
An interesting quote from a public figure in a newspaper article can be very indicative sometimes.

“The one I think I’m most proud of and I think I’ve worked hardest for is my work with the Montgomery County Bar Association,” she said. “I truly believe in helping advance the cause of lawyers … having them use their incredible talents to reach out to the community.” Ambler Gazette December 14, 2009

The Times Herald – January 15, 2011
Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio is Montgomery County’s first active judge to serve as President of the Montgomery County Bar Association.

Sunday April 12, 2009 The Times Herald
Carluccio, another rising star in the Republican Party, is the county’s Chief Deputy Solicitor and Interim Director of Human Resources. She also was “highly recommended” for the bench.

A native of West Norriton, Carluccio was the first woman Chief Public Defender in the county and worked as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware from 1989 until 1997, according to her Web site, carolynforjudge.com.

In the Solicitor’s Office, she supervises contract negotiations, real estate transactions, employment disputes, farmland and open space.

She earned her undergraduate degree at Dickinson College and a law degree at Widener University School Of Law.

Her experience as a federal prosecutor, which gave her an opportunity to investigate and try a wide variety of civil and criminal cases, was invaluable.

Her casework included health care fraud, bankruptcies and civil rights matters.

“I did everything,” Carluccio said.

“We took the cases from the investigation through appeals,” she said. “Sometimes it lasted for years.”

Having worked as a prosecutor, Carluccio was chided when she took a job with the Public Defender in 2000.

“I got teased for trading in my white hat,” Carluccio said; she continued that many people have the wrong idea about public defenders.

“People think you’re just trying to get criminals off,” she said. “But you’re trying to make sure that what a defendant pleads guilty to is only what the evidence supports.”

This experienced professional who has held numerous positions relating to legal documents was confused when I mentioned the Docket in Court the Other day.

from the Transcript
MR. HEALY: I’ll give you the date and time on the docket. One second, please. Docket Reference No. 2077-12477-291.
THE COURT: I don’t know what that means. What are you referring to?
MR. HEALY: That is the reference, as far as the prothonotary file.

The Docket was the what you referred to when you cancelled my hearings to prevent the testimony of the corruption I have experienced over the last 5 years.

The Docket you referred to may have been imaginary because you didn;t even have the case file checked out at the time.

The Docket contains over 300 entries, that she knows. No matter that she THINKS they are ALL my petitions. Is she being stupid again?

A Docket contains the petition (1), the certificate of service (2), the response (3), the certificate of service for the response (4), the Short List Scheduling Order (5), The Protracted Hearing Scheduling Order (6), the resultant Order after there has been a hearing (7). Add in the Continuances that Angst & Angst ask for on EVERY matter and the resulting rescheduling Order (8). That brings the docket’s 300+ entries down to under 50 matters roughly in 5 years. Then consider the extra things like transcripts there’s been about a dozen of those. And then the Notices – JCB Complaints and Exhibits, there’s probably about 20 of those.

The Docket was what you had indicated you had extensively reviewed in coming to your incorrect determination.
An extensive review of the docket would reveal I filed one new matter in 5 years. Custody. Everything else was enforcement issues. I cannot enforce the court’s orders. It is the Court’s responsibility to enforce it’s orders. Even though it has become quite clear that the court has no intention of enforcing Sonya Healy to comply with ANY Court Order, I still have no other alternative but to request the Court act to enforce it’s orders. OR Alternatively, The Court can explain WHY THE COURT HAS NOT ENFORCED THE PLAINTIFF’S COMPLIANCE WITH ANY AND EVERY COURT ORDER IN THIS CASE? If it pleases the Court, provide the defendant with a document which clearly indicates why the Plaintiff has the ability to violate EvERY Court Order without fear of sanction, or any enforcement action.

If the Court had presented her GET OUT OF JAIL FREE Card, then I never would have bothered trying to get the Orders enforced.

It is not frivolous and vexatious to request the Court to do it’s duty, do it’s job, perform it’s function according to the law. The only reason that Angst & Angst consider it frivolous and vexatious is because their client never had any intention to follow any court order. (BTW, I will have this fully documented for the Sanctions hearing. Will Judge Carluccio be preventing that hearing from happening also, or will Angst & Angst withdraw to prevent me from presenting any testimony.)

The Docket was where the Secret Order of Judge Rhonda Daniele was NOT DOCKETED.

The disrespect Judge Carluccio displayed to someone she ORDERED TO BE HOMELESS is clear. It is in unconscionable.

But, Judge Carluccio is helping advance the cause of lawyers. Not the law. The Lawyers are her priority.

I may have lost everything in the corrupt courtrooms of 7 out of 8 judges in Montgomery County. I have my self respect – and all the stuipid childish games that you play with MY LIFE in YOUR COURTROOM demonstrate your malice. Judge Carluccio should resign.

(BTW, It didn;t make the transcript, but I did catch when Judge Carluccio misspoke in Court last week and referred to opposing Counsel by the name she used before she was married. Got some history together, huh?)