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Terance to Sonya
June 13, 2011 @ 9:00AM
you indicated that the remainder would have to wait for arbitration. You items have been stored securely at the house for 4 years. I expect the same courtesy. Using my children to deliver items in garbage bags is not waiting for arbitration. In 4 years nothing was destroyed or damaged or improperly packed stored or distributed to others. I expect the same courtesy.

Terance to Colin & Brennan
June 13, 2011 @ 9:26AM
FYI, SENT YOUR MOTHER THIS MSG Don’t let her use you like this. You don’t deserve to be put in the middle. : you indicated that the remainder would have to wait for arbitration. You items have been stored securely at the house for 4 years. I expect the same courtesy. Using my children to deliver items in garbage bags is not waiting for arbitration. In 4 years nothing was destroyed or damaged or improperly packed stored or distributed to others. I expect the same courtesy.

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