
Permit me to explain the actions of Judge Carluccio along with what could motivate her unconscionable actions.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has demonstrated by her actions, in her own words, and her Court Orders, the unwillingness to hear any testimony since the submission of a document in early March 2011 which documented and provided exhibits and evidence of the judicial misconduct of the prior judges assigned to my case.

All hearings which would permit testimony relating to the juducial misconduct were prevented from that day forward.

The failure of the Court to enforce compliance of my wife extended the impunity she has been allowed for the last 5 years without explanation.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio has done so while preventing an appeal of her orders. Because they are invalid, they are not final, and cannot be appealed to a higher court until she has had the opportunity to reconsider.

When filed as an Energency Petition, Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied the Emergency.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio waited 3 weeks to schedule the hearing 3 weeks later on July 18, 2011.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio did not consider it an emergency that her Order causes the Defendant to be homeless.

The clear malice, foresight and intent of Judge Carolyn Carluccio is to further terrorize the victim of 5 years of judicial injustice and to force the victim to appear in front of her expecting justice. In the last 5 years, the injustice suffered by the victim has cost him everything without explanation. He survived it. He documented it. He presented it to the Court. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has heard the testimony of the impact 5 years of divorce litigation has had on the Defendant. She heard testimony that everything has been taken from him without explanation.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio never heard the testimony regarding the extreme judicial misconduct from the witness stand. This permits her to ignore what was written in the documents. That’s the way things work. You have to say it in the courtroom to have the judge ‘hear’ you. The purpose of the ‘hearing’. And why Judge Carluccio has prevented any further hearings in this case in violation of procedure, in violation of the law, and in violation of the rights of the Defendant – who has been the victim of extreme judicial misconduct and injustice.


Kathy McMahon entered my situation on June 20, 2011 through Facebook. She offered to publicize my longstanding situation. I recognized the possibility that in all liklihood she was just another ‘Handler’ but gave her the benefit of the doubt and played along. It ended just like every other ‘Handler’ situation. They disappear, and when asked what happened. They attack me for expecting them to deliver what they offered. Then delete their account, or block me.

It has happened so many times, I no longer let the false hope destroy me. I take the power from the thought that someone might really help, and set my expectations for the reality that they are likely players in this game of destruction. There are always clues to the deception. I have pointed things out and caused them to come up with the most ridiculous explanations. All the while taking power from the false hope they provided.

I wrote to Kathy McMahon the other day:

“Disappointed that you also disappeared. I thought you might have been real. Been sincere… I haven’t found that in a long time.”

The Response was right from the same script as everyone else who had disappeared in the last 5 years:

Hey Thomas
others have real issues in their lives too
I passed your info onto fintan, its up to him
I have my son’s anniversary coming up and Fintan’s mom is unwell so he has been spending time with her
maybe your problem is you demand a lot of attention for yourself without understanding that other people have problems they too are trying to deal with in their personal lives

Maybe my problem is that the forces working against me are constantly pretending to be working for me. They are exhausted that they have not been succesful in obtaining my suicide. No one has won the bonus.

When I tried to reply, I was blocked. As has happened each time in the last 5 years. To me that kind of confirms the original intent. It suggests that they have a conscience, and that THEY don’t want to be reminded of what they have done to me.

My Response to Kathy McMahon:

You entered my situation. You provided some hope. I took that possibility and it empowered me to survive another day. I knew it was false hope, but denied it to gain the strength to endure another day. And when it all comes down, you did not deliver. And you blame me?

I’ve been through 5 years of these experiences. Each has been the same. Set me up to believe in the help you are offering, turn your back and disappear, and then blame me if I ask what happened.

Thomas is dead because of actions like these. I am Terance.

I have not been driven to suicide as Thomas had been. He survived 10 years, to be ignored even in his flaming suicide in front of a courthouse. Did you do the same thing to Thomas? Is there a reward for being the last ‘handler’ to act before the target commits suicide?

Just another in the series of Handler activities. Designed to demoralize and weaken my spirit. The group of Handlers who arrived in June 2011 was big, with lots of information about things which had nothing to do with them. Volumes of information designed to make the target believe he was out of his ever lovin’ mind. I’ve been very careful not to adopt the ‘insanity’ of others.

