
Level ONE Informants/Prostitutes

Level TWO Qualification/Compensation


Level FOUR

Level FIVE

Level SIX


Acting responsibly… I have noticed that many of the people whose names are either directly or indirectly referenced seem to have lowered their profile or disappeared removing themselves from “harms way” should anyone attempt to retaliate against them based on the information I am presenting. They know my story. They can corroborate it. They can expose it. They can be threatened to conceal their part in it. The choices they make are their own, as are mine.

My motivation is simple. I am trying to escape from the nightmare they participated in. Those who swore an oath to serve and protect have been manipulated and have FAILED. Those who were provided ‘relief’ based on their participation should be aware that I have no confidentiality agreement with any agency. I have NOT promised to keep this story confidential. I face no penalty for revealing the story.

Their ability to conceal the story is lessened and any actions they might take against me would only serve to reveal this story to an ever widening audience. The truth will out.

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