
Who are you? Why did you try to gain access to my web site in January 2011?
If you had any reason to access the site, why didn’t you call me?

Does anyone know who this is and why they are sneaking around behind my back?

Related post: UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS to RitaCoolidge.com

telephone number
I called and a guy answered and said it was none of my business who it was that has that tel number.
No Answer left message.

The US Constitution… does it still matter?

Judge Carolyn Carluccio considers herself above procedure, works outside the law, and violates the US Constitution. The constitution does not matter to Judge Carolyn Carluccio. What matters far more is what she is concealing about the County’s direct involvement in my life… and in the divorce that was filed in May 2007.

Judge Carluccio doesn’t want to reveal WHY Sonya Healy has been permitted to violate EVERY court order with impunity.

Sonya Healy started her divorce and then illegally installed surveillance software on my computers. It destroyed my web development business and affected all of my clients immediately.

Once caught, she went on to make false allegations.

Somehow, Officer Gerry Dougherty gets involved, after indicating he would not be able to do anything. Oh, he was able to do something. He showed up at my home pretending to be investingating the computer intrusion. He lied that day. He then acted to conceal his source for information. Gerry had a picture, a screen shot, of my computer. he showed it to my brother. Where did he get it? He won’t say.

Now, not only was Sonya Healy exposed, but so was Officer Dougherty. Gerry was with the canine unit. Who want’s to guess if he was with the Drug Task Force? Canine unit? Drug Dog? Illegal surveillance?

Drug Task Forces use private investigators and informants to collect information. The private investigators get impunity from prosecution if they get caught. The recent arrests in Contra Costa County of the head of the Drug Task Force and a Private Investigator show that these things do happen. I’d been saying it was happening to me for years. Constant intrusions, informants pretending to be friends, investigators pretending to be friends. Each disappeared whenever I went to authorities. Heck, some even disappeared when I made up stories about them on the phone.

Another action that is done to people when they discover improper activites by police is involuntary commitment. And that was what Gerry Doughety did to me in August 2007… WHEN HE KNEW THE REPORTED COMPUTER INTRUSION WAS TRUE. HE PERSECUTED THE VICTIM.

Next up, Judge Rhonda Daniele signs an order without any hearing, or even meeting me. That order was kept secret, hidden, undocketed, unfiled, unavailable, not distributed… and unfound until August 2010… three years later.

How I found the Secret Order (Pictured here – – > )

A Notice to the Court of the Discovery of the Secret Order of Judge Rhonda Daniele… this document explains the discovery of the document, and the impact it had on every proceeding and on every judge.

Judge Daniele was familiar with Montgomery County Emergency Services (MCES). Information available on the web indicates she was very familiar with them.

What has followed those events has been 4 years of nightmares, fear, terror, constant fear of false allegations, constant investigations of false reports about me…. no hearings scheduled in a timely manner.

They took my life. I tried to persevere following the rules of their arena, and accepting the silly shortcomings of no one ever taking responsibility for anything being delayed. But while they were delaying, I was putting the peices together. So when they conspired to rush a hearing and not permit me opportunity to respond, I responded… 126 pages worth of response. Detailing and providing exhibits of the INJUSTICE I experienced in the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court.

Judge Carluccio ended the hearing once the response was placed into her hands. There were already 9 other hearings on petitions which had been filed in August of 2010. She left the courtroom.

Judge Carluccio tyhen began cancelling the hearings without notice. Rearranging her schedule by email, without notice to the parties (or at least the Defendant). She then cancelled all the hearings outright. BECAUSE HAVING A HEARING WOULD PERMIT THE EVIDENCE TO BE PRESENTED. THAT WOULD EXPOSE THE COVER UP. A hearing would expose the 4 YEARS of harassment and injustice and terror. She couldn’t risk that.

She then declares 2 people divorced in spite of the fact that neither party asked for that to happen. erhaps I am not correct, but doesn;t a judge have to be asked for a divorce before she goes around divorcing people? If you need a marriage license to get married, you need to request a divorce decree to get divorced. I didn’t ask for one. i didn;t plan to until the hearings were accomlished. And Robert Angst, my wife’s attorney, specifically indicated his client wanted any divorce decree deferred until after hearings were held.

Judge Carluccio divorces us anyway. Threw me out of my home, though ordering me to pay all expenses at the home… YES, WHILE I AM NOT PERMITTED TO LIVE THERE I MUST PAY THE FULL MORTGAGE ($2600/MONTH) AND ALL UTILITIES.
Since Judge Carluccio can’t divorce somone without being asked for a divorce, the order isn;t FINAL. So it can;t be appealed. A requerst for Reconsideration has been ignored by the court and not scheduled. An EMERGENCY injuction to stay the Order was denied, and has not yet been scheduled.