One necessary thing in their stories and documents is that they must find a way to connect to me. A simple truth, which has happened to me, they then weave that into their story to convince me of their wild experience. Again, it’s been 5 years of these experiences. I’ve learned to take my experience and accept parts of their corroborating story as a receipt. That receipt is a sanity check which can be banked. They had to put a little truth in to convince me to believe them at all. But these folks have stories that are just plain insanity. THE ONION NEWS NETWORK could be their version of the nightly news.

A sociopath is somebody who exhibits sociopathy, who behaves in a way that suggests a lack of conscience. Unlike the average human, a sociopath does not feel any sense of guilt or remorse when committing morally wrong actions or actions that their society deems unacceptable. Because of this utter lack of fear for the sanctions of society, sociopaths take advantage of the social system and use manipulation and amoral behaviors to obtain their goals. The types of behaviors they exhibit are those that would make someone with a conscience uncomfortable.

Note to the Handlers: I can tell who you are and what you are from the first email. Thank you for confirming my story. There is no cure for your sociopathy. I am pleased for you that you have found a way to take a psychological disorder and make it a career advantage. Congratulations on making the best of YOUR situation.

[ Handlers whom I have met personally are included among the people listed in this post. ]


I am turning to you because I have been unable to receive a response from law enforcement at any level.

A lawyer advised my wife to install surveillance software illegally on my computers in January 2007 while planning a divorce.

I detected the software and requested that Awareness Technologies remove it from my computers in May 2007. Awareness Technologies denied it was their program.

Six weeks later I proved the software was WebWatcher, secured all hard disks and again contacted Awareness Technoliogies who refused to cooperate with removal

I believe at this time, the lawyer contacted a local private investigator to become involved. The impunity allowed to the private investigator would conceal the initial intrusion.

I reported the intrusion to local police and the FBI in July 2007. Local Police indicated they could do nothing to help.

In August 2007, Local police arrived at my house purporting to folow up on the computer intrusion report. Police however, had a copy of my computer screen which indicated they knew who was behind the surveillance program. Instead of resolving the computer surveilance issue, the officer had me involuntarily committed to a county psych ward. The officer did so in violation of PA law and procedure, there was no danger, no threat, no hostility, no history of violence or aggression.

What I have experienced and survived for the last 5 years has been a constant campaign of litigation, harassment and injustice. I have persevered through all of the court dates where the disregard for the law was apparent. I do not like to generalize. I assure you I am not exaggerating the level of injustice I have experienced. The case has been through 8 judges and over 300 docket entries.

The injustice was never hidden. The judges wrote orders which violated my constitutional rights. The judges have inexpicably granted my wife impunity to disregard any court order. Again, this is not an exaggeration or generalization.

After 5 years of what I have called a “terroristic divorce” Judge Carolyn Carluccio has acted with complete disregard for the procedure and law. When Judge Carluccio came onto the case in December 2010 there were 9 outstanding petitions. Those petitions were scheduled in January 2011 for hearings on June 1-2, 2011.

However, everything changed when my wife filed an Ermergency Petition in February 2011. While it was apparent that i was not being provided time to prepare a response (4 days), when I was able to prepare a response and counterpetition which contained 26 pages of text and 100 pages of exhibits to support those statements all hearings were off. That document was a well organized collection of counts relating to the Plaintiff and her attorneys actions in the case. Additionally, a review of the exhibits would reveal the participation of the prior judges in the injustice I have suffered. Judge Carluccio began schedule games and issued orders where there had been no hearings. The issues continue unresolved while I wait to address the invalid order issued which forced me out of my home on June 9. An Order intentionally crafted making it invalid and not final so as not to permit appeal, and forcing me to return to the same court for reversal. After 5 years of local police indicating they did not get involved in enforcing court orders unless it was specifically ordered by a judge, I went to the police to explain the situation, with the Request for Reconsideratioon paperwork to find that the local police were prepared to arrest me if I did not comply with the order.

Fearful of being jailed, after surviving 5 years of fear, terror, litigation, harassment, I left my home. The judge waited weeks to schedule a hearing on reconsideration, ansd scheduled it for July 18 2011. Removing me from my home would seriously impact my ability to prepare or respond to the Court. It would additionally permit the home to be destroyed by my wife.

