
When every aspect of your life has been taken, violated, destroyed…
When any hope of a future has been denied, prevented, blocked, litigated, corrupted, delayed..
When forced to face another day of abuse, harassment, terror, fear…
When no one you know can help… and no one else cares.

Each time I have turned to anyone for help, it turned out they were involved… and either acting to harass… or ignoring/unable to communicate.
I’m the fool…
… I trusted Ed Weideman.
… I trusted Gerry Dougherty. (Who the other day had the audacity to ask me for an apology about this web site. The cause of the nightmare asked ME for an apology. UNBELIEVABLE!)
… I trusted the Montgomery Township Police.
… I trusted the Montgomery County Detectives – Ray Kuter, Richard Peffall, and Joseph DeAngelo.
… I trusted the FBI.
… I trusted in State Rep. Todd Stephens ( and his staff ).
… I trusted in State Rep. Rick Taylor.
… I trusted in State Rep. Kate Harper.
… I trusted in State Sen. Stewart Greenleaf.
… I trusted in US Senator Arlen Specter.
… I trusted in McAfee, Norton Symantec, Microsoft, Kaspersky,… and all the other anti spyware companies.
… I trusted in Mark Dischell, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Sara Armstrong, my laywer. (She has mysteriously disappeared.)
… I trusted in Michael Yanoff, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Sterling Flowers, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Marguerite Nocchi, my lawyer.
… I trusted in Governor Ed Rendell.
… I trusted in Governor Tom Corbett.
… I trusted in the Courts, and have been denied due process and my civil rights.
… I trusted in Sara Goren, whose bias was obvious and was forgetful of her own lies.
… I trusted in Judge Thomas De Ricci, even though he treated me like dirt.
… I trusted in Judge Arthur Tilson, even though he ignored the issue and issued orders without hearings.
… I trusted in Judge Emanuel Bertin, he seemed unhappily pressured into his dismissals and denials.
… I trusted in Judge Patricia Coonahan, to treat my petitions as she had treated the same situation with others.
… I trusted in Judge Stephen Barrett, who at least had the courtesy to recuse after his show of extreme disrespect.
… I trusted in Judge Carolyn Carluccio, who assasinated my faith in justice and the judiciary.
… I believed in the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and thought it included me.
… I found that EVIL IS NOT ILLEGAL.
… I found that one persons mistake… committing a crime against me… when detected and proven… was a death sentence… carelessly not carried out… victimized since 2007 with impunity granted to the ones doing it.
… The more I detected, and proved, the more I was victimized.
… I trusted in Ron Trombino.
… I trusted in Chris Garuccio.
… I trusted in Collin Maier.
… I trusted in Andy Atkinson.
… I trusted in Jason (Jay) Anhorn.
… I trusted in Matt Metzger.
… I trusted in Brian Marks.
… I trusted in Nick Leras.
… I trusted in Walter (Wally) Swinehart.
… I trusted in John Kulesa.
… I trusted in CA Sokol Byrne.
… I trusted in Jeanette Brandofino.
… I trusted in Nelly Neben.
… I trusted in Brian Healy.
… I trusted in Jay (whose last name I can’t recall).
… I trusted in friends, who all disappeared when I needed them most.
… I trusted in strangers
… And No One could help.
… I get it. I’m afraid myself. All the time. I know the terror. I know what they are capable of doing.
… I have lost everything… my sons, my career, my dog, my friends, my financial security, my home, and my ability to trust.
… I suffered… alone… desperate for a friend… offering friendship to anyone else… with lowering expectations (but hope).
… Everyone who tried to offer help or support to me became a victim, or an observer, or fearful, or thankful it wasn;t happening to them.
… When there is no hope, nothing to persevere, no help available, no one interested in getting involved, no future, no escape, and every minute of every day I spend wondering WHY? No explanation. No reply.
… You can’t get over it, when they are not allowing anything to end.
… You can’t shrug it off, when they continue the deception.
… You can’t win.
… What is it they call doing the same thing and expecting different results? Yet, you are forced to keep going back to the same Court for resolutions the Court refuses to decide… and because they refuse to decide you cannot escalate it to a higher court. And this experience occurs with over 6 judges???
… Why has the court permited her to spend $70,000 in legal fees against me; permitted her to spend more seeking $upport, than she would receive in support; granted her impunity to violate EVERY court order.
… Why has the court beaten up, jailed, delayed, mocked, lied to , threatened, disrespected, silenced, a father who wanted to see his sons, a father who followed court procedures and waited patiently as they ran out the custody clock, a man who DID try to resolve issues before getting the court involved, a man who did not lie or be unable to recall anything.

Is it just that I figured out that when caught in the computer surveillance, they hired a private investigator who had a prior relationship with the township/county to handle some less than legal surveillance and investigations in exchange for impunity? And that impunity would extend to everyone involved… except the target. The victim.

It appears so. A Terroristic Divorce. There is no escape.
They are not going to stop until you kill yourself.
They are afraid to issue a death sentence in a divorce.
Dying from a disease that won’t kill you.

My heartfelt thanks to the strangers who offered support.
The few friends that are still with me know how much I appreciate them.
They know who they are, and I thank them often… because it isn’t easy to stand by helplessly and watch someone you care about be destroyed.

I stand on the stairway my back to the dungeon. The doorway to freedom so close to my hand. While voices around me still bitterly damn me for seeking salvation. They don’t understand.

And when I am wounded by those who condemn me. Lord help me forgive them. They don’t understand.

3 comments so far

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  1. I’m dealing with a situation with the Montgomery County court and while I wouldn’t consider my situation a “terroristic divorce” I would say that I sense corruption within the Montgomery County judiciary – starting with domestic relations and continuing through the common pleas court. I was wondering if the person that was involved in this situation would be willing to talk to me about what happened in greater detail.

  2. How much detail. Lol. My case is not yet over. Talking over the phone can be overwhelming. I have found the best convos take place in person.

    Yes, I’d be willing to meet with you.
    Where are you located? I am in Warrington. Bucks county.

  3. I took a peek at a few places. I see you are pro se and an appeal was quashed without review. The custody issue has got to be a nightmare. I have t seen my kids in 15 years. So anything I can do to help, I’ll do it

    Terance. Yepterance@gmail.com