
SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — A longtime northeastern Pennsylvania judge was ordered to spend nearly three decades in prison for his role in a massive juvenile justice bribery scandal that prompted the state’s high court to toss thousands of convictions.

By David Kidwell, AP (Read the story here)


I met you only this week… Today, you again extended your kindness and hospitality. Thank You.
It touched my soul and made my day easier to get through.


The law is clear on the statute of limitations for the filing of a Motion to Vacate Divorce Decree.

A motion must be filed within 30 days of the decree being entered if no fraud or defects are being claimed; if there has been intrinsic fraud, extrinsic fraud, lack of jurisdiction or a fatal defect on the face of the record the Motion to Vacate Divorce Decree must be filed within 5 years of the Divorce Decree being entered.
23 Pa. C.S. 3332, 42 Pa. C.S. 5505, Egan v. Egan, 2000 Pa. Super 261, Hassick v Hassick, 695 A.2d 851 (1997 Pa. Super).


After hearing what you have done this week, how do you expect me to ever trust you again?

You failed me. You were unsuccessful in carrying out ‘that’ plan because it was the wrong thing to do. You were acting against me, for all the wrong reasons. You were basing your information on the lies of an ‘unleveled’ person who was acting irrationally.

It did hinder me more. It put me out on the street. It slowed progress but did not stop anything.

I didn’t turn to the drug dealers for help. Sorry. Is that where you were pushing me? Didn’t happen.

I have my self respect. I’ve done nothing to sneak around behind anyone’s back. I have not tried to trick anyone. Yet, you did go behind my back with a known liar, and then you lie about it.

So Mom, how do you ever expect me to trust you again? You did re-affirm a lifetime of experiences.

(And if my sister wishes to know how I might reply to her text message last night, she should read her callous replies from our last txt msg exchange… and realize everything she wrote me was wrong. They were doing what I said, now weren’t they?)

“The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason.” – Marya Mannes (1904 – 1990) American writer.

“Believe me I know what you’re going through because I’ve been through it SEVERAL times. I had a daughter to care for while it was happening. I didn’t tell all of my family about it, some I didn’t tell at all because I knew how they’d react.”

“Mentally and emotionally, I had to let them go.”

“I knew I had to keep myself together. I wasn’t going to let anyone make me unhappy, like that–it’s taken me awhile to learn from the whole thing. In fact, that is I believe the whole point of going through it, how to take negative things and make them positive, while not becoming negative yourself in the process.”

“In the end, it’s not about THEM, it’s about you.”

“You can’t be a warrior for justice, when you’re full of hate and anger against the individuals; these feelings must be transformed so that they can do good, where needed to destroy the system these individuals have created. Sure, that means making the individuals accountable but in a correct way (e.g. sending them to prison, instead of torturing them).”

“Sun Tzu said, “All war is about deception.” They have deceived us into believing in their court system and that they “decide” matters of justice. They don’t have the power to do that, you do.”

“You have to be your own savior, there is no other.”



Another in the series of how my uninvolved sister-in-law, Chris, has become involved and is now having her husband act to make my life even more difficult. John’s repeated interruptions have resulted in my no longer feeling safe at my mother’s house. I am now on the street, hopping an internet connection where I can, walking in the rain, and the heat.

i….A sister-in-law isn’t involved, until she is caught.
iii..The Most Involved “uninvolved sister-in-law”
iv…My brother sells me out – He knew it was wrong, but his wife made him do it.

On Sunday, just as I was ready to assemble the appeal paperwork, the complaint to the Judicial Conduct Board, the letter to the Attorney General, etc… My brother arrives.

John pushed through the door and begins telling me that he is taking me to the hospital. This is because I am angry with HIM for HIS actions documented in the prior parts of this ‘story’.

I inform him that is not going to happen. He proceeds to follow me outside, back inside, and around the house. there is no getting away from him. He has decided to taunt me into an argument, then call the police if I get upset with his taunts. I’m not having any of this. I gather the files I need to get most of the paperwork accomplished into two tote bags. I grab the laptop and leave.

John follows.

I go down the street towards the church. John follows.

As I cross the church parking lot, I see he is still following. I dial 9-1-1.

John still follows.