I had done nothing to deserve this action by the judge. I had maintained the home for 5 years since my wife had abandoned the home. I had survived being unemployeed, financially destroyed, my business closed, my clients impacted directly, my children disappearing and any custody proceeding being delayed for years until my son turned 18. There had never been any explanation for their actions,

I have survived the complete destruction of my life for the last 5 years knowing that the truth would be presented and there would be justice. I have found that when Judge Rhonda Daniele issued an Order with any formal proceeding, additionally failing to docket the order or distribute it to me, and failed to distribute to me. The Order was dated August 22, 2007. THAT order has undermined every proceeding in my case and slandered me. The injustice which occured before the parties ever entered any courtroom, has been the cause for repeated injustice. When the Order was discovered there was no hope of justice. A victim of injustice is doomed to be further victimized. I have experienced it. i have documented it. It is in the Court Docket 2007-12477. It is on a web site.

Visitors to my web site constantly remark that they can’t do that. They apparently can do anything. There is no oversight. And there has been no help. I implore you to become involved and investigate and hold the judges and lawyers accountable. While I understand that they prefer to extend courtesies to law enforcement. The failure to act on the criminal use of a $100 software package has resulted in the destruction of my extended family. and has terrorized and harassed and isolated me. I have persevered only to discover that the evidence of the judges participation in conspiracy corruption and injustice results in my homelessness and the loss of everything I tried to protect.

I implore you to help. I beg. I have asked everywhere and found that when an injustice occurs there is no one who will help. I know this to be true as I lived the experience of being uinable to find help.

The case is documented at http://www.work2bdone.com/live or GOOGLE: Terroristic Divorce

I sincerely beg,

Terance Healy


In 2007, I was in contact with Guilherme and presented the disaster that was being caused in my life because of an illegally installed surveillance/remote control/obfuscation program called Web Watcher.

His information was good. His understanding of the misuse issues was good with an exception.

When a lawyer tells a client to install it, and you detect the installation, the lawyer will manipulate everyone in any position to avoid any prosecution. They will hire a private investigator to attempt to set up crimes, and make false reports, manipulate the police into the wrong actions and leave me in a position where no one will help. No one can help.

My life has been constant terror and harassment since February 2007 when WebWatcher was illegally installed on my computers.

Surviving the false allegations, the legal corruption, the injustice has only permitted them to terrorize me further.

A $100 software package has completely annihilated my life. I am now homeless, sleeping on a couch, crying all day every day at the isolation and abandonment of everyone who could no longer watch what they were doing to me.

No one has helped me in 5 years. I am no whacko. My case and much of the story is at www.work2bdone.com/live or GOOGLE: terroristic divorce

I know there was nothing that could be done to help years ago. I am trying again because I am so desperate and don;t think I could possibly explain the complete affect of the software intrusion to someone who didn’t have a base knowledge. It has undermined everything in my life.

They have destroyed me because of a $100 software purchase. As a victim of injustice, I have lived another day only to be further victimized. I have no choice but to survive so they can terrorize me further.

I sincerely wish I was capable of suicide. If you read my web site and see what I have survived through, you will realize that is a truly rational thought. There has been no help or releif from any resouce at any time. I am only victimized further every day.

Please Help
Terance Healy


There is no living when every thought is about my life being stolen from me… accompanied by the fact that no one cared to help. I awake crying alone. I fall asleep crying alone.

I persevered with the truth on my side against incredible injustice. I cried but persevered through it.

When it came time that the Truth would finally be told. Through illegal and unethical actions, Judge Carolyn Carluccio denied my rights, attacked me further by throwing me out of my home, and continued the legal nightmare that has gone on for 5 years.

AND NO ONE HELPED ME OR CARED TO STOP HER. The US fights for Democracry and the rights of people worldwide. In Montgomery County Pennsylvania, I, Terance Healy, a victim of injustice, only survives to be further victimized.
There is little hope that the next day will be different. I have been victimized for over 5 years.

No one has helped me, no one has stopped the injustice, and they have been allowed to continue to victimize me.