
Valerie Angst is fearless in the Courtroom. She could commit any crime or ethical violation in the middle of a proceeding and it will be excused. The sign of a true sociopath.

On September 23, 2011, the hearing was in regard to sanctions against me. They requested $3000 in sanctions.

Judge Carluccio awarded them over $13,000 in sanctions.

What would make the amount of sanctions escalate by more than $10,000 dollars?

During testimony Valerie Angst refused to show the Defendant the invoice for her services which were the basis for the sanction.

This makes the invoice an ex parte document as it was only shared between one party and the judge.

In a hearing, that is considered a procedural violation. It is also an ethical violation.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio endorsed the behavior. This is a compound ethical violation on the Judge’s part. The judge should have prevented the Lawyer from the ethical violation. She didn’t.
The judge should have admonished the Lawyer’s action. She didn’t.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio, the President of the Montgomery County Bar Association, knows that when such a breach occurs, it warrants disciplinary action against the lawyer. It can be assumed that didn’t happen. Valerie had the judge in her control and was able to leverage anything she wanted.

When the Defendant pointed out the ex parte action taking place in court, on the record, in front of everyone, the judge had a responsibility to address and correct the violation. She didn’t.

Judge Carluccio endorsed a inappropriate ex parte testimony in her courtroom.

Now, why would she do that? And why would she grant them an additional $10,000 in sanctions.

Bear in mind, the sanction was also inappropriate, as it was in regard to a Motion for Reconsideration which the judge did not hear. As usual, the issue takes a back seat to the corruption.

It would seem that once again, Valerie Angst has included her unethical ex parte actions and communications on her invoice. This time billing for her ex parte communications with Judge Carluccio. Showing the invoice to Judge Carluccio, DURING THE HEARING, ensured that Judge Carluccio would not allow me to see the document. NO WAY would she permit me a copy. Giving me a glance at the document would only expose the ex parte violations.

Judge Carluccio got played, in her own courtroom, during a hearing. The extortion happened in full view of everyone in the room. And Valerie Angst was awarded over $10,000 for her misbehavior.

There is a reason that ex parte communication is taken seriously by the judiciary. It corrupts. It has corrupted the judges who have heard this case.

I don’t even believe that Judge Carluccio gained a portion of the money she ordered for sanctions. There was alot more evil efforts by Judge Carluccio going on on September 23, 2011.


Valerie Angst has played this game before. She did it to Judge Bertin. Judge Bertin ordered sanctions – and it’s the basis of one of the hearings that Judge Carluccio refuses to hold. She won’t hold that hearing because it reveals the inappropriate ex parte actions of Judge Bertin. The Petition on that matter details what happened clearly.

On their invoice for the sanctions Angst & Angst included the ex parte communications with Judge Bertin. When submitted as an exhibit, Judge Bertin recused.

The circumstances around the granting of sanctions demonstrated Judge Bertin being manipulated by Robert Angst.


Robert Angst played the same game in May 2008 with Judge DelRicci. That time extorting Judge DelRicci to maintain the secrecy of the Order issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele in August 2007. That document was not found until August 2010, 3 years later. It corrupted and manipulated every hearing in the case.

Counter Petition for Sanctions Docket#2007-12477-318
Filed 07/14/2011
Document Title: Answer/Response by Plaintiff Sonya Healy to Defendant’s Emergency Petition for Injunction to Stay/Vacate the Order of May 9, 2011 for Lack of Jurisdiction
Order of July 18, 2011 Docket#2007-12477-320
– Scheduled for a protracted hearing on September 23, 2011 from 10:30 am until noon.

Counter Petition for Sanctions Docket#2007-12477-319
Filed 07/14/2011
Docket Title: Answer/Response by Plaintiff Sonya Healy to Defendant’s Emergency Petition for Injunction to Stay/Vacate the Order of May 9, 2011
Order of July 18, 2011 Docket#2007-12477-320
– Scheduled for a protracted hearing on September 23, 2011 from 10:30 am until noon.
Order of September 6, 2011 Docket #2007-12477-343
– Scheduled for September 23, 2011 at 10:30 AM in Courtroom 11

It is totally appropriate and within the Rules of Appellate Procedure to submit a Petition for Reconsideration.

Rule 1701 provides for this. As the Reconsideration was denied without a hearing, the Appeal proceeds forward. Judge Carluccio is preventing that from happening.

Sanctions for following the Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of Appellate Procedure are not appropriate.
Especially when pointing out a defective court order. Judge Carluccio issued the defective order intentionally… planning to prevent any Appeal. She has a reputation for this type of thing. (If I was wrong, and the order was not defective, why go to so much effort to prevent the Superior Court from denying the Appeal and ending everything. Hmmm?)

The Trial Courts actions are documented and specified, and seem to encourage the Trial Court taking the responsible action of hearing the issues in their Court

This has not been permitted.

As such, Sanctions are not appropriate, and seeking them further demonstrates the vexatious and litigious nature of the Plaintiff’s attorney.

The Defendant is following the proccdures and the law and forced to expect justice in a corrupted court.

This posting is part of a multi-part exposure of all of the corruption which was revealed on September 23, 2011.
Next Part… Judge Carluccio continued the hearing so they could have closing on your home (based on her defective order) AND WE DIDN’T TELL YOU though we’ve known since July…

and then …AND We threw away all of your possessions because Judge Carluccio said we could.

and then … The Real Estate folks fell for Valerie’s “keep it a secret from him” instructions. Are their professional licenses in jeopardy? Oh yes they are…

and then… How many people does it take for a socipathic lawyer to continue her perversion of justice?

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