The police meet me as I get to the highway. I explain that i am trying to get away from John and not get involved in any argument or otherwise. He is attempting to cause an argument with the intent being to have me locked up.

Things working against John:
He arrived to start the argument.
He is not living at my mother’s house.
He does not need to be there.
His motivation is questionable.
He has followed me across the neighborhood and out to the highway.
I am trying to get away from him. He is pursuing me.
Things had been quiet at the house before he got there.
He had arrived and caused trouble on Saturday also.
He had arrived and caused trouble on Friday also. (secretly delivering boxes)
He has no reason to be there, or to be involved in any part of my Sunday morning.
He’s not himself. Seems out of it. Acting irrationally.

I could have had him arrested. I didn’t.
I am still considering pressing charges.

John’s actions have caused me to be homeless, living on the streets, walking in the rain, passing the remainder of the day with soaking wet feet, begging internet connections where I can find them,…

I’m fighting for my life here. They seem determined to prevent the Appeal from being filed, to prevent me from contacting law enforcement, from exposing the crimes. I’ve always believed that John’s wife, Chris, was WAY MORE INVOLVED than she ever admitted.

She may have been able to make a Stepford robot out of John and get him to act inappropriately and do things which will make the court situiation more chaotic. But, I assure you, I’m having none of it.

I’m fighting for my life – to survive and to stay alive. And if you decide to get involved, better make sure you pick the side that is telling the truth. My truth is way more powerful than the lies and corruption. I’ve survived this long based on the truth. And they have not killed me yet.


FYI, I sent the following to PA Governor Tom Corbett’s office on August 9, 2011.
If someone could please follow up for me I would appreciate it.

PA Governor’s Office GovernorsOffice2@state.pa.us
PA Attorney General Info@attorneygeneral.gov

The more I pull things together – the more they tear me down.
The facts are clear. The situation is clear. It is long past time for someone to get involved.

Collateral info is linked on the web and available from the court Docket #2007-12477


SONYA HEALY : #2007-12477
v. :

COMPLAINT: Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio

DEFENDANT makes the following complaints and requests an immediate investigation of Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, judge, for the following unlawful, unethical and unconstitutional actions made under color of law; and hereby offers the following exhibits and statements to support his complaint and allegations.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has been made aware of the extreme injustice suffered by the Defendant during the duration of the above referenced case as documented in his Response and Counter Petition.

Defendant’s Response and CounterPetition for Emergency Hearing on March 9, 2011

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with clear and undeniable intent to prevent further exposure of the corruption of the prior judges assigned to the above referenced case.

Response to Ex Parte Letter from Agnst & Angst to Judge Carluccio

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has in multiple situations and on multiple occasions intentionally acted to obstructed justice and deny the Defendant his rights to due process in an effort to prevent exposure of the extreme injustice which has been brought upon the Defendant in this case.

Motion for the Production of Document

Motion for the Production of Documents

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has further acted in violation of State and Federal Law and the Constitution of the United Stated to violate the Constitutional rights of the Defendant.




Judge Carolyn Carluccio has repeatedly denied the Defendant’s multiple requests for hearings regarding enforcement of existing Court Orders relating to financial and health concerns continuing the inexplicable impunity granted to the Plaintiff in this matter.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has intentionally acted to ignore Petitions filed with the Court by ruling without reading the petition, reviewing the facts of the allegations, or conducting any hearing where testimony and evidence could be presented by the parties.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has directly acted with extreme malice and determined intent to deny the Defendant any ability to live on a daily basis – ordering him to be homeless, while ordering him to be responsible for the mortgage and responsible for all household bills; greatly hindering his ability to present an appeal of her malicious and cruel order.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with such unethical behavior, corruption and with complete and absolute disregard for the Law, that the Defendant has been unable to retain legal counsel to represent him in his case.




EMERGENCY DENIED by Judge Carolyn Carluccio – to be scheduled in due course.

Hearing Scheduled for July 18, 2011

Transcript July 18, 2011



1. On June 6, 2011, Defendant filed a Petition Requesting Scheduling of Unresolved Claims. (COPY ATTACHED)

2. Defendant’s Petition to Schedule Unresolved Claim contains eleven (11) paragraphs each referring to a petition filed with the court since August 6, 2010.

