
Text Messages from June 20, 2011

Fome Sonya June 20, 2011 @ 12:23PM
Are you paying the peco bill? And if not can u tell me how much it is and the due date.

From Terance to Sonya June 20, 2011 @

following the current court order until it is proven invalid. stop contacting me with your issues. haven’t you destroyed enough? cost everyone enough? your corruption doesn’t end… the truth of what you have done damages everyone.


Montgomery Township seems very interested in watching the disaster that they created.

My life has been destroyed because of the illegal and criminal actions against me.

Reported to Police and ignored in July 2007.

In August 2007, Officer Gerald Dougherty arrives on my doorstep and revealed that he knew the identity of the person or persons who had my computers under surveillance. INSTEAD OF PROSECUTING THE CRIMINAL WHO HAD HACKED MY LIFE, AFFECTED MY BUSINESS, AFFECTED MY CAREER, AFFECTED MY CHILDREN… he attempted to discredit me by having me involuntarily committed indicating that I was going to blow up the local mall. The paperwork indicates the lie used to lock me up on the ridiculous allegation.

Gerry went on that afternoon to show my brother the screenshot from my computer trying to convince him I was crazy. Gerry didn’t get the full color screen shot from me.

That evening, when my brother returned to the police station to obtain a copy of the screenshot, he was denied access to it. Gerry also began calling him Chris. Attempting to become more and more intimidating and calling him Chris. My brother’s name is John. Gerry was calling him by his wife’s name. How did that name get into his head? Yea, they had been watching his computers also, and didn’t realize that Chris was a woman.

Gerry was the officer with the canine unit. Does that make him the one to investigate drug allegations? Probably.

Those allegations made just after I discovered the illegally installed software (WebWatcher by Awareness Technologies).
on my computers… reported it to police and FBI.

Montgomery Township Police refused to provide any police report on the incident for years. The one they provided last year has a number of flaws.

Montgomery Township Police did not respond to any crimes committed against me. Not one crime was investigated since August 2007. Even with the full proof of who was doing it, and the written emails of the perpetrators.

Instead, Montgomery Township Police stood by and let everyone attack me. Burglarize my home. Kill my dog.

Montgomery Township Police did nothing to enforce any custody orders, or check on my children.

Montgomery Township Police refused to get involved in a civil case… UNTIL it came to throwing me out of my home.

Even though it was based on an invalid Court order … Officer Gerry Dougherty made sure that I knew I would be arrested should I be anywhere near the house on June 9, 2011.

For that, they would definitely get involved.

Gerry Dougherty’s screw up in August 2007 started the corruption rolling towards my destruction. Next came a secret court order by Judge Rhonda Daniele. With that the court was no longer going to enforce any court order, unless it was against me.

Gerry Dougherty could have ended the nightmare, instead he prolonged it until every aspect of my life, my family, my existence was destroyed.

On June 8, he had the extreme audacity to ask me for an apology for what is written about him on this web site.

I suggested he confront the truth on the web site. To do the right thing. What does he care that his actions destroyed an entire family, and terrorized me for years – a terror which still continues.

The reality of corruption is explained here.


Every minute of every hour of every day is a struggle to get through.
My life has been stolen. There is no exit.
I am forced to exist while they take every last shred of my life away.
A victim of corruption since August 2007.

All because of corruption in the legal and judicial system.
Self Respect is the only thing they haven’t stolen.
I’ve done nothing to deserve this nightmare.

I discovered I was a victim, so I have been further victimized.
There is no opportunity for justice.
A death sentence, that they want me to carry out.


Another Father’s Day away from my children.

Q: Should it be a comfort to notice that my son peeked at the web site today?
A: Just another reason to cry.


Todd Stephens did NOTHING to help. And on Friday, a member of his staff called me to see what was going on.

Was I supposed to thank him for doing nothing? Was I supposed to thank him for NOT trying?

Was I supposed to thank Todd Stephens for ignoring the problem when I presented it to him, the Attorney General’s Rep, and Mitch from Comcast Security at a public forum in 2007? That was years ago.

Todd Stephens worked for the DA’s office.
Todd Stephens knows they subcontract out their surveillance.
Todd Stephens knows that private investigators do not get prosecuted for anything illegal that they do.
Todd Stephens knows the corruption and conspiracy involved… the entire courthouse knows what is going on… how could Todd Stephens not be aware?

I asked Todd Stephens to do one thing. Get me in to see the Attorney General of PA. Nothing more. He didn’t. He pretended he could and delayed for 6 weeks. All the while getting updates on the failures of the court to enforce their orders…. Todd Stephens had a front row seat to the destruction I was experiencing. AND HE DID NOTHING.

His only interest seemd to be wanting the name of the DJ friend I had mentioned knew him. AND HE WAS INTERESTED ONLY BECAUSE HE THOUGHT DJ MEANT DISTRICT JUSTICE. DJ is Disc Jockey.

So Ed from his office who has listened to the story and rec’d copies of the documents explaining the corruption and conspiracy and denial of rights, Ed calls to check on me. After doing nothing. Ed. I am homeless. Living out of bags. Sleeping on a couch. Crying almost every hour of the day. I am not OK. And you could have made a difference. YOU CHOSE NOT TO DO ANYTHING.



“I have three things to say to my children. First, Daddy loves you. Second, you are my three most favorite people in the world. And last, that you are to stick together no matter how old you get or how far apart you live. Because it is like Grandma always said. The only thing you really have in this world is your family.” – Tom Ball, June 2011

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011, Tom Ball found the courage to find peace. There are those who attack him further in blogs and comments on the story. Those who haven’t lived the struggle, they just don’t understand.

