles per night resulting in micro-sleeps during the day. REM deprivation inhibits short-term memory, concentration, tactile abilities, verbal articulation, reasoning, and self will. Protein synthesis is inhibited and thereby reduces the subject’s ability to heal after physical damage or after periods of extensive exercise. The result is that the subject’s general health degrades as does social bonds and work/school performance.

Subjects typically complain of no sleep, restless sleep, waking up every hour on the hour, staying awake until the hour they have to get up, waking up an hour after they retire and not returning to sleep, and typically cannot recall any dreams. Additionally, they will complain of repeating torturing thoughts, racing thoughts, and facial itching and numbness. Daily fatigue, poor recall of names, and caffeine consumption is typical.

Dark rings’ surrounding the eyes is evident and the darkened area around the eyes can be reported as sore or tender by the subject. The subtle perceptual impairing effects of REM deprivation make it more difficult for the subject to identify the REM Deprivation problem.

I don’t have a temper. I also make sure I have all my facts and information gathered before I respond to anyone. I never respond to anything out of emotion or anger.

2. Transceivers (NSA):
Installation of electronic surveillance devices that collect and transmit encrypted audio, color video, and location coordinates collected at the subject site that in turn forward it to central operations.

While the devices were difficult to find, they were not difficult to detect. Once I had tangible evidence of their presence, it was not necessary to find the devices. I was not going to destroy my home and punch holes in the drywall to find their devices. The assumption that I had done so, was actually incorrectly alleged in court documents and provided further confirmation.

3. Shame Factor Enhancement:
Various suggestions are planted in the subject after a week or so long period of REM deprivation. The content of the suggestions is constructed to cause the subject to perform embarrassing and otherwise shameful acts (usually sexual but always anti-social). These shameful behaviors are used later to shame the person into a lower self esteem or reduced confidence in their own self discipline. These embarrassments provide a means to Blackmail or discredit the subject if detected and exposure is threatened by the subject.

If they were to present a video of me dancing around naked in my own home, they are only supporting my argument that they have me under surveillance.

The use of another law enforcement agency to document the behavioral discrepancy to retain anonymity, helping subjects avoid prosecution to gain loyalty, or creating an adversarial relationship between any party and the subject (another intimidation factor) – Further conceals their responsibility for creating the behavioral problem in the subject’s life.

The manipulation of the local police was an essential redirection, and the local police gladly obliged. Once manipulated they had to further excuse any crimes committed against me. Computer hacks, Cell phone hacks, Identity theft, car theft, burglary.

4. Paranoia:
Paranoia is a powerful tool. It provides a means to develop the subject’s distrust of other people including the subject’s primary group that could provide positive support during this time of distress in the subject’s life. Paranoia is often recognized and discounted as a character fault by most peoples in American society and therefore discredits the subject’s testimony even further. Uninformed, but well wishing people including friends, may recommend to the subject to pursue counseling.

It is illogical to think that seeing a counselor was going to prevent further ethical violations by a Judge. Unless the Judge was seeing the counselor.

This negative feedback can make the subject fear that people will believe the subject is crazy.

It was necessary to adopt the motto. The situation is crazy, not the man.

When the subject does seek professional counseling, the result will be a misdiagnosis with an expensive, inappropriate and ineffective treatment. The observed symptoms are not the result of biological, chemical, or environmental stresses.

The misdiagnosis strongly motivates the subject not to communicate their experiences to others to avoid social disgrace of a “schizophrenia” label and additional financial burden. This isolation of the subject and their reluctance to communicate their experience to others reduces exposure risk.

I was supposed to be embarrassed and humiliated. That was their intent. The disappearance of my children without a word was difficult. It was increasingly more humiliating as the court delayed and refused to hold preceedings. There was no explanation for their absence from my life, and from the extended family. I was forced to tell people that I had no explanation, and then see the suspicion staring back at me.

It is essential that the subject is prevented from sharing information with other subjects that have already experienced the program and thereby starting a pool of information that could be compiled and used to expose the system.