3. On July 18, 2011, a short list conference was held with regard to the Defendant’s Petition to Schedule Unresolved Claims.

4. A Transcript of the short list conference was recorded by Amy Beth Boyer. (COPY ATTACHED)

5. The Judge began by indicating the issues to be addressed and includes the “Defendant Terance Healy’s Petition to Schedule Unresolved Claims filed on June 6, 2011.” (Transcript, Page 2, line 7-9).

6. The Judge indicated her reasons for the short list being “on the record”.

“Because I want to make sure that you hear everything that I say loud and clear, that you do not change my words or transpose them or say that I say and do things which I do not do. I’m doing this frankly, for my own protection, as well as each of yours.”
(Transcript, Page 3, line 12-17)
7. Judge Carluccio indicates she will first turn to the Defendant, as Petitioner. However, without allowing the Defendant to speak, Judge Carluccio instead turns to Valerie Angst to respond. (Transcript, page 3, line 21-25 through page 4, line 1).

8. Because the matter, and related issues, have NOT been presented, Valerie Angst, counsel for the Respondant, is unsure of the issue to which she should respond. (Transcript, page 4, line 3-4).

9. Valerie Angst proceeds to respond to issues which have not been presented to the Court.

10. Valerie Angst makes incorrect statements regarding the DEFENDANT’s Petition before the Court, addresses her own statement, and refutes her own statement. (Transcript, page 4, line 6-25 continues through page 5, line 1-5).

12. Judge Carluccio speculates regarding a Hearing occurring in March, and attributes false statements to the Defendant. (Transcript, page 5, line 6-16).

14. Judge Carluccio declares her Order as “actually a FINAL ORDER“. (Transcript, page 5, line 17-18).

15. Judge Carluccio then proceeds to offer unsolicited and inaccurate legal advice to the Defendant on
(a) how he has forfeited an opportunity to appeal her order and
(b) how she has no jurisdiction over the matter and
(c) how she can do nothing about that petition.
(Transcript, page 5, line 18 through page 6, 4).

16. The Defendant, the Petitioner in the matter, has not yet been permitted to present any testimony, exhibits or information with regard to his petition before the Court.

17. Judge Carluccio then decided to move on to the next matter. (Transcript, page 5, line 5-7)

18. The Defendant requested an opportunity to speak with regard to the petition before the Court moves on to the next issue.

“Excuse me, Your Honor. If I may speak with regard to the petition to vacate” (Transcript page 6, line 8-10)

19. Judge Carluccio then became uncertain and curiously disoriented with regard to which petition the Defendant wished to address. (Transcript, page 6, line 11- 23)

20. The Defendant addressed the timeliness of his Petition before the Court. (Transcript, page 6 line 24 – 25 through page 7, line 1)

21. The Defendant presented the inability of the Court to schedule the matter on a timely basis.

22. The Defendant presented that the matter was additionally filed as an Emergency Petition.

23. Judge Carluccio did NOT grant the Emergency and ordered the matter to be scheduled within due course. (COPY ATTACHED)

24. Three weeks later, the matter was finally scheduled before the Court for a short list conference on July 18, 2011.

25. Judge Carluccio begins a series of short self-refuting sentence fragments.

26. Judge Carluccio has not yet heard any testimony from the Defendant beyond the court’s delayed scheduling of the matter.

27. Judge Carluccio is having a personal discourse and is refuting arguments which have not yet been made, or presented or alleged.

“All right. All right. Let’s go back.
Okay, you raise a point that we can look at it, but I still can’t do anything today.
I can’t do anything today.
I have no jurisdiction over it.”
(Transcript, page 7, line 13-17 continuous statements )

28. Judge Carluccio proceeds on to address issues which are NOT part of the Petition to Schedule Unresolved Claims.

29. Judge Carluccio next inexplicably begins to address the Petition to Vacate the Order of May 9, 2011.

(continuing from previous quotes…
“And the other part, once a grounds decree is ordered, the divorce is granted.
I mean we went ahead with ED, the divorce is done.”
(Transcript, page 7, line 18-20)

30. The Defendant has still not yet been permitted to testify, address or raise any substantive issue presented in his PETITION TO SCHEDULE UNRESOLVED CLAIMS.