Judge Carluccio is hoping that being thrown out on the street would be the injustice that would cause me to take my own life. How much can one man stand?
1. Loss of any relationshiop with my children.
2. I paid Child Support though unemployed.
3. I paid the mortgage on the house though unemployed – FOR FOUR YEARS. Thanks to my mother for her financial support.
4. I watch my friends disappear, either because of their inability to watch me be destroyed further, or them having been contacted about the false allegations against me. They left me alone.
5. I endured lonliness at every holiday, birthday, event,… I was often too emotional at the unexplained disappearance of my children to attend any family event. The humiliation of having no idea what to say to people when they asked about my kids was unbearable.
6. I befriended anyone. I helped anyone who I could help… even if it was just a meal, or a place to sleep for the night.
7. I waqtched those ‘new’ friends disappear at each turn… I started to realize they were not real, but couldnt quite figure a name for them. I never completely trusted them, but tried. It turns out they were either Confidential Informants sent to try to set me up, or were private investigators trying to make it appear that I was doing something illegal.
8. They didn’t succeed… (When they realized that if I was arrested and charged with anything, I would get a hear an opportunity to be heard. THAT WOULD REVEAL THEIR TACTICS. While I never felt safe from false allegations, they were more afraid of my story being told… most especially in a courtroom.
9. I’ve lost everything except my self-respect. Because through it all I never did anything out of spite, malice, or anger.
10. In the end they stole everything from me and put me out of my home. WHY?

WHY? Because they can. They can get away with it. because once you are the victim of injustice, you are destined to be further victimized. Try to survive and there will always be something else they take from you. Try to persevere and it will be for nothing. Because this is the USA and no one cares about their rights. No one cares about your rights. And the Constitution doesn’t matter to people who find themselves above the law.

The Constitution does not matter in Montgomery County PA. Neither do Pennsylvania laws and procedures. To punish the victim of injustice, we’ll victimize him further. If he wakes up another day, we’ll make sure he regrets every waking moment. And, Judge Carolyn Carluccio won’t let him escape to a higher court. She hasn’t finished yet.

I am alive… just wishing I were dead. Somehow I still believe justice will be served. Though all signs are that I received a death sentence in a divorce. The court is just not going to execute me. Instead, they try as hard as they can to cause me to fall into such despair and hopelessness to take my own life. Their goal. Not mine.

Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness… I can’t even remember what that is anymore. Perhaps it is time to reboot the US. Let’s start with reading the Declaration of Independance in Montgomery County Courtrooms.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is corrupt.
corrupt [kuh-ruhpt]
1. guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked.
2. debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil.
3. made inferior by errors or alterations.
4. to destroy the integrity of; cause to be dishonest, disloyal, etc., especially by bribery.
5. to lower morally; pervert.
6. to alter (a language, text, etc.) for the worse.
7. to become corrupt.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio is covering up the corruption of previous judges in my case.
corruption [kuh-ruhp-shuhn]
1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
2. moral perversion; depravity.
3. perversion of integrity.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio lies from the bench.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio is attempting to destroy my spirit and my soul.
Judge Carolyn Carluccio is trying to bully me into committing suicide. (Not gonna happen. Thomas Ball lit himself on fire and STILL no one cared… that’s not going to happen to me.)
bully [bool-ee]
1. a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.
Thomas Ball On June 15, 2011, Thomas Ball lit himself on fire in front of the Courthouse in Keene NH to demonstrate the extreme situation he faced during the past 10 years in the family courts. He was a victim of injustice. Victims of injustice only get further victimized.
What more can Judge Carolyn Carluccio take from me with your special unappealable orders? Orders which require me to return to her court and face her corruption… Judge Carolyn Carluccio won’t schedule hearings on any matters.

hearing [heer-ing]
1. the opportunity to be heard.

Judge Carolyn Carluccio is preventing the truth of the corruption in Montgomery County from being presented in her courtroom…. and out of malice and spite for getting caught she issues illegal orders against me.

malice [mal-is]
1. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness.
2. Law . evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.
spite [spahyt]
1. a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.
2. a particular instance of such an attitude or action; grudge.
3. Obsolete . something that causes vexation; annoyance.
–verb (used with object)
4. to treat with spite or malice.
5. to annoy or thwart, out of spite.
6. to fill with spite; vex; offend.
“Everyone can see… whats going on… They laugh cause they know their untouchable not because what I say is wrong…. Through their own words… They’ll be exposed… They have a severe case of the Emperors New Clothes.”