This reminds me of the night I broke through and found someone who had documented their noise on YouTube. I got an email out, but never heard back. At least she knew she was not alone.

The subject is led to believe that the subject’s neighbors, work associates and/or family are conspiring against the subject.

Further complicate the conspiracy delusion by having associates ask the subject a question or to make a comment that can be used to confirm the subjects fears. This technique further isolates the subject from trusting their peer groups, causes additional emotional distress and hostility toward these people. The distressed subject sometimes resorts to violent behavior, which is viewed by observers as irrational, unprovoked behavior that may be treated as criminal behavior by law enforcement personnel.

Where the Standard Process has not succeeded, it may become necessary to utilize the EXTREME PROCESS

This method is very severe and usually results in a two to five year program. Because of the severity of the suffering, the subject is frequenty permanently impaired for integration into normal mainstream life and is essentially institutionalized.

The result is that the subject must reside in a less competitive environment.

This program basically follows the following steps; REM deprivation, breakdown of self esteem and confidence, intense suffering, exaggerated conscience, spiritual contact, battle and recovery. Whenever possible these steps will be skipped to minimize security risk and financial cost.

5. Increasing Dependence on Drugs and Alcohol:
As the REM Deprivation increases the subject must depend on Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants to compensate for degradation of productivity at work, school, and in interpersonal relationships. This serves in several ways. Use of drugs (especially CNS stimulants) increases the subject’s index of suggestibility. The increased stress of coping with the drugs and alcohol serves to push the subject closer to an emotional breakdown.

If the subject uses illegal drugs, attempt to set the subject up for a conviction to assure that the subject looses credibility. Who would believe a drug user that claimed that he/she was being harassed by a government agency that was tormenting them? It also serves the program by documenting something that the subject will be ashamed of when the program reaches the exaggerated conscience stage.

Alcohol, sleeping pills and other medications also inhibit REM Stage sleep and increase irritability over time thereby further degrading and isolating the subject.

In summary, the subject responds to the REM Deprivation assault with self-medication. This response discredits the subject by labeling them in society as a drug user.

It enhances the effect and it gives the subject a reason for shame that will be used against the subject later.

It should be noted that the subject is not really guilty of anything, except being a victim that was manipulated in a carefully controlled scientific behavior modification process.

6. Poor Nutrition:
The poor nutrition reduces the energy the subject has and serves later as another justification for the situation.

7. Apathy:
After the subject’s self-esteem is broken down and continuing failure and persistent suffering start to dominate every day, the individual becomes apathetic as a defense mechanism. At this stage the subject has lost the ability to persevere which is later used on the subject later to increase a feeling of guilt.

8. Depression:
Depression precipitates as a result of chronic REM Sleep Deprivation, social isolation and a feeling of helplessness in the subject. Commonly, when the subject seeks professional counseling, they are misdiagnosed and treated for depression with medications but the root cause of the problem is not treated or corrected.

9. Insecurity:
The subject starts to experience severe insecurity in this stage. The insecurity is executed in several ways.
– Because of the impaired reasoning ability and emotional isolation, the subject is susceptible to the approaches of insincere people, which are used to emotionally hurt the subject more. This convinces the subject that people can’t be trusted. This serves to isolate the subject from supportive peer groups and makes the subject emotionally dependent on insincere people who gain more power in the subject’s life.

10. Journals and Diaries:
Most of the subjects are directed to keep a “Journal” or diary so that the subject can record and review feelings, events, observations that normally would be unavailable due to short term memory loss during extended periods of REM Deprivation. The Subject’s Journals can be used in a variety of ways.

11. Degrading Spelling and Grammatical Performance:
Subjects in these prolonged stages of REM deprivation, confusion, and emotional distress, have very poor grammar, spelling, and short attention spans.

12. Slowed Speech:
Subjects experience slower speech and require greater time articulating concise points as a result of the REM Deprivation and other performance degrading posthypnotic commands. Very slight alcohol consumption can exasperate the damage of REM Deprivation and precipitate slurred speech.