31. The Defendant has continued to be denied the opportunity to present the testimony and supporting information for this Petition, a scheduling petition in regards to eleven (11) petitions filed with the court since August 6, 2010.


32. The Exhibits relating to the failure to hold hearings on the eleven matters are clearly documented and included as an exhibit to this document. (SEE ATTACHED)

33. Judge Carluccio indicates that the Defendant is “not fully appreciating the rules that are in place here, and that’s what makes this difficult for me to explain to you why I can’t touch this.”
(Transcript, page 7, line 21-24)

34. The Defendant assures the judge that he “fully understands” what is going on in her courtroom. (Transcript, page 7, line 25 continues to page 8, line 1)

35. Judge Carluccio is experiencing difficulty explaining the ‘rules which are in place here” because she has failed to follow the Rule of Law, Procedure, Ethics or Decorum in her courtroom.

36. The Defendant understands the Judge’s difficulty in explaining why she “can’t touch this.”
(Transcript page 7, line 24)

37. The Defendant continues to attempt to raise a substantive issue with regard to a petition, citing Pennsylvania law, and indicating he is prepared to offer citations which were upheld on appeal on the substantive issue.

“…where the 3301 has not been filed properly, the Divorce Decree is invalid, therefore it invalidates any equitable distribution because it was never filed.” (Transcript, page 8, line 7-9)

38. Judge Carluccio interrupts the Defendant in his presentation of the substantive issues of the PETITION TO VACATE THE ORDER OF MAY 9, 2011 requesting evidence which had been provided as part of that petition as Exhibit A.

39. The Defendant addresses the document provided, and furthers that the praecipe specifically requested that no Divorce Decree be issued until there is a hearing on all unresolved claims.

40. Valerie Angst confirms that information. ‘That‘s correct.” (Transcript, page 8, line 20)

41. Judge Carluccio erroneously suggests that she held those hearings on March 29, 2011. (Transcript, page 9, line 3-4)

42. The Exhibits relating to the rescheduling of the matter by praecipe/email and never distributed to the parties are clearly documented and included as an exhibit to this document. (SEE ATTACHED)

RE #42


42. On January 10, 2011, during a short list proceeding, Judge Carolyn Carluccio issued an Order scheduling the protracted hearings to occur on June 1-2, 2011. (Docket# 2007-12477-282)

42. On March 10, 2011, Judge Carolyn Carluccio issued a Scheduling Order for a Hearing on Equitable Distribution.

43. Sometime prior to March 29, 2011, several praecipe/(emails) were transmitted to Court Administration rescheduling the hearings from June 1-2, 2011.
Praecipe# 92518

44. The rescheduling was never communicated to the parties by any phone call, memo, letter, Order or Scheduling Order.

42. On March 29, 2011, the court schedule erroneously indicated the wrong petitions to be heard.

43. The scheduling errors were immediately identified and brought to the court’s attention at the onset of March 29, 2011 proceeding.


Another in the series of how my sister-in-law, Christine Healy, has decided to be openly involved in the actions against me.

i….A sister-in-law isn’t involved, until she is caught.
iii..The Most Involved “uninvolved sister-in-law”

Tonight, my brother John quietly drove into my mothers driveway. Unloaded unidentified boxes. And left.

Now why would John be quietly delivering boxes? Yesterday, he was directed to return any boxes BECAUSE it placed me in a precarious legal position.

He was told to return the items his wife removed from my home. That was met with him shouting at me, and threatening a liable and slander lawsuit, and further threatening to have me locked up. (The threat to lock me up is the new flavor to undermine any sense of security or safety. It is already totally overused. It is the irrational response to anything done against my wishes. Frequently occurring after I have explicitly indicated the potential legal problems the situation may cause and documented those issues with the Court. The more I document, the more I get threatened – psych ward, jail, death threats, etc.)

I am guessing these new boxes are the boxes his wife, Chrissie, was collecting when she sent him to threaten me on Saturday July 23. Chris was busy packing for her vacation, so why was she loading my possessions – stolen from my home – into her car and garage. And why did she send her husband out of the way to get it done behind his back? And why did she do this on the morning after another inappropriate pickup of boxes caused more chaos and frustration.

