
I was ordered to vacate the home on June 9, 2011. I did so even though the Court Order was defective and invalid.

On June 10, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim except that I was coerced and forced to endorse checks from Liberty Mutual during hearings on July 18, 2011, and September 23, 2011.

I requested the reason for the claim and the information has not been provided.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

On June 22, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim except that I was coerced and forced to endorse checks from Liberty Mutual during hearings on July 18, 2011, and September 23, 2011.

I requested the reason for the claim and the information has not been provided.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

On August 14, 2011, Liberty Mutual received an insurance claim which indicates the insured is me, the claimant is me, and the payment was made to me. I know nothing about this claim. I found out about this claim when I received a check for payment.

I believe the claim to be fraudulent.

I have contacted Liberty Mutual to investigate the claims. As I was forced to endorse the checks under duress without any explanation for the claims, I accept no responsibility for the claims or for the information provided to Liberty Mutual.

A reminder to Liberty Mutual. The last claim was when Sonya Healy broke into, vandalised and burglarized the home. Additionally, she poisoned the dog causing it’s death six months later.

Numerous petitions submitted to the court with such clear legal errors to ensure that Sonya Healy could sue her attorney for malpractice. Her attorney is highly skilled at delaying tactics and preventing resolution of any matter… and getting paid off after exhausting and costing insurance companies excessive legal fees.


Terance Healy

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