
Valerie Angst and Rhonde Lee Daniele

Motivation: Valerie Angst told her client to commit a federal crime. She would be disbarred and face charges.

Motivation: Rhonda Lee Daniele issued a Court Order and had it kept a secret. Why? The Order was written by Valerie Angst. The order destroyed a family and denied a father any contact with his children. THEY DIDN’T TELL HIM, so he continued to pursue custody not knowing there was a libelous and slanderous order issued against him. No one was going to tell him about this secret order, so he would have no opportunity to refute it or even address it. Rhonda Daniele is the Head of the Family Court Division of the Montgomery County Court Of Common Pleas.

Judge Rhonda Daniele has influence over the judges working in the Family Court division.
Judge Rhonda Daniele has served on the Board, or in some other capacity, at Montgomery County Emergency Services.

Ever since Judge Bertin recused after the discovery of the JUDGE DANIELE’S SECRET ORDER, the entire judiciary in the county shoudl have recused themselves. BUT IF THEY DID, that would be an admission of impropriety.

Instead they met with their insurance company – and used this web site as a resource during that meeting (site statistics show this meeting) – and apparently came to the decision to continue to harass and destroy me.

Considering that THE ENTIRE MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS was ordered by THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA to recuse because one of the new judges was mentioned in a lawsuit started prior to her election to the bench because there would be an appearance of bias. It would have been appropriate for the judges to recuse from the case when the actions of Judge daniele were exposed in August 2010.

That secret order manipulated every hearing and enabled the judiciary to be extorted into granting impunity to Sonya Healy to violate every court order, every procedure, every law.

They should have recused, but they couldn’t because it would then confirm their involvement. I can’t call it bias, because the indications are the volume of ex parte communications going on between the Angsts and the judges was constant.

Judge Carluccio cancelled the hearings because it would reveal the corruption of the judiciary… the illegal actions of the courthouse personnel deleting records… the direct involvement of the Private Investigator… and the County Drug Task Force attempts to set me up. The question remains: Is the Montgomery County Drug Task Force the paramilitary arm of the Court of Common Pleas.

Think back to August 2007, when Officer Dougherty, of the canine unit – drug sniffing dog – improperly had me involuntarily committed (to MCES) while purporting to investigate my report of computer surveillance. He never investigated the computer surveillance after that day.

The drug task force contracts out some of their work to private investigators who can get away with things because the police won’t prosecute them, or the judges will excuse them.

So Judge Rhonda Daniele would know how to advise an attorney to cover up her misdeeds. Judge Daniele issued other secret orders which were not distributed. Each intended to cause financial damage or land me in jail. Each time, I discovered the situation and their plots fell through. Judge’s can issue orders/warrants for surveillance, phone taps, etc… hmmm.

Valerie Angst clerked at the County Court of Common Pleas.

Of course it is not a surprise that they would know each other.
But were both new to the courthouse at the same time?
Did Valerie Angst clerk for the newly elected Judge Rhonda Daniele?

When I asked that question around the courthouse, the head of security found me and introduced himself. After that, certain documents at the courthouse became INTERNAL USE ONLY.

In the courtroom, the Defendant and the Plaintiff are the parties who are there to argue. Yet, in my case, the judge has been providing more arguments than the attorney. Their crime and cover-up got out of control.

Everyone involved in the cover-up has watched what they do to me – including my children. They know the wrath of revealing the corruption. They know they could reveal it secretly. They know they would be destroyed. They have seen others destroyed. I’ve read about the people destroyed because they disagreed with Judge Rhonda Daniele.

Two people at the center of every aspect of this story. Valerie Angst and Rhonda Lee Daniele. People with the power to manipulate and corrupt and intimidate and DESTROY.

I have never even met Rhonda Daniele. Never even seen her. Her only motivation is to protect Valerie Angst, MCES, the County, and the others from being affected because of their crimes against me.

I am one man. Terrorized and harassed since 2007. Every day I survive to be further victimized. For so many people to act against me, and for so many spectators to stand by and not do anything, their crimes must be extreme. And once revealed, there may well be others – who may not have survived these tactics. I’m sure I am not the first. And I won;t be the last unless someone does something to prosecute.


I was unable to access publicly available reports on contributors to the election campaigns of judges.
Then someone sent me the reports for Judge Carluccio’s campaign.

I really didn’t put alot of effort into it, but out of curiosity, I did review the reports.

And then a name jumped from the report… Would you believe there is a name from my story in among the contributors?

Someone who had been a good friend of mine since 1988. My wife hated her.
This friend had recommended Valerie Angst TO ME emailing me that “she is a barracuda”.
This friend who when she heard my wife had hired Valerie, apologetically said, “Oh Terance, I am so sorry.” Never explained. And then never returned a phone call.
I always had the feeling that she was not returning calls because she didn’t want to slip up and reveal something she knew.
This friend who I spoke to one day (January 2008) and in conversation she revealed something that only the surveillance software would have indicated.
This friend who never called again.

Not sure what it reveals… friendship between 3 women… Interesting to see this connection.

This friend had always said, “just call my name and I’ll be there.” She wasn’t.