
Delaying Tactics by Valerie Angst. LIE. These types of letters written by Valerie are so full of fraud and lies, you can’t address them all in any response. Of course it was the initial unethical ex parte letter that got Judge Carluccio into a bind in December 2010. The President of the local bar association was more interested in protecting her lawyers, than ethics, procedures or the law. Once manipulated, it was simply a matter of time until the Angsts exposed the Judge yet again.

THE LIARS WIN AGAIN. Just got notice that the hearing was removed from the schedule. No one even checked with me beforehand.

Valerie Angst gets away with misrepresenting every issue, continuing every proceeding. She does it while violating procedure, law and ethics and does so with so affects.


I AM SO TIRED OF BATTLING LIARS< AND CHEATS AND FRAUDS AND CORRUPT JUDGES. I have to follow every procedure and rule to the letter. It seems no one else does.

August 15, 2011
Master Bruce Goldenberg
Office of the Equitable Distribution Master
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404

Dear Master Goldenberg,

As you are aware I represent Sonya Healy with regard to the above=referenced matter. On July 18, 2011, The Honorable Judge Carluccio issued an order which stated that the parties would exchange certain items of personal property, and all remaining outstanding petition wound be moot. I have attached a copy of the order for your review.

In light of the prior Order, I feel the binding Arbitration matter scheduled for Septembet 8, 2011 is moot at this time. Furthermore, a Hearing for sanctions is scheduled on this matter before Judge Carluccio for September 23, 2011, at which time the personla property can be addressed and she can order binding Arbitration again at that time if she feels it is still needed.

As such, I am asking that you remove the Arbitration set for September 8, 2011 at 1:30 from the calendar until further notice.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please advise if the matter will be removed from the calendar.

Very Truly Yours
Angst & Angst, PC
By: Valerie Rosenbluth Angst, Esquire

August 17, 2011
Master Bruce Goldenberg
Office of the Equitable Distribution Master
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404

Re: HEALY v. HEALY #2007-12477

Master Goldenberg,

Please disregard the letter written by Valerie Angst. The misinformation is intended to cause further chaos and delays as she has caused since the inception of this matter in 2007.

First, Mrs. Angst has in no way attempted to contact me before writing to you with this misinformation. Mrs. Angst has never attempted to work anything out prior to involving the court. After 5 years of these tactics, I am not surprised that she continues to operate in bad faith. It is remarkable that she is excused from procedural and ethical standards.

You may recall that Mrs. Angst requested the arbitration session immediately upon receiving the Judge’s Order in May 2011. This was done without making any effort to attempt to divide the marital possessions. I have been evicted and denied any access to my home and my possessions for the last several months. I have spent several weeks living on the street. The actions of Mrs. Angst have been financially devastating to my extended family.

Mrs. Angst’s goal is to never resolve any matter, or follow any court order – the inexplicable impunity to ignore ALL court orders remains unexplained.

In the meantime, since June9, the marital property is being dissipated by Sonya Healy in violation of multiple court orders. I have had no access or method to prevent this from occurring. The complete impunity granted to my wife makes it exhausting to petition the court for any relief, and yet, there is no where else that one can turn to enforce the Court Orders except to an unhearing court.

On July 18, 2011, Judge Carluccio issued a verbal order which could not be executed without having the transcript from the hearing. This was brought to the Judge’s attention during the conference and on the record. It was ignored. Without a written order, the prior order could have been used to have me arrested for going to my home. A Petition was filed with the Court on July 22, 2011, requesting the Order be reviewed/rescheduled. That too has been ignored.

It is worth noting that on July 18th, we were not scheduled before Judge Carluccio to discuss property. We were there to discuss the defective order which was issued by Judge Carluccio on May 9, 2011. We were also there to discuss the list of over nine unresolved petitions before the Court which have been ignored. On July 18, the defects in the order and extrinsic fraud were further demonstrated by Judge Carluccio. Judge Carluccio has continued her policy of ignoring any real issues brought before her court and entertaining the undocumented statements and false allegations by Mrs. Angst.

Judge Carluccio’s determination that ‘all remaining petitions are moot’ does not affect her existing Orders. Additionally, the Hearing scheduled for September 23, 2011 is not in regard to property issues. As such, the Court Order should be followed unless and until another Order cancels it, or replaces it.

I am requesting that you maintain the September 8, 2011 date on your schedule.

Thank You,

Terance Healy

July 21, 2011
Master Bruce Goldenberg
Office of the Equitable Distribution Master
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, Pa 19404

Re: Healy v Healy
Docket# 2007-12477

Master Goldenberg,

The attached letter was sent to you by opposing counsel, Angst & Angst, prior to any attempt by the Plaintiff to contact me with regard to assets. The plaintiff intentions have been clear that they did not wish to attempt any distribution of assets without Court involvement.

I have been awaiting your scheduling of the matter while being forced to be homeless, and prevented from any access to the home to retrieve personal property, even property which is NOT marital in nature.

I would appreciate your scheduling the matter at your earliest convenience.


Terance Healy

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