
Whatever the excuse has been for the last 6 years, I have suffered the destruction of my life under color of law.

Judge Rhonda Daniele issued a secret court order against me in August 2007. From that day forward the courts have been manipulated into further injustice. There is no where else to turn, so I am forced to return to the court for justice, and foolishly expect it to change. There is no escape.

The case has been through 8 judges. Can anyone explain that? I have only ever asked 2 to recuse. One did, the other responded by denying any hearing or opportunity to testify and further order me to be homeless. An order issued out of fear that I might be provided the chance to testify to the corruption of the court which I documented in March.

That has been averted only because I spend most days crying at the despair and lack of hope. BECAUSE NO ONE HAS DONE ANYTHING TO HELP ME IN 6 YEARS.

I suffered alone… with spectators watching from the distance but not doing anything.

I am tired of people saying there is nothing they can do. I am not the first person to be destroyed in this manner, I have heard every excuse for not taking any action. I can’t believe that in the entire world, no one would help.

I pray you never find yourself in this type of situation. Living each day only to be further victimized. ALONE.

I have no choice. My death or their prosecution is the only exit. And they can continue to attack and destroy me the more I survive, the more victimized I become.

Please get involved. Demand an investigation. Save a man from destruction.

Google: Terroristic Divorce


Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio is either stupid, or so determined to disrespect the people who MUST appear in HER Courtroom that she acts as if she is experiencing the onset of Alzheimers.

After again reviewing the Transcript of last Monday’s Court Appearance, the thought of Carolyn Carluccio make me sick.

Her actions to persist in concealing, conspiring and covering up the injustice I have experienced over the last 5 years in the Montgomery County Courts is unconscienable. For her to hide behind the color of law to do it is criminal.

Doesn’t she give a damn that she is participating in the destruction of a human being?

I sit there persecuted and forced to expect justice from a judiciary so determined to conceal the manipulations of the judges of the court and the lawyers who manipulate the court.

What is wrong with these judges? Have they no realization of what they are doing? What kind of evil takes over a person to make them act with malice and in violation of procedures and the law to damage and destroy anyone?

Judge Carluccio will not be satisfied until I am dead.

I am forced to live in this constant environment with no hope of escape, and no help from anyone. I cry. I cry constantly. I did nothing to deserve this. This has been going on for the last 6 years, with no peace, no rest, no joy, no life. AND NO HELP.

Judge Carluccio is corrupt. She should resign.