
No one can obtain a fair trial in the court of Carolyn Carluccio.

In light of her actions and her clear intent to deny, prevent and obstruct any form of justice, Carolyn Carluccio has left herself open to further extortion by unscrupulous lawyers who know what she has done to me. Carolyn Carluccio is undeserving of the public trust.

I offer those persons similarly victimized in her courtroom the information necessary to attain her recusal by demonstrating her tactics. My permission is hereby granted to any party who has want to review the content of Docket #2007-12477 to review and copy and publish the content of the court docket.

Fraudulent manipulation of her schedule.

Intentionally issuing court orders which could not be followed.

Intentionally refusing to resolve issues in regard to her court orders.

Intentionally issuing defective court orders.

Intentionally acting to prevent escalation of legal matters to the Superior Court of PA.

Intentionally acting to aid in the commission of fraudulent conveyance of a title to property.

Intentionally acting to cause the destruction of property.

Intentionally acting to terrorize a party in response to extortion by an attorney.

Intentionally acting to conceal the corrupt, unethical and criminal actions of an attorney.

Intentionally acting to promote and encourage further acts of terror, violence and harassment against a party.

The list goes on and on… the evil she has promoted, concealed and conspired to encourage will hopefully be the actions which place her in a prison cell for at least as long as she has had me suffer. And if there is any justice in the world, everything she owns and loves should be removed from her while she watches alone and helplessly. For the injustice she has delivered upon her victims, she should be rewarded with justice and removed from the community which she has willfully and deliberately acted against.

I gladly provide the documentation necessary to any party who has need of escaping the evil which occurs in the corrupt courtroon of Carolyn Carluccio.

As I prepare the documents for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, The Disciplinary Board, and the Judicial Conduct Board, I provide this service to the general public to avail themselves of the documents in the DOCKET section of this web site. Good Luck with your case.

I fear Carolyn Carluccio will use her resources, the county resources and anything available to her to cause my murder. I fear for my life, because she was unsuccessful in causing my suicide.

Carolyn Carluccio has no place on a bench in judgement of others.