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

(excerpt from The Declaration of Independance)


Your battery will no longer last as long as the software indicates.

This is because the information isn’t passed between the computer running virtual machine and the Windows Software in the window they are permitting you to see.

The surveillance software controls the hardware. So the battery info will not be correct, the port settings will likely not work properly, and the screen size when you go to full screen will likely cut things off.


CoCo County Dirty DUI Deputy Resigns
March 11, 2011

Not necessarily an admission of guilt, but Stephen Tanabe, the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s deputy accused of setting up DUI busts to sully the good names of men who found themselves on the wrong end of Chris Butler’s dirty private investigations, officially resigned yesterday. He was arrested for “possession and transfer of an assault rifle and conspiracy to possess and sell controlled substances” which is all related to the investigation in to the drug-dealing ring operated by Butler and former CoCo County Drug Czar Norman Wielsch.


The road is long and lonely and dangerous. You or a loved one may be threatened with jail and prison, with losing everything you have or own, even with being physically and mentally tormented, being murdered or put to death.

You may have a terribly difficult time getting anyone to help you, or getting the news media to cover your story, or even getting someone to listen to you.

This amazingly aware excerpt is from the Corruption FAQ written by Dr. Les Sachs.

Click to download the FAQ which explains the futility of surviving corruption.


Now this story is sounding remarkably like the one I have been experiencing… but I am in Montgomery County Pennsylvania… this happened 3000 miles away in California.

Standard Operating Procedure for the Drug Task Forces in the US. Use Private Investigators to violate the rights of the target. If detected by the target, DESTROY THEM. Yea. It happened to me. And when I figured it out, they retaliated through eight corrupt judges trying to cover for them.


When in doubt, the difference between a private investigator and a confidential informant is employment.

The PI never has a job, and is always looking. This is because he is working as a PI and just pretending to have no job. He will miss appointments, interviews, and reschedule constantly. That is because his schedule is flexible – spent investigating you perhaps.

A confidential informant will have a low paying job because that is about all he can get. He’ll have a tiny police record which will hurt his employment opportunities. BUT, he’ll always make sure he is to work on time. He needs that job. He is afraid of losing it. He is also afraid because one mis-step, or a statement that he is an informant, will land him in jail without any further discussion. Confidential Informants will understand what you tell them, but will rarely speak.

Drug Task Force + Private Investigator + Confidential Informants = CORRUPTION WITH IMPUNITY

Contra Costa drug task force head, private investigator jailed on drug charges

Posted on February 26, 2011

The commander of a Contra Costa County drug task force and the head of a high-profile, Concord-based private investigative firm were arrested Wednesday on allegations they conspired to sell drugs, authorities said.

The revelation and potential blow to the credibility of any investigations involving the two are still being gauged.

Norman Wielsch, commander of the state Department of Justice’s Central Contra Costa County Narcotics Enforcement Team, or CNET, and Chris Butler, who runs the investigative firm Butler and Associates, were arrested together in Benicia by federal agents Wednesday morning after an investigation that began in January, said DOJ special agent Michelle Gregory, spokeswoman for Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement.

Both men were booked into County Jail in Martinez on as many as 25 suspected felony offenses, including possessing, transporting and selling marijuana, methamphetamine and steroids, and embezzlement, second-degree burglary and conspiracy.

Wielsch, a 49-year-old Antioch resident, is being held on $660,000 bail. Butler, 49, of Concord, is being held on $840,000 bail. They are both former veteran Antioch police officers who worked from the late 1990s to when they entered their respective positions.

County Drug Task Force Suspended Pending Audit
Contra Costa County Anti-Drug Officials Arrested for Accusations of Drug Sales
Contra Costa drug task force head, private investigator jailed on drug charges
Feds to take over NorCal drug task force probe
NOTE THIS PARA: Butler is also accused of stealing and selling drugs, along with separate charges that he bribed Contra Costa County sheriff’s deputy Stephen Tanabe to set up DUI arrests of men who were facing divorce and custody disputes.

Updated Link

Law Enforcement Scandal: FBI, U.S. Attorney Take Over Investigation
Feds take over Contra Costa’s police corruption investigation, prosecution
Contra Costa County Now Officially Full of Crooked Cops and Dirty Private Investigators
Contra Costa Narcotics Czar, MILF-Employing Private Investigator Busted for Dealing Drugs
Scandal Involving Concord Private Investigator Links Richmond PD to Another Planned Dirty DUI
Christopher Butler had previously been implicated in at least five attempts to tarnish the reputations of men going through divorce cases by getting them arrested on drunken driving cases.
Alleged California ‘Dirty DUI’ Arrests Detailed

An article from the Washington post dated March 23, 2007.