BTW, the chaos is Angst & Angst intent. Judge Carluccio has joined them in their chaotic actions by not issuing clear orders. Judge Carluccio REFUSED to document her order clearly for the parties. Judge Carluccio indicated the Order was part of the record, BUT Judge Carluccio never read the Order into the record. Judge Carluccio intentionally was causing more chaos. judge Carluccio will then indicate I am stretching this case out longer than it needs to be. She is wrong, but she does not care to hear facts, or the truth in her courtroom. In all of the judges I have been before, Judge Carolyn Carluccio is so far the most careless and blatently biased of the court. Judge Carluccio never resolves any issue based on facts, law, hearings or precedents. She never resolves any issues. Read the transcript for an example of her intentional ineptness in action.

John was told to return the boxes when he arrived with them the other night. As there is no order issued by the Court allowing me to have the items, it places me in a sticky situation. Sonya and the Angsts’s will lie about the contents of the boxes, the contents of the cars, the contents of the house. That will generate the usual chaos. Now they have two more excuses for items taken from the house. That THEY caused the items to be removed is inconsequential.

The Angst legal tactic of never telling a single complete truthful statement requires a considerable amount of energy to document. When you move into the courtroom environment where a very biased judge refuses to permit me to speak in complete sentences, or even complete sentence fragments, without interrupting. Well, the chaos they throw never permits resolution of anything. See the transcript of the last hearing for examples of the above – bias, interruptions, fraud, and chaos.

John was directed to return my items to my house. My house is about a mile from his house. Instead, John drove 6 miles to Warrington to sneak into my mother’s driveway and drop off boxes. I found them after he was gone.

My possessions are supposed to be secured in my house, which I am paying for while not permitted to live there. Just because Sonya can violate EVERY court order with impunity, does not mean that I will be permitted to participate in her violations escape a contempt charge.

So I have to document when my brother won’t listen to the legal situation and acts based on what his wife makes him do. His wife, Chris, has ‘not been involved’ and has ‘not spoken to Sonya’ in a long time. I’m sure that’s the truth, because they are long overdue for a truthful statement. Right!?

BTW, another of the tidbits that John delivered to me one day was the phone number for the phone Sonya used to speak to Chris one evening. John knew Chris was talking to Sonya. He checked the phone number on the cell phone. John wrote the number down and on his wqay to work the next morning called me to drop the info off and do a search.

The number wasn’t Sonya’s because Sonya was using a throw away phone. The throw away phone had been purchased near Alexandria, Virginia (where Sonya’s Sister lives – and I recall it was purchased in a PX where Sonya’s sister shops) Now why would Sonya be going to all the trouble to hide her phone calls by using disposable phones? She’s been hiding her phones since her January 2007 meeting with Angst & Angst. I had received most of her phone bills in the discovery process over the years. She never called her lawyer in those years. Strange, eh?

That time she couldn’t resist the first call on the phone – calling my son Colin. Yes, Sonya told my son Colin she was planning the divorce 5 months before I found out. She didn’t put my kids in the middle of her divorce. She forced them to protect her secrets, and that required no contact with their father or his family.

There is no equitable distribution when you expose the corruption and conspiracy of the prior judges and the chief judge of family court. The court’s revenge for the victim indicating the crimes against him is to punish the victim for noticing. And they have. And I am certain they are not done yet. They haven’t killed me yet.

Judge Carluccio wanted so much to be the judge to destroy me that she started with an appetizer of ethics violations in December 2010, cleansed her palate in February 2011 with speedy scheduling of an emergency hearing – interrupted when she discovered I was able to respond and counterpetition. But, for her main course, she benihana’d her schedule secretly cancelling hearings, rescheduling them for another day, march 29, 2011 (BUT SHE NEVER NOTIFIED THE PARTIES – she did it by email/praecipe to court admin.).

BUT,on March 29, 2011, the schedule game was exposed. Judge Carluccio then had to rescheduled them publicly on on an Order for May 5, 2011. Not to be out maneuvered, she then dismissed ‘all’ of the proceedings because INSTEAD OF THE HEARINGS YOU HAD PREPARED FOR 4 times already, she denied your due process right for a hearing. Judge Carluccio could not permit you to be ‘heard’ in her courtroom because you would expose the corruption of the prior judges on the record. Not in her courtroom you wouldn’t.

