
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
– US Constitution, First Amendment.

Judge DelRicci began the short list conference by asking Robert Angst if he had heard of the First Amendment.

Judge DelRicci then issued an order directing me to remove my son;s name from my web site. As the web site only contained truthful information about my relationship with my sons; and the actual text messages I was sending my son which were NOT hostile, threatening or intimidating, the order violated my rights.

I complied. YET, Angst & Angst again petitioned the court that I was in contempt of the unconstitutional order of Judge Del Ricci.

In a hearing before Judge Bertin, I explained that I did indeed comply; that Angst & Angst did not provide any evidence of non-compliance; and that the order was in violation of my right to freedom of speech.

I assured Judge Bertin that i did not control the indexes of search engines on the internet, and that I coul dnot contropl how often those indices get updated. Angst & Angst only evidence of my non-compliance with the unconstitutional order were the outdated printous of search engine listings.

Angst & Angst also refused to indicate when they might have visited my web site. Since February 2008, any records of their IP Address were removed from the site history, and any future activity seemed to be the result of their using an anonimizer to hide their access. Why would they have to conceal their access to a web site?

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