
Gerry Dougherty had previously indicated that Montgomery Township Police could do nothing on the matter of the computer intrusion and it should be escalated to the FBI.

Gerry revealed his knowledge of actual surveillance of my computer in August 2007. Instead of taking action on behalf of the victim who had previously reported the intrusion, Gerry acted to protect the perpetrator.

Gerry’s arrival on my doorstep in response to something typed on my computer revealed that he knew the party responsible for the surveillance programs on my computer.

Gerry showed my brother a picture of my computer screen. If the picture was the product of a criminal investigation that action is not permissable.

Upon describing the picture as a screen shot of my computer screen, my brother described the layout of the screen precisely. When my brother asked why I provided this picture to him, and he found out that I did not provide the picture. He then returned to the Police Department to obtain a copy of the picture and was denied.

Gerry improperly violated my rights and in an attempt to discredit and demoralize me, he proceeded to have me involuntarily committed at Montgomery County Emergency Services.

When the paperwork he submitted to justify his actions was deemed to be deficient cause to require involuntary commitment, he updated the paperwork indicating that I had intended to blow up the local mall.

There was never any further activity to investigate the reported computer intrusion. After taking this action to discredit, demoralize and humiliate me, The Montgomery Township Police never conducted any further action relating to the computer intrusion. The single exception being a meeting with Montgomery County Detectives which apparently resulted in their also ceasing any involvement in the investigation of the computer intrusion. The computer intrusion continued, and additionally high tech harassment had begun.

Montgomery Township Police would actively participate in permitting Sonya Healy to violate every court order without consequence.

Surveillance content had been provided to Judge Del Ricci on multiple occasions. The most evident occurance caused him to recuse after intentionally delaying and preventing any custody determination for years.

As the lawyers realized they could get away with ex parte contact, they were also enabled to fabricate whatever surveillance information they cared to exchange without consequence or confirmation.

As the judges acted on the information without due process or even verifying the information, their participation in further exchanges and actions was leveraged by their active ex parte participation and activities.

Ex Parte Contact is serious and should not be dismissed or disregarded. When permitted and further acted upon it destroys and leaves the judiciary obligated to continue the contact and prevent the contact from disclosure. I have documented the ex parte contact throughout the case. It has never been denied.

Judge Carluccio has deliberately prevented any hearing because the hearings will reveal the ex parte actions of the judiciary as documented on the Angst & Angst invoices.

When it all comes down, there are 2 reason for the excessive injustices in this case.
1. Illegal Electronic Surveillance.
2. Ex Parte Communications with ALL of the judges involved.

When I discovered that Sonya Healy was throwing out my possessions in violation of existing court orders, I went to Montgomery Township Police to report it in person. I expressly requested that any officer except Gerry Dougherty take the report.

Gerry Dougherty was sent to the lobby to inform me that they would take no action to stop her, that it was a civil issue and it would have to be resolved with the court.

I then asked why he was involved in determining that I had left the house on June 9th, and he indicated that it was the Sheriff’s Department that had requested the involvement of Montgomery Township Police. The not getting involved in a civil matter excuse was only provided to me. When the actions were against me, police were enthusiastically involved in the actions.

Sheriff Eileen Behr has refused to provide a report, or an order which indicated what necessitated her deputies to be involved. No one will indicate who requested the Sheriff’s involvement.

Whenever the answer is silence, it has been found to be associated with the illegal electronic surveillance. Once again, Gerry indirectly exposed the surveillance.

As the surveillance has been known to Sonya Healy as a perpetrator and co-conspirator, of course she would be permitted to be present with the deputies when they returned to my home to remove their surveillance equipment.

Sonya had initiated the surveillance and played the entire police department and county into furthering her illegal and harassing actions. It was her name on the deed that was utilized to allow access to the home. It was the continued activity to try to set me up in some crime which prolonged the divorce. The twisted contention that it was my fault that the divorce was delayed can only be based on the knowledge that had been unable to accomplish setting me up in a crime and continued to try.

There is no need necessity to not further disclose surveillance actions to the person who first disclosed it in order to prevent her prosecution. They played everyone.

And even while they were playing everyone and terrorizing and harassing me and anyone who supported me, they still committed fraud and other crimes with the knowledge that they would have to be protected based on their participation. They were right, the victim was further victimized at every action.

Sonya and her lawyers commit fraud to bring about further manipulations, because they have so much ex parte leverage that the judges are unable to perform their function with any appearance of fairness.


