
June 17, 2011 @ 5:23PM
I have an insurance check from liberty mutual for $1758.24 to cover the water marks in the house. There will be a second check for $767.51 after I provide them with the receipts for the repair. Thje check requires both of our signatures. can I bring to you with your mail to get ur signature? I have a copy of the check and estimate for you as well.

June 17, 2011 @ 5:35pm
i am unaware of your insurance claim. i will sign the checks at arbitration.

I have lived terrorized for the last 4 years.
I have dealt with each attack as best I could.
I have cried for weeks at a time.
I have cried at every holiday.
I have cried every day in 2011.
Even though I have been terrorized, i have done NOTHING to retaliate for the abuse.
I haven’t cheated, lied, stolen, threatened, stalked, harassed, pursued,…

Without any other choice, I have submitted to the abuse.
I have begged for the law to be enforced. IT ISN’T.

There is no comfort in my life at all.
I can’t bathe
I can’t dress
I can’t eat
I can’t rest
I can’t sit
I can’t cook
I can’t sleep
I can’t think
I can’t talk
I can’t plan ahead
I can’t do anything, or go anywhere and not be reminded of the struggle I survived or the struggle to continue
I can’t watch television without constant reminders of what is lost and how no one helps.
This is no life.
There is nothing I can do to escape even mentally for a few minutes.
The constant reminder of the evil that is destroying me is in my face every minute of my day.

I did nothing to harm anyone… and no one ever helped me.
I cry. I pray for peace. It doesn’t come.
I CRY. I have searched for hope everywhere I possible could. It’s not there.


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge indicated that he felt the government made a major mistake when it came to surveillance. He was the first head of the Dept of Homeland Security

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell revealed the inappropriate surveillance that the State of Pennsylvania had sub-contracted out to private investigators. He ended those contractos.

A private investigator has been harassing, terrorizing and trying to set me up for over 4 years. The private investigator has complete impunity.

The county can’t very well prosecute the private investigators, when they are using them to handle their unwarranted surveillance.

A private investigator with impunity, can violate any law without any repercussions.

If a private citizen hires that private investigator, they inherit the impunity and their target gets annihilated.

In a divorce, it destroys everything. I have experienced it… and survived. A regretful survival. The longer I survive the more I am terrorized.