Instead, Judge Carluccio violated PA Law and instead conducted an extensive review of the docket with seriously flawed results. Understandable because while doing so she did not have the folder approaching 300+ documents checked out from the prothonotary. When this was pointed out, the folder’s sign-out sheet was no longer part of the public record.

When Judge Carluccio ‘accidentally’ forgot to cancel one of the renamed hearings, she then cancelled it when it was revealed that I was aware it had not been cancelled. Judge Carluccio cancelled it without notifying me, SO when I showed up for the scheduled hearing, she alerted security saying I had no business at the courthouse. When I showed the 7 deputies the scheduling order, they wondered why the judge sent them after me.

For the record, the Judge left one retitled hearing on the calendar. NOW, IF I DID NOT SHOW UP, they could say I did not appear and cancel anything they wanted. And Valerie Angst further sent the Judge an ex parte letter about the proceeding remaining on the schedule. Valerie could pretend she was under the impression there was a hearing too. That all fell apart when I showed up for the hearing, and was handed the cancellation order. A serious discourtesy to not have been notified of the cancellation the afternoon prior when the judge ORDERED the hearing cancelled. On Tuesday, when reviewing the docket with Court Administration, Judge Carluccio refused to put the Cancellation in writing two days prior to the hearing.

Judge Carluccio is breaking the law in her official capacity as a Judge, under color of law. Perhaps she thinks this is just another day at the office, BUT IT IS MY LIFE SHE IS PLAYING WITH AND IT IS THE ONLY LIFE I GET. These are not the actions of a judge to be respected, they are the actions of a sociopath, a conspirator and a fraud.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is not fit to be a judge in this county. She has no respect for the law or the people who come before her expecting justice.


Each day for the last 6 years I have been under threat of further attacks. There is nothing I can do to prevent them. There is no safe place.

The ironic part of the new threats is the goal is to lock ME up for the things other people are doing… And get this. I have asked them NOT to do anything. They have been hiding their involvement from me. No matter what anyone does, for me or against me, by Order or in violation of Orders, by request or contrary to my direction, I am at risk. I get threatened.

It’s not paranoia when they are actually doing things behind your back. Well, it is paranoia, but just not the imaginary kind.

Police have lied to me; and in violation of law and procedures had me involuntarily committed. I still suffer nightmares from the day that was done to me. I still recall dropping to the floor when they did that to me. August 8, 2007. Police refused to provide any police reports for the events of that day. Years later, they issued ones which still failed to indicate why I was removed from my home and locked away for 4 days. There were no charges, no allegations and no explanations. And the paperwork has other flaws to it as well. On August 8, 2007, the conspiracy began.

Judge Rhonda Daniele issued a Secret Court Order in August 2007 which effectively undermined every petition filed with the Court. That petition destroyed my family and was hidden until August 2010. Everything I tried to do within the judicial system was tainted by the necessity to protect Judge Rhonda Daniele’s injustice. I have never seen Judge Rhonda Daniele. I have read of her ruthlessness, and the actions she takes against anyone who challenges her. If you have a lawyer, she will destroy them if they fight for you or themselves.

There’s only one way to get a Court Order enforced. You must take the issue back into Court, and the Judge orders the party to comply, or be fined or punished, or jailed for contempt.

Judge Rhonda Daniele never enforced my wife or her attorneys to comply with any court order. Though her other secret orders arose a few times, cleaning out my mothers bank account, trying to railroad me into a jail cell based on other secret orders. Those secret activities were discovered and thwarted before I got snagged in their emotional attack.

It was noted by someone that Judge Daniele was elected at about the same time Valerie Angst began her clerkship at Montgomery County Courthouse.

Judge Daniele had also held a position at MCES. The psych ward the police threw me in when I reported the illegal computer surveillance.

Judge Rhonda Daniele never intended for me to find her Court Orders. When i did, there was no way that her orders were going to be turned back on my wife and enforced. Judge Rhonda Daniele’s Orders were intended to hurt me, to destroy me, to ruin me financially, and they were used for that purpose. But enforcing the items against my wife, well, that was not the intent of the orders. Your wife knew that, because she had a copy and knew what it said, and she was not doing anything she was ordered to do on the document.