I have read two documents published by DOJ – Criminal Division relating to Electronic Surveillance issues.
Electronic Surveillance Issues
Electronic Surveillance Manual

When the information in those documents is applied to my situation, it offers an explanation of the inability of law enforcement to investigate and become involved.

The central points being that the product of electronic surveillance may not be disclosed outside of criminal proceedings.

In order to prevent prosecution and conceal a computer and phone surveillance intrusion by my wife at the direction of her lawyer, they intentionally selected and hired a private investigator associated with the county to assume their surveillance. Once proven and detected by myself, it was reported to local police, county detectives and FBI, however, the non-disclosure of electronic surveillance prevented law enforcement action on my behalf.

A consequence of the non-disclosure provisions, was the continued use of electronic surveillance with additional harassment tactics, which were further disclosed and used to manipulate the judiciary in what has become an unending series of crimes, frauds, injustices and complete denial of civil rights which pretend to be a part of a divorce case.

As a crime subsequent to the surveillance can be used as justification, I believe there have been numerous failed attempts to effect that result.

Once this inability of law enforcement to take any action was established, those involved continued the electronic surveillance activity with malicious intent knowing the target would have no available remedy, ability to prevent, or any recourse through law enforcement channels.

I understand there is no way for any level of law enforcement to become involved in a resolution without the dislosure of electronic surveillance. Until there is some permission to disclose the electronic surveillance activity, I will continue to be further victimized by those initially responsible as they work to prevent their actions from being prosecuted.

I have been victimized by these actions since 2007. I have survived and continue to persevere. I respectfully request your involvement and offer my full cooperation and support to provide any informaiton which you may need to proceed with the investigation with the hope of a resolution which will permit me to once again enjoy a life free of constant attacks and litigation.

It should also be noted that there is no effective way to communicate with me that will not disclose your involvement and activity as there is continued surveillance of computer and telephone communications. I believe this has permitted those involved to circumvent and prevent lawful actions to investigate and resolve the matter.

With that knowledge and understanding I request a discussion begin with regard to resolving the issues which I have presented. The crimes against me continue to occur and further involve additional persons manipulated into actions against me, there will be no end to the injustice until those responsible are held accountable and prosecuted accordingly.

Terance Healy


The secret sale of my home was executed under the false belief that Sonya Healy had power of attorney to execute the documents.


The document which has been purported to indicate this permission clearly indicates that Sonya Healy does not have the authority to sign the documents on behalf of Terance Healy.

The document is intentionally not filed along with the deed but is referenced improperly as providing the requisite authority.

The failure of Sonya Healy to follow any court order has become an expectation, a de facto standard of every action which requires further litigation to attempt to enforce the order. Each attempt at enforcing a court order has been dismissed.

A typical experience of the last 5 years. Angst & Angst get an unfair order from a judge, which is then intentionally used to unfairly and improperly commit another action or involve additional people in their misdeeds.

When documented the impropriety which caused the initial unjust ruling is leveraged to provide impunity for the additional transgression. Their actions are excused. The affect on the Defendant of this constant injustice causing further injustice is evident. The victim of injustice survives only to face further injustice.

The issues involved are as follows:
1. The Divorce Decree is defective and void.
2. The Equitable Distribution Order issued with the Divorce Decree is void without a valid Divorce Decree.
3. The Power of Attorney issued as part of the void Equitable Distribution is void.
4. That purported Power of Attorney does not permit the execution of the sale documents on behalf of the Defendant.
5. The parties involved with Sonya Healy have acted with clear intent to commit fraud.

The intentional failure of Judge Carolyn Carluccio to resolve the defective issues, her further actions to prevent appeal of her intentionally defective order, while endorsing, enabling and encouraging the further activity by the Plaintiff to destroy the property of the Defendant demonstrates a bias, corruption and malice that defies definition. Her actions make her a party to the legal matter and unfit to adjudicate the case.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio’s refusal to recuse when these issues are called to the attention of the court demonstrate her willful intent to continue the injustice and her deliberate participation in the harassment and terror the Defendant has experienced under color of law.

There is no provision for the secrecy involved in the sale of the home.

The secrecy of their actions demonstrates their intentional fraud in the transaction.

The cooperation of the court in the conspiracy to conceal the transaction further demonstrates the involvement of the court with the intention to commit fraud.

The attempts of the defendant to learn of the activity relating to the sale are clearly documented with the parties involved, and additionally with petitions filed with the court.

The Order specifically orders the Defendant to participate in the transaction, yet the Defendant was denied any information.

All activity by the parties to prevent the Defendant from participation in the transaction are demonstrative of their intent to defraud.