It is the policy of The Washington Post not to publish anonymous pieces. In this case, an exception has been made because the author — who would have preferred to be named — is legally prohibited from disclosing his or her identity in connection with receipt of a national security letter. The Post confirmed the legitimacy of this submission by verifying it with the author’s attorney and by reviewing publicly available court documents.

The Justice Department’s inspector general revealed on March 9 that the FBI has been systematically abusing one of the most controversial provisions of the USA Patriot Act: the expanded power to issue “national security letters.” It no doubt surprised most Americans to learn that between 2003 and 2005 the FBI issued more than 140,000 specific demands under this provision — demands issued without a showing of probable cause or prior judicial approval — to obtain potentially sensitive information about U.S. citizens and residents. It did not, however, come as any surprise to me.

Three years ago, I received a national security letter (NSL) in my capacity as the president of a small Internet access and consulting business. The letter ordered me to provide sensitive information about one of my clients. There was no indication that a judge had reviewed or approved the letter, and it turned out that none had. The letter came with a gag provision that prohibited me from telling anyone, including my client, that the FBI was seeking this information. Based on the context of the demand — a context that the FBI still won’t let me discuss publicly — I suspected that the FBI was abusing its power and that the letter sought information to which the FBI was not entitled.

Rather than turn over the information, I contacted lawyers at the American Civil Liberties Union, and in April 2004 I filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the NSL power. I never released the information the FBI sought, and last November the FBI decided that it no longer needs the information anyway. But the FBI still hasn’t abandoned the gag order that prevents me from disclosing my experience and concerns with the law or the national security letter that was served on my company. In fact, the government will return to court in the next few weeks to defend the gag orders that are imposed on recipients of these letters.

Living under the gag order has been stressful and surreal. Under the threat of criminal prosecution, I must hide all aspects of my involvement in the case — including the mere fact that I received an NSL — from my colleagues, my family and my friends. When I meet with my attorneys I cannot tell my girlfriend where I am going or where I have been. I hide any papers related to the case in a place where she will not look. When clients and friends ask me whether I am the one challenging the constitutionality of the NSL statute, I have no choice but to look them in the eye and lie.

I resent being conscripted as a secret informer for the government and being made to mislead those who are close to me, especially because I have doubts about the legitimacy of the underlying investigation.

The inspector general’s report makes clear that NSL gag orders have had even more pernicious effects. Without the gag orders issued on recipients of the letters, it is doubtful that the FBI would have been able to abuse the NSL power the way that it did. Some recipients would have spoken out about perceived abuses, and the FBI’s actions would have been subject to some degree of public scrutiny. To be sure, not all recipients would have spoken out; the inspector general’s report suggests that large telecom companies have been all too willing to share sensitive data with the agency — in at least one case, a telecom company gave the FBI even more information than it asked for. But some recipients would have called attention to abuses, and some abuse would have been deterred.

I found it particularly difficult to be silent about my concerns while Congress was debating the reauthorization of the Patriot Act in 2005 and early 2006. If I hadn’t been under a gag order, I would have contacted members of Congress to discuss my experiences and to advocate changes in the law. The inspector general’s report confirms that Congress lacked a complete picture of the problem during a critical time: Even though the NSL statute requires the director of the FBI to fully inform members of the House and Senate about all requests issued under the statute, the FBI significantly underrepresented the number of NSL requests in 2003, 2004 and 2005, according to the report.

I recognize that there may sometimes be a need for secrecy in certain national security investigations. But I’ve now been under a broad gag order for three years, and other NSL recipients have been silenced for even longer. At some point — a point we passed long ago — the secrecy itself becomes a threat to our democracy. In the wake of the recent revelations, I believe more strongly than ever that the secrecy surrounding the government’s use of the national security letters power is unwarranted and dangerous. I hope that Congress will at last recognize the same thing.

A Private Investigation Agency made up of RETIRED FBI AGENTS would know the power of these letters, the fear they would put into the recipient, the threat imposed on anyone discussing the document, and how they could falsify a document that people wouldn’t talk about which allowed them to further terrorize their target.
Yes. I do think this is why alot of my friends and clients disappeared without explanation, lied to me to conceal events and actions. Yes. It’s the only explanation that fits. I’m not a criminal. The constant investigation of me for NOT being a criminal for the last 4 years is annihilating my life. NO ONE CARES. – Terance
If you received a NSA Letter regarding me, please contact your local FBI to confirm the validity of the letter. There is no reason for such a letter to have ever been issued. I have been assured by the FBI that I have not at any time been under investigation. Yet the FBI refuses to look at the evidence or investigate the crimes committed against me.

