
** UPDATE 10/20/2011: Sheriff Eileen Behr called this morning and indicated she would be in touch later today with the information. I have asked her to also investigate the larger issue of corruption in the judiciary and their use of county resources to harass and terrorize me since 2007. **

** UPDATE 10/20/2011: Sheriff Behr did NOT contact me later in the day today with the requested information. Disappointing. Perhaps what she found confirmed what I told her about the conspiracy and cover-up… and how it compromised the drug task force. **

** UPDATE 10/26/2011: Sheriff Behr has still not contacted me with the information requested. According to the newspaper, she spent time on Monday with the DA Risa Ferman, and Police Chief Brady in Montgomery Township. I am concluding that she has been advised to prevent me from obtaining the information as it will directly involve the judiciary, the police and the drug task force in the actions since 2007. **

I am still awaiting a return call from the County Sheriff regarding why her deputies were at my home on June 9, 2011.

I expect it will reveal further ex parte activity. It will reveal even more when the true purpose of their involvement is explained.

Sheriff Behr is running for re-election, perhaps that is why she hasn’t returned my call.

There is not one person in the Sheriff’s Department who can answer the question. I have contacted them and gotten the run around from phone to phone. I don’t intend to waste their time when they can;t provide me the document. I did speak to one person who indicated that he was at my home.

And maybe this explains why Judge Carluccio denied my petition requesting the document without holding any hearing. The conspiracy and corruption are beginning to consume every faux proceeding. Judge Carolyn Carluccio is determined to prevent and pervert justice and terrorize the victim.


When the lawyer and the judge planned to destroy me, they used the tools available to them

When I discovered their computer intrusion, they had me involuntarily committed for no reason using fraudulent documents.

The judge was on the board at the psych ward. They manipulated the County Psych Hospital into their conspiracy.

They used the local police officer on the Drug task force to do this. The officer was now part of the conspiracy. The drug task force was now part of the conspiracy.

The FBI never responded to my requests for investigation of the computer intrusion, involving them in the conspiracy. No need for them to investigate, the County Drug Task Force was doing the surveillance through a private investigator.

The Custody master was next up, the judge had issued a secret order taking my children away. The custody master kept the secret and acted on their manipulation.

Another judge was up next, he fell quickly, talking about things in the first 15 minutes that there was no way he would have any information about. He’d been breifed. He’d been manipulated. He would buy in and cause the terror to continue. He would also recuse just before I filed the request for his recusal because the drug task force was using their surveillance and had provided a 25 page document to him detailing his corruption.

The AntiVirus software company would also get manipulated into causing my identity theft. Strange, that when I an being accused of causing my wife’s identity theft, I have my credit cards compromised all over Asia. No one investigated.

Interim judge adds to the threat and violates civil rights, parental rights, legal rights and the Hague convention. All manipulated by the corrupt lawyer and the judge at the head of the family court division.

Next Judge was compromised almost immediately, but it wasn’t until I got the bill for his ex parte communications that he recused himself.

Next judge was so disrespectful and rude, he recused within a month.

next judge was determined to deny every right, every law, every petition. She had not a shred of humanity. She committed so many crimes in the few times I was bwefore her, there is not enough time to document everything she did.

She did everything wrong. She did everything in violation of law and procedures. She is doing everything possible to prevent resolution of any issue. She has caused my homelessness by her defective order. She has to conceal that, because she allowed them to sell my home under her defectifve order. Another of her orders allowed them to throw out all of my possessions.

In her courtroom, i was forced to endorse a check which guarantees I will never see any money from the sale of my home. That also keeps me from getting any money which might permit me to proceed with the Appeal she is blocking. She has lied on the bench about her actions in preventing the Appeal.

I am dealing with an evil that is beyond imagination. The actions of a sociopathic lawyer and her friend the head of family court. they have used their resources and the county resources and the resources of state and Federal law enforcement. And They still couldn’t set me up and arrest me.

Their actions are revealed. As a result they destroy me further.

I have no choice but to survive and try to get justice. It is not easy. It is a nightmare. Every mionute of every hour of every day for the last 5 years and the future. Because they will not stop until I am dead. They have compromised the law enforcement techniques of the county and the drug task force as their off the record paramilitary force.

For surviving, and figuring out what they were doing to me, and are doing to me , and will continue to do to me, everything I have ever loved and enjoyed has been stolen from me.

And that is the absolute truth. If it were not true, they would have had this web site taken down a long long time ago.

HELP STOP THEM! Contact someone to prosecute them. They will murder me.


As humans, we are horrified when we learn that a person in distress is not helped, even when, as in this case, many potential helpers are present. Our horror increases if the person is victimized in a particularly vicious or careless way by fellow human beings.

Our horror is further heightened when we learn that the victim is helpless and the kind of person who normally stimulates our instinct to aid and protect.

Our spontaneous reaction is to say: “Had I been there, I would have helped; what is wrong with these people?” If an incident occurs in a foreign country or culture, it is easy — maybe tempting, as we grapple with something so baffling — to conclude that the particular culture is to blame, that it is being callous, uncaring or egotistical.

No one has helped me or stepped forward to prosecute the crimes against me.


Every day the feeling gets stronger. They are going to murder me to silence me, silence this web site and avoid prosecution.

They have not been able to cause my suicide, so they will likely attempt to make it appear a suicide. I assure you, I’m not capable of suicide.

My life has never felt more threatened.

I live in fear.

Spoke to PA Attorney General’s office.
Spoke to Judicial Conduct Board.
Spoke to FBI.
Spoke to US DOJ.

PA Attorney General is the cheif law enforcement officer in the state with responsibility to investigate public corruption.

The Judicial Conduct Board has no prosecutorial powers, and directed me to contact the Attorney General. Their investigations have been less than thorough… because if they were, this might have ended 4 judges ago after the first report.

FBI is responsible for investigating the crimes and turning iot over to the US Attorney’s office for prosecution. The investigation is complete. Read this web site. The information is all here.