Man found on fire dies One has to wonder that a man who has endured 10 years of litigation and court appearances is unknown to the people at the courthouse.

Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim After 10 years, try getting your thoughts together… when attacked from all sides…


No one helped him… WCVB Television. The characterization of him is oddly unfair. No one gives any credibility to his story. They don’t even check. That’s why he had to resort to the extreme. No one listened. No one cared. No one does. And should they find themselves in the same place, they will find there’s no one to help them either.

They destroyed a man… and they attack him still. At least he found peace and doesn’t have to suffer their attacks anymore.

I read the story on Tom Ball. I cried. I know he found peace. I know it was a painful decision.

The family courts are not about justice or truth. It is about prolonging pain and suffering. It is about destroying people. Destroying families.

My story is similarly tragic. I just don’t have the strength or ability to kill myself. So I stay alive another day to be further victimized.

I was in Rindge, NH last week. I went there to escape my nightmare away from the pain of the 5 years of my terroristic divorce. Away from everyone, the piles of legal paperwork, a life in disarray, supporters who can’t bear to see me face another painful day. No car. No internet. I escaped. I can only imagine that my path and Tom Ball’s may have crossed when I took a walk from the lake to the Walmart on 202. Had we met, I couldn’t have saved him, but he may have felt like someone understood. I find no satisfaction or comfort in knowing that there are others out there suffering. There is no strength in numbers of destroyed fathers. My pain only grows when I hear of the others.

On Wednesday morning, It was a beautiful day. As the sun was rising I was out in the middle of Lake Monomonac in a kayak asking myself why I should paddle back to shore. To return home to the shambles created by the Family Courts that never ends… never gets resolved… to return for more corruption and hate.

For Tom Ball it was a good day to die. I wish him peace…


June 17, 2011 @ 5:23PM
I have an insurance check from liberty mutual for $1758.24 to cover the water marks in the house. There will be a second check for $767.51 after I provide them with the receipts for the repair. Thje check requires both of our signatures. can I bring to you with your mail to get ur signature? I have a copy of the check and estimate for you as well.

June 17, 2011 @ 5:35pm
i am unaware of your insurance claim. i will sign the checks at arbitration.

I have lived terrorized for the last 4 years.
I have dealt with each attack as best I could.
I have cried for weeks at a time.
I have cried at every holiday.
I have cried every day in 2011.
Even though I have been terrorized, i have done NOTHING to retaliate for the abuse.
I haven’t cheated, lied, stolen, threatened, stalked, harassed, pursued,…

Without any other choice, I have submitted to the abuse.
I have begged for the law to be enforced. IT ISN’T.

There is no comfort in my life at all.
I can’t bathe
I can’t dress
I can’t eat
I can’t rest
I can’t sit
I can’t cook
I can’t sleep
I can’t think
I can’t talk
I can’t plan ahead
I can’t do anything, or go anywhere and not be reminded of the struggle I survived or the struggle to continue
I can’t watch television without constant reminders of what is lost and how no one helps.
This is no life.
There is nothing I can do to escape even mentally for a few minutes.
The constant reminder of the evil that is destroying me is in my face every minute of my day.

I did nothing to harm anyone… and no one ever helped me.
I cry. I pray for peace. It doesn’t come.
I CRY. I have searched for hope everywhere I possible could. It’s not there.


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge indicated that he felt the government made a major mistake when it came to surveillance. He was the first head of the Dept of Homeland Security

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell revealed the inappropriate surveillance that the State of Pennsylvania had sub-contracted out to private investigators. He ended those contractos.

A private investigator has been harassing, terrorizing and trying to set me up for over 4 years. The private investigator has complete impunity.

The county can’t very well prosecute the private investigators, when they are using them to handle their unwarranted surveillance.

A private investigator with impunity, can violate any law without any repercussions.

If a private citizen hires that private investigator, they inherit the impunity and their target gets annihilated.

In a divorce, it destroys everything. I have experienced it… and survived. A regretful survival. The longer I survive the more I am terrorized.


Malice? Is it easy to prove? When does the carelessness become malice?

Judge Carolyn Carluccio demonstrates spite and malice and the intent to continue to terrorize and harass.

I’m not the first victim of her “unappealable order” tactic. It shows her intent is to continue to terrorize me.

1. allowing unethical ex parte communications with Angst & Angst.
2. intentionally scheduling hearings out 6 months on her calendar
3. lying from the bench.
4. attempting to defraud.
5. intimidation
6. denial of due process/procedure
7. denial of PA Law
8. obstruction of justice
9. her fraudulent review of the docket
10. her cancellation of 9 enforcement and contempt hearings
11. the policy to attempt to conceal her fraudulent review of the docket.
12. and that shhhing hissing admin of hers who makes false allegations to the court security.
13. failure to schedule any proceedings since her fraudulent invalid unappealable order was issued.
(while my life is further destroyed and attacked based on her orders)

Yea, I think that may be proof of MALICE. It is EVIL.

Then she stole your home away from you… and you didn’t kill yourself.
I cry for hours at a time each day… I wish I had the power to find peace, but they won’t stop until I am dead.
There is no hiding. There is no escape. Their malice is inescapable. They believe themselves to be the law.
The truth is not recognized. Justice is absent. Terror is real.

” Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. ”
– Kris Kristofferson