
The secret sale of my home was executed under the false belief that Sonya Healy had power of attorney to execute the documents.


The document which has been purported to indicate this permission clearly indicates that Sonya Healy does not have the authority to sign the documents on behalf of Terance Healy.

The document is intentionally not filed along with the deed but is referenced improperly as providing the requisite authority.

The failure of Sonya Healy to follow any court order has become an expectation, a de facto standard of every action which requires further litigation to attempt to enforce the order. Each attempt at enforcing a court order has been dismissed.

A typical experience of the last 5 years. Angst & Angst get an unfair order from a judge, which is then intentionally used to unfairly and improperly commit another action or involve additional people in their misdeeds.

When documented the impropriety which caused the initial unjust ruling is leveraged to provide impunity for the additional transgression. Their actions are excused. The affect on the Defendant of this constant injustice causing further injustice is evident. The victim of injustice survives only to face further injustice.

The issues involved are as follows:
1. The Divorce Decree is defective and void.
2. The Equitable Distribution Order issued with the Divorce Decree is void without a valid Divorce Decree.
3. The Power of Attorney issued as part of the void Equitable Distribution is void.
4. That purported Power of Attorney does not permit the execution of the sale documents on behalf of the Defendant.
5. The parties involved with Sonya Healy have acted with clear intent to commit fraud.

The intentional failure of Judge Carolyn Carluccio to resolve the defective issues, her further actions to prevent appeal of her intentionally defective order, while endorsing, enabling and encouraging the further activity by the Plaintiff to destroy the property of the Defendant demonstrates a bias, corruption and malice that defies definition. Her actions make her a party to the legal matter and unfit to adjudicate the case.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio’s refusal to recuse when these issues are called to the attention of the court demonstrate her willful intent to continue the injustice and her deliberate participation in the harassment and terror the Defendant has experienced under color of law.

There is no provision for the secrecy involved in the sale of the home.

The secrecy of their actions demonstrates their intentional fraud in the transaction.

The cooperation of the court in the conspiracy to conceal the transaction further demonstrates the involvement of the court with the intention to commit fraud.

The attempts of the defendant to learn of the activity relating to the sale are clearly documented with the parties involved, and additionally with petitions filed with the court.

The Order specifically orders the Defendant to participate in the transaction, yet the Defendant was denied any information.

All activity by the parties to prevent the Defendant from participation in the transaction are demonstrative of their intent to defraud.

The intentional, deliberate and excessive activity to prevent the Defendant from knowing anything about the sale of his home was indicative that a fraud was being committed.

The willingness to participate in the fraudulent sale of the home is documented.

It is remarkable that at every turn people have been manipulated into liability which causes their further involvement in the conspiracy. Every time I attempt to provide them an opportunity to avoid their manipulation into liability, they fail to respond and act in a responsible and professional way.

When they have acted with intent, I can’t feel sorry for their manipulation into the team working against me. The information on this web site is available to them and yet they STILL willingly participate in the fraud being committed.


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