
Interesting to note that the News Of The World scandal in the UK involves a Private Investigator who was able to protect his clients, influence law enforcement to inaction, and avoid prosecution through corruption and blackmail while commiting thousands of illegal technology intrusions for years.

by YM Ousley
Amid investigations into charges of hired detectives hacking into the phones and voicemails of everyone from the British Royal Family to a murdered teenage girl and families of dead British troops, Rupert Murdoch’s UK news rag News of the World (and we use the word “news” lightly) will be shuttered after this weekend.

While illegal, British tabloids are rumored to have spied on celebrities for years, but the breaking point came recently when the Guardian reported that journalists from the News of the World not only broke into a missing teenage girl’s phone, but deleted voicemails from concerned family members to make room for more. The girl, Milly Dowler, was later found murdered, but family members kept their hopes up when they assumed that she was checking her voicemail.

That unleashed the floodgates, and there are now questions surrounding hacking into the phone accounts of family members related to dead British servicemen, as well as a host of celebrities.

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