
Valerie Angst lied to her client and had her sign it. 

Docket# 2007-12477-45 paragraph 1

In the Response To Petition To Modify Custody and Counterpetition to Modify, Valerie writes as paragraph 1:

” Petitioner Terance Healy filed a Petition to Modify Custody on December 26, 2007, but did not serve a copy of the Petition on Respondent who was not aware of the Petition until receipt of the Scheduling Notice.”

The Petition was served upon Valerie Angst by Michael Kehs on December 26, 2007  as there was a Protection from Abuse Order protecting Terance Healy from his wife.  

The Certificate of Service was docketed on December 28, 2007.  (#2007-12477-43)

Valerie Angst would have been additionally been electronically notified of the docket entries.


The scheduling notice was docketed on February 5, 2008. (#2007-12477-44)


The RESPONSE AND COUNTERPETITION was not filed until 3/20/2008 (#2007-12477-45)… and opens with the first paragraph wrongly alleging that she never received the document.

By the time she gets to the fifth paragraph there is not a shred of truth to the response.  Just complete frivolous fabrications without any merit.  Why was she trying to prevent a father from seeing his son? 

She subsequently delayed the conference scheduled for March 25, 2008 without any notice to the Petitioner (Defendant).  Most likely because on March 22, 2008, her client burglarized and vandalized the Defendant’s home and poisoned his dog when she and about 20 others with 12 vehicles cleaned out the residence in violation of multiple court orders and agreements.

The Custody Hearing was delayed for years until days before my son turned 18.  I was prevented any relationship with my sons for years… then in August 2010, I found that secret order that Valerie Angst had Judge Rhonda Daniele sign which undermined every hearing in this case.    I still don’t see my children.  They are protecting their mother and don’t want to risk revealing what she has done to me because of her attorney’s bad directions.

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