13. Confusion:
Confusion results from REM Sleep Deprivation and the emotional damage and stress that is being inflicted. The confusion continuously inflicts damage to the subject’s life without real-time observation. A confused person generally is not as productive as an organized clear thinker is and has a greater potential to offend people by what they say or do and is less likely to recognize when they have made mistakes. All of these symptoms assist in this stage and subsequent stages.

In addition, the confusion restricts the individual from analyzing the source of their suffering and taking corrective actions, and therefore reduces the exposure risk.

14. Poor Concentration:
Difficulty concentrating impairs the subject’s productivity and restrains the subject from making self-improvements and corrections in behavior. It makes it very difficult for the subject to do any research or reading to evaluate his/her condition. This paves the way to demonstrate that the subject cannot do anything on their own, thereby increasing the frustration and anxiety of the subject (inducing emotional breakdown) and ultimately making the subject totally dependant.

15. Loose Association and Personality Disorders:
The subject experiences disjointed thought at this stage (Loose Association) that appears to observers as a strange sense of humor or inappropriate responses when engaging in conversations. Ongoing sarcasm and other negative attitudes and undesirable personality traits can be present.

16. Anger:
The way that the subject experiences anger is of profound importance. If the subject redirects the increasing anger and hostilities toward another person in the form of violence (misplaced aggression), this will result in reinforcement of the violent behavior with posthypnotic commands.

Typically, the Subject misplaces the aggression to commit acts of violence with spouses, friends, or employers resulting in further social isolation and increased shame.

17. Delusions:
Delusions are used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for fear, intimidation and confusion. Delusions can be but are not limited to the Subject developing conspiracy theories.

18. Audio Hallucinations:
Subjects often report hearing walls clicking, footsteps in the house, the sound of someone trying to open the door, drilling at the door, etc. These audio hallucinations are also used to discredit the witness and also provide an additional source for paranoia, fear, and negative reinforcement.

21. Tinnitus (Ear Ringing):
Tinnitus is commonly reported by subjects being harassed and typically has no pharmacological or biochemical basis. It is often misdiagnosed as ringing caused by excessive aspirin use however it is caused by concealed devices.

22. Complete Quiet Silence:
Used to induce confusion, the subject has the tinnitus removed to indicate that he has survived/succeeded, reached a milestone towards beiong released, or reimplemented to remind the subject that there is no escape. After such long periods of ‘noise’ the subject becomes unsettled as he experiences the silence. Once he has adapted to that ‘loss’, the reintroduction of the noise has immediate and dramatic impact on the subjects state of mind.


Reverse engineering of the technology to prove it’s abuses is quite difficult. Even if you have a company sweep and clear your home, the devices can be deactivated (hidden) and re-activated or reintroduced later.

In my case I have succesfully and tangibly proven the devices, equipment, personnel and activities used against me and have documented it on this web site. It was not easy to survive. In hindsight, I sincerely would prefer not to have survived. It was hard enough what they were doing to me, but watching it destroy my extended family multiplied the emotional impact.

These psychological tactics were only one aspect of the terror I have experienced.

The intrusion/surveillance/remote control of computers and phones provided filtering and screening of ALL outside contact and prevented effective communication.

The extreme injustice, bias and fraud from a court initially manipulated to issuing a Secret Court Order, which was further used for extortion by the Plaintiff to guarantee impunity with regard to following ANY court order. The Plaintiff’s failure to follow ANY court order required additional litigation requesting the enforcement of the Court’s Orders.

The continuing exposure and litigation of the injustice, the bias, the fraud, the ex parte communications, the complete failure to uphold any ethical standard, or Judicial integrity resulted in malicious, retaliatory and vindictive issuance of Orders and Opinions by the court which further demonstrate the fraud, collusion and extreme abuse of power in seeking to further punish the victim for documenting the unethical and criminal actions of the Court.