

SONYA HEALY : 2007-12477
v. :

RESUBMISSION: Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis

1. Defendant hereby resubmit’s the foregoing PETITION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS.

2. The petition had originally filed on August 15, 2011 and docketed as #2770-12477-329.

3. The Court has neglected to schedule any hearing, or take any action on the petition.

4. The petition had been filed concurrently with the following:
Notice Of Appeal (#2007-12477-326)
Certificate of Service (#2007-12477-327)
Certificate of Service (#2007-12477-328)
Request for Transcripts (#2007-12477-330)

5. The intentional delay in the Court scheduling the matter is preventing the Appeal from proceeding forward to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

6. The intentional delay in the scheduling of the matter is attempting to cause the impression that the documents have not been filed in a timely manner.

7. The Court, and specifically Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with malicious intent to delay the Appeal from moving forward.

8. The Appeal is based on a clearly defective order which is malicious and cruel.

9. That Order was issued by Judge Carolyn Carluccio for the purpose of destroying the Defendant financially and emotionally, ordering the Defendant to be homeless while ordering him responsible for all expenses at the vacant home.

10. That Order was issued with the clear and direct intent of obstructing justice and intentionally delaying the resolution of numerous financial and health related petitions which Judge Carluccio has inappropriately disposed of without hearing or consideration.

11. That Order was issued with the clear and direct intent of preventing the exposure of the unethical and criminal actions of the courthouse staff and the prior judges assigned to this matter.

12. Judge Carluccio in her actions and orders have caused the Defendant to have no other alternative except to seek to proceed In Forma Pauperis.

13. Judge Carluccio has intentionally failed to schedule the matter in a timely manner. It has been over 30 days since the original submission making it necessary to refile the Petition causing the Defendant further financial and emotional hardship.

13. Judge Carluccio in her failure to respond in a timely basis to this petition is seeking to avoid further exposure of her malice by attempting to cause a procedural delay in the filing of a timely Appeal.

14. Judge Carluccio has caused the Defendant’s financial situation to be as it is by her failure to act ethically, lawfully, responsibly and humanely.

WHEREAS, The Defendant respectfully resubmit’s the foregoing Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis.

I verify that the statements made in this document are true and correct. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the Penalties of P.A. C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.

Date Terance Healy
Pro Se

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