
“I have three things to say to my children. First, Daddy loves you. Second, you are my three most favorite people in the world. And last, that you are to stick together no matter how old you get or how far apart you live. Because it is like Grandma always said. The only thing you really have in this world is your family.” – Tom Ball, June 2011

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011, Tom Ball found the courage to find peace. There are those who attack him further in blogs and comments on the story. Those who haven’t lived the struggle, they just don’t understand.

Man found on fire dies One has to wonder that a man who has endured 10 years of litigation and court appearances is unknown to the people at the courthouse.

Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim After 10 years, try getting your thoughts together… when attacked from all sides…


No one helped him… WCVB Television. The characterization of him is oddly unfair. No one gives any credibility to his story. They don’t even check. That’s why he had to resort to the extreme. No one listened. No one cared. No one does. And should they find themselves in the same place, they will find there’s no one to help them either.

They destroyed a man… and they attack him still. At least he found peace and doesn’t have to suffer their attacks anymore.

I read the story on Tom Ball. I cried. I know he found peace. I know it was a painful decision.

The family courts are not about justice or truth. It is about prolonging pain and suffering. It is about destroying people. Destroying families.

My story is similarly tragic. I just don’t have the strength or ability to kill myself. So I stay alive another day to be further victimized.

I was in Rindge, NH last week. I went there to escape my nightmare away from the pain of the 5 years of my terroristic divorce. Away from everyone, the piles of legal paperwork, a life in disarray, supporters who can’t bear to see me face another painful day. No car. No internet. I escaped. I can only imagine that my path and Tom Ball’s may have crossed when I took a walk from the lake to the Walmart on 202. Had we met, I couldn’t have saved him, but he may have felt like someone understood. I find no satisfaction or comfort in knowing that there are others out there suffering. There is no strength in numbers of destroyed fathers. My pain only grows when I hear of the others.

On Wednesday morning, It was a beautiful day. As the sun was rising I was out in the middle of Lake Monomonac in a kayak asking myself why I should paddle back to shore. To return home to the shambles created by the Family Courts that never ends… never gets resolved… to return for more corruption and hate.

For Tom Ball it was a good day to die. I wish him peace…

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