
* DRAFT * * * DRAFT * * * DRAFT * * * DRAFT * * * DRAFT * * * DRAFT *
Judge Carolyn Carluccio was informed of the ethics violation by Angst & Angst when they submitted a different letter to the judge than they provided (days later) to the defendant, Judge Carluccio dismissed it. No hearing.

Judge Carluccio then IGNORED the request for the other Inappropriate Ex Parte Documents sent to the court by Angst & Angst. No hearing.


Judge Carluccio then has a Rushed EMERGENCY Hearing where she refuses to permit the Defendant to present the exhibits and evidence, BECAUSE THOSE THINGS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. How does one have a hearing and not discuss the things which have happened in the past? She ends the hearing because she didn’t have time for it. Her schedule would only permit my wife and Valerie Angst to present the lies and fraud, there was no time for a defense, and certainly no time for the counterpetition previously dismissed as not cognizable. BECAUSE THE COUNTERPETITION WOULD BE COGNIZABLE THIS TIME.


Judge Carluccio never reschedules a protracted hearing on the matter. OF COURSE, She was not going to permit the evidence of corruption in every hearing to be presented. The quick rushed hearing was designed to railroad me out of my home. My response threw a huge monkey wrench into that. It also demonstrated that the other petitions I have filed were also based on truth and could be backed up with exhibits, evidence and testimony.

As Judge Carluccio was clearly not interested in justice happening in her courtroom, I requested she recuse. This was my second time requesting a judge to recuse. The First time, Judge Stephen Barrett recused when his disrespect was documented and witnessed. The Request for Judge Carluccio’s Recusal was considerably more indicative of her extreme bias, and her corrupt and unethical actions on the bench.


Judge Carluccio secretly cancels hearings scheduled for June 1-2, 2011 by email without notification to the defendant.

[insert exhibits/praecipes here]

On March 29, 2011, Judge Carluccio refuses to Recuse… and when questioned about the secret cancellation of the protracted hearings the hearings are then rescheduled for May 5, 2011.

Then Judge Carluccio issues an Order LIES about an extensive review of the case because she didn’t have the files or documents and the docket exceeds 300 entries. The Order cancels the hearings again. This time because the Judge says they have been resolved. She is so wrong and violating Pennsylvania Law and Procedures and US Law.


Prior to May 5, 2011, Judge Carluccio refused to issue an order indicating she had cancelled all of the proceedings for that date. I am only provided a copy of the cancellation order on the morning of May 5, 2011 when I appear with witnesses for the proceedings.

A member of the judge’s staff then contacts the courthouse security and falsely alleges that I have threatened the judge.

The security guards know this isnt true but must respond to the allegation. I show them the Order for the hearing that morning and they are puzzled about the false allegation. I was ordered to appear. I appeared. Why would they be told I had no