The intentional, deliberate and excessive activity to prevent the Defendant from knowing anything about the sale of his home was indicative that a fraud was being committed.

The willingness to participate in the fraudulent sale of the home is documented.

It is remarkable that at every turn people have been manipulated into liability which causes their further involvement in the conspiracy. Every time I attempt to provide them an opportunity to avoid their manipulation into liability, they fail to respond and act in a responsible and professional way.

When they have acted with intent, I can’t feel sorry for their manipulation into the team working against me. The information on this web site is available to them and yet they STILL willingly participate in the fraud being committed.



The Department of Justice – Criminal Division publishes a document available under the Freedom Of Information Act which is titled Electronic Surveillance Issues. The document additionally has a companion document titled Electronic Surveillance Manual. Reading these documents clearly exposes the issue of why there has been no resolution of any issue in this case.

There is one focal point where an action occurred which caused the case to become unresolvable.

From that point all activity which occurred was intended to either prevent resolution, or manipulate additional people and organizations into liability and further deny resolution.

Constant ex parte contact with the judiciary prevented justice, delayed or denied justice, and corrupted the course of each proceeding. It is from this intentional and corrupt ex parte contact with the judiciary that Sonya Healy acquired impunity to violate every court order and agreement, and additionally be excused when violating the law.

The ex parte contact which occurred between the judges assigned the case and involved the direct actions of Valerie Angst and Rhonda Daniele, Montgomery County Detectives and Montgomery Township Police.

The laws regarding the disclosure of surveillance product, whether legally or illegally obtained, prevent disclosure to anyone within law enforcement, or outside of law enforcement, without proper procedure being followed. The seriousness with which these policies are followed is clearly documented in the Electronic Surveillance Issues document.

From what I have been able to determine, there is only one way to avoid actions for a failure to follow the appropriate procedures in any surveillance matter. The arrest of the target immediately makes all previous surveillance product allowable and acceptable. I suppose it could be said that the end justifies the means.

With that result in mind, the parties involved set about to suggest, enable or cause me to be arrested for a crime which would excuse their years of surveillance. They failed.

Those same parties continued their ex parte communications with the judiciary which delayed and prevented any resolution in the divorce. Their use of Sonya Healy as a named person on the deed to permit the surveillance of the home was just another aspect of their case.

It is this aspect which caused the judiciary to be of the constant expressed and seriously flawed assertion that Terance Healy was preventing the divorce from proceeding, if only because he had not been committing any crime, let alone a crime which would have permitted such invasive surveillance as had been brought about by and with the active participation of the judiciary.

Ex Parte communication is serious activity which affects court proceedings. The affect of ex parte communications in this case has been documented, and the affects have been clearly demonstrated. The ex parte communications has resulted in the complete perversion and prevention of justice in any matter and has further caused the complete denial of life, and liberty, while proceeding with judicial intent to terrorize Terance Healy; to deny him freedom to enjoy life and liberty; and with an overwhelming determination to deny him justice and equal protection of the law.

The incompetence and fraud of Angst & Angst is clearly documented. It is through their incompetence that the litigation continues, and their fraud exposes all of their petitions into question. It is a result of their incompetence that the judiciary must make frequent and obvious actions which expose the clearly intentional action to deny due process. Their incompetent and fraudulent actions serves to expose the judiciary to further actions on the record and with each unjust action brings a liability and inability to explain.

As the top of this web site states. Every person in a position to help has acted improperly in direct violation of procedures and the law preventing the resolution of any matter… they each make the situation worse… NO ONE HELPS. No one can help.

No one is permitted to present the product of surveillance outside of a criminal proceeding.

Even if I had been tricked into some crime, that crime would have had to justify the need for such extensive surveillance. I have not committed any crime. Anything they were doing would clearly expose and confirm my allegations of intrusive surveillance for the last 5 years. Even after all this time and experience with the extreme corruption of the entire judicial process, I still think perhaps the law and peoples rights may be applicable in other courtrooms.

When any level of law enforcement investigated and discovered that surveillance product had been presented and discussed and acted upon improperly outside of a criminal proceeding, they could not report that to me because they would then be committing the same act. The impossibility of resolution.

On the outside it would appear they were just protecting their friends in law enforcement and the judiciary. In fact, they were following the actions necessary when dealing with electronic surveillance. These issues are documented in the Electronic Surveillance Issues document from the Department Of Justice.

The Department of Justice will need to become involved to unravel the mess which has been created from the surveillance.

The Courts will need to address the crimes being committed under color of law.

The document Electronic Surveillance Issues is the key, The Department Of Justice is the door to resolution.