After issuing a subpeona, I have finally obtained the following conversation with HostGator Technical Support.

Who it is? and Why they are trying to gain access to the hosting account is not known? And If I do know them, I can’t imagine why they would not have contacted me directly to address the issue… as I had already reported the trouble ticket days before this call was made.

Listen to the call…(ogg format) or (mp3 format)

The following is a transcript of the call.

The call came from 925-945-XXXX. Who is this? I’ve tried calling and all i get is “leave a message”.
Call lasted 9 Minutes and 8 seconds from 17:53:19 to 18:02:27 CST.

January 24, 2011


SYSTEM: You are currently caller number three. Your estimated hold time is currently two minutes.

HOSTGATOR: Thank you for calling Hostgator. This is Scott. May I help you?

IMPOSTER: Yes, Scott. I am calling about a domain that that is apparently listed to you that I own. It is RitaCoolidge.com.



HOSTGATOR: Now how do you spell coolidge?

IMPOSTER: C – O – O – L – I – D – G – E

HOSTGATOR: Ok, and you said that was dot com?


HOSTGATOR: Let me pull that up.


HOSTGATOR: OK, so I have your account in front of me. So how can I help you with that?

IMPOSTER: The site seems to be down.

HOSTGATOR: Ok,let me take a look and see whats going on with that. Has that ever worked? or…


HOSTGATOR: OK, lets see. I get a forbidden error. Ok, let me see whats going on here… and this is the only one that you’re having a problems with right now


HOSTGATOR: OK, let me go ahead… go in here and take a look. OK, I need to log into your web host manager in order to take a look at it. Do you mind if I temporarily change the password so that I can get in? I’ll change it back when I am done. This will temporarily lock you out while I am in.

IMPOSTOR: Yea. No. Um. If you want we can change the password completely. But that’s up to you. Yes, go ahead.

HOSTGATOR: It would just be temporary and then when i say unset it it will go back to what it was.

IMPOSTOR: My problem is… one of the reasons i am calling is other people have the password and thats what i’m trying to figure out whats wrong.

HOSTGATOR: Ok, ok, so after we look at the web site here if we need to we will reset the password for you.


HOSTGATOR: What type of site is it? Is it like a wordpress site, html site, joomla

IMPOSTER: I believe it’s html

HOSTGATOR: OK, right now I am looking at the file system. Just going in there right now. Yea, have you gotten any emails from us about that

IMPOSTER: No, we haven’t.


HOSTGATOR: OK, I actually see that we have a ticket number on that. Um, I can resend you the information in the ticket if you don’t have that

IMPOSTER: When you say ticket to be fixed or is it…

HOSTGATOR: It is something that you need to respond to. Let me go ahead and resend that to you? Do you have access to your billing account at gbclient.hostgator.com. Cause you can also see your tickets in there, as well.


HOSTGATOR: Ok all you’ld have to do is just go to gbclient.hostgator.com and then enter say forgot your password and enter in your password and then they’ll email you the password.

IMPOSTER: Yes, I’m sorry gbgator…

HOSTGATOR: gbclient.hostgator.com

IMPOSTER: dot sorry dot hostgator

HOSTGATOR: gbclient.hostgator.com

IMPOSTOR: OK and enter

HOSTGATOR: It should give you a login screen. So just say forgot your password and enter the email address you gave when you signed up.

IMPOSTER: OK and do do do do do do do do Is there a way that I can change that email address?

HOSTGATOR Um, after you log in yes

IMPOSTER: ok, all right, that will tell me what I need to know

HOSTGATOR: Yea, and I am also remailing you the, um, the ticket right now. So, you’ll get a copy of the ticket. Also, you’ll see the ticket in gbclient.

IMPOSTER: I don’t have access to that email address right now. So. That’s my problem.

HOSTGATOR: So let me send that. So, I am resending that to you. Ok, so you should have 2 copies of that ticket in your email now

IMPOSTER: And does that go to Terance or does that

HOSTGATOR: Um, I can tell which email address it goes to if you verify your account. Can I get the last 4 digits of the credit card number that we have on file for you.

IMPOSTER: I don’t … should be… I don’t have that in front of me. I’m sorry. It’s a business and that’s why…

HOSTGATOR: Unfortunately i can’t reveal which email

IMPOSTOR: OK, i understand that.

HOSTGATOR: But I did send another copy to the email address that we have opn eilfe


HOSTGATOR: If you don’t get it find out what the last 4 digits of the card are and we can help you get in.

IMPOSTOR: OK. Thank You Much.