
Only one response was mean-spirited. As that person cc’d everyone in the distribution, plenty of people responded to the nastiness in his email. The following is posted with the permission of Dr. Les Sachs who authored the FAQ on Corruption:

August 2, 2011
Dear Terance,

Well, you are certainly having a common experience of victims of the system. – I understand the emotions, and how you must have felt getting that rough-toned note from one person, which you then posted on your site.

From my view, emotions of a legal-system victim are understandable, and almost none of us are very good at presenting the particular crimes that happened to us, in a well-organised and clear way.

We have too much trauma over the events, and the trauma is not ‘past’ when the consequences of the injustice are still mauling our lives.

We’re only people, not super-human.

My angle thus has been a different one – My thought has been to try to help explain why one doesn’t get help, why others are generally too afraid to help us, why the resources aren’t there, and why the organisations and institutions which are supposed to be helping us, generally don’t, or just offer a meagre solidarity with many other victims, who are usually as near-helpless as ourselves.

What ‘help’ exists, is usually not what we hope for or expect, usually not help that will fix things for us personally, or not even make things much better – but there is some value in understanding things more, and connecting a little with other victims of the system.

With that we can sometimes figure out a little strategy to optimise a horrible, near-hopeless, and near-impossible situation.

For me that involved getting out of America alive, but I realise for others such an escape is not realistically possible either.

So my view is that, as victims of the system, we are all allowed to forgive ourselves for bouts of emotional ‘imperfection’ in our presentations and our pleas for help.

There is some comfort just from advancing in understanding of what happened to us, and from finding out how many millions of other victims there are and connecting with some of them.

At the same time, it is also quite true that we have to face some of that raw fact, that the help sometimes is not there, and indeed may never be there, for us as individuals …

Innocents are murdered and no one saves them, and the next innocent to die may be you or me.

Yet – in our own circumstances – while we live and breathe, we can hope and pray for a new route of action, however small, and take an opportunity when it seems to be there. In times of hopelessness God sometimes offers hope, miraculously. So it is still our task to be open to that hope.

God does not ask the impossible. So we can indulge ourselves, forgive ourselves.

But God does ask us to try, to hang on, for the good we yet might yet do for others, as best we can, within our human powers, with what strength we have. But no more than that, we are each only human.

Ironically, we may not quite save ourselves, though we may each play some role in helping prepare for the better world, when the old system finally collapses, and new, better ways take their place. That is another way our sacrifices and sufferings have meaning, in what Jail4Judges for example tried to do in this last decade.

Sorry that I don’t have anything more concrete, but I did want to send along a gentler word on this important topic … I fully understand what a life or death issue it can be. There may be ‘no help’, but God does hear you cry out in anguish.

With all good wishes
and God bless you


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

August 3, 2011
Dear Terance,

Thanks for the note … sad to hear about the request for twenty-five bucks from a legal system victim who is just trying to keep body and soul together.

Following the economic pages – about which I am no expert – but there are a lot of people increasingly thinking the US system is really not far from collapsing, 24 months or so, from economic forces alone.

What would happen after that, is even more unclear. But if a more open dictatorship, that would create a greater solidarity with now really many tens of millions realising they are all victims.

Or if America breaks up into pieces etc., the new order might be very, very different.

In the 1940s, after Nazis were kicked out of the countries they occupied, there was often a not-recorded ‘day of the axe’ when local people simply went after many of the major bad guys, the ‘collaborators’. They were often beaten to death by their victims and it was simply and quickly done, with little said about it afterwards.

What I wonder about a post-collapse USA, if these lawyer-judge vermin will try to re-assert themselves as the bureaucrats of the ‘new’ governments, or whether they would indeed be crushed as they deserved, by something like the People’s Committees of Public Safety … I wonder in that way if the American culture can be ‘de-Nazified’ out of these criminal courtroom schemers, after the several decades in which people have gotten overly-used to the culture of legalistic oppression and manipulation.

Many people say the current system can’t continue for very long, it is not years now, it is a ticking clock countable in months perhaps.

And a new way of living may be born. May God make it so.

Once again, good luck and best wishes,


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

August 2, 2011
From: Terance Healy
To: Dr Les Sachs
Subject: Re: On ‘no one helping’, the common experience re judicial corruption

Thank you – again for your insight and experience.
My single goal in my reply was to not call him an asshole. He wanted $25 to post my story on his web site. Opportunist? or Liar? whatever, i have been through plenty of his type. He falls into the Handler category.

His response, which included multiple levels of govt, media and nice folks… turned up the truth of my situation.

Your FAQ is experiencing quite a regular amount of activity with readers at my web site. While no one wants to believe it, the truth is there for them to deny.

I still have some hope.

August 5, 2011
Dear Terance,

So sorry the brutal tactics are continuing against you. They have their ‘dirty playbook’ which they follow ruthlessly.

Yes, indeed feel free to publish what I wrote, including the e-mail address and links. Sometimes when people write to me, it’s a few days as I sort through a volume of mail I get, but I certainly am glad to connect with good people and the many wounded victims when I can.

After Google gets a major EU fine for blocking my websites, and my freedoms to communicate are restored, I hope I can reach many more people again.

May God keep you safe from the monsters and murderers.

With best wishes,


Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs – Political refugee from US in Europe – Writer on US legal and media corruption – target of US threats of assassination & hate crimes – my journalism sites blocked on the US-based internet search engines, especially by criminal Googl. Inc

Author, ‘Americans Murdering Their Judges’, ‘America’s Corrupt Legal System’, ‘Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation’, ‘FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption’

Legal actions underway in Europe regarding the crimes to suppress me and my work – See this European Union report about me, published by pro-dissident Jewish activists:

—– Original Message —–
From: Terance Healy
Sent: 08/04/11 03:04 AM
To: Dr Les Sachs
Subject: Re: On ‘no one helping’, the common experience re judicial corruption

I’d like your permission to post your response to the web site. I would not post your email address unless you specifically indicate that is ok. If you refer I can remove other identifying info.

Tonight, I’m dealing with revelations of more dirty tricks were played this week. The evil I am forced to deal with is overwhelming and destructive. And anytime I point it out, I get threatened with being locked up in a psych ward. They have found the weakest person in my safety net and are exploiting him against me.

Please let me know if it is OK to post,
Thank you,

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