Judge Thomsas DelRicci delayed any custody hearings for years based on a Petition regarding marital property. There was numerous requests for discovery, and continuances. In Pennsylvania, you are not permitted to petition for children and property together. Children are not property. Judge Del Ricci still delayed the hearings from December 2007 when filed until June 2009 when he mysteriously recused himself after not scheduling anything on the case for 3 months. During the pending time I was not permitted any time with my son. There was no explanation.

Judge DelRicci also threw me in jail after rescheduling a hearing 8 times and changing the purpose of the conference into a contempt hearing without notice. Judge DelRicci also rewarded my wife for burglarizing and vandalizing my home and poisoning my dog.

Judge Thomas DelRicci never enforced my wife and her attorneys to comply with any court order.

Judge Emanuel Bertin put all of his orders in writing. Even the one where he ORDERED me to split a couterpetition from a Response. Doing so resulted 6 months later in the issue being ‘not cognizable’ and dismissed with me to pay their fees. When they billed for fees, Angst & Angst included the fees for their unethical ex parte communication with Judge Bertin.

Judge Emanuel Bertin never enforced my wife and her attorneyrs to comply with any court order.

When I found the Secret Order from 2007 issued by Judge Rhonda Daniele, I had the prothonotary staff docket the newly discovered item. Judge Bertin then recused without explanation.

On the docket were left enforcement petitions relating to finances and health issues, Judge Carolyn Carluccio quickly misrepresented hearings, issues secret scheduling documents which were not distributed, lied about her extensive review of the docket, refused to reconsider when the ‘error’ was called to her attention, threw me out of my home, and has acted with extreme malice in refusing to resolve any issue. The transcript fro the last hearing resolves NOTHING. Judge Carluccio knew she was talking in so many directions that she refused to issue her orders in writing when requested. As such, her verbal orders could not be executed by the deadline given because the transcript was unavailable – AND that prior order would result in my being incarcerated (by mistake).

Judge Carluccio has refused to recuse herself even after her corruption was called to her attention. She responded in malice and spite at the my exposing the extreme injustices I have suffered before this Court. Judge Carluccio ORDERED me to be homeless, while I owned an unoccupied house I may not live in, while responsible for the $2600 mortgage,
while responsible for all of the bills associated with the house, while not permitted any access or say in what happens at the house, while my wife vandalizes the home which she abandoned in May 2007, and removes any marital assets from the house. She has no fear of enforcement of Court Orders.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is especially determined because at the same time she knew what she was doing to me was wrong, corrupt, illegal, unethical, she refused to permit me any opportunity for a fair and impartial and unbiased judge in this case. She forced me to return to her court and expect justice – and prevented any alternative – while she attacked my spirit, my home, my only safety and sanctuary. She tore my home apart with malice and intent. She wanted to punish the one who survived the injustice and presented it in her courtroom.

The Judges of the Montgomery County Court of Common Please are NOT all as corrupt as the above named. However, those judges named here would cause anyone who has witnessed their corruption conspiracy and injustice to doubt the entire judicial system.

The Corruption I have experienced has brought down the entire system on top of me. I have experienced the most biased and corrupt individuals in their corrupt network.

After 6 years, I have my self respect. I never threatened anyone. I never hurt anyone. I was never aggressive. I never harassed anyone. I trusted professionals to do their job. I trusted the courts to provide justice. They have stolen everything I ever had in life, everything I ever dreamed, everything I ever believed in, and they did it in full view of a frightened world who would do nothing to assist me.

My 6 year battle with evil. I never had a choice not to fight back. When I did they destroyed me further until they had annihilated everything. They continue with the emotional harassment manipulating everyone. They won’t stop until I am dead but are too exposed to act. I won’t oblige them with the suicide they continue to try to evoke.

In August 2007, I realized it was life or death stakes. My Death or their Prosecution were the only exits.
The boxes, discs and piles of evidence are secured, I’ve been waiting for the prosecution to begin for 6 years… waiting for justice. It’s not about divorce… it’s about covering up lawyers advising their client to commit a crime and the lengths that those lawyers will go to cover up their illegal actions.


I’ve been unjustly criminalized, povertized and had my health taken too…
They won’t get my spirit and death is a relief to me.
I know where I’m going in the afterlife, it is their souls I fear for.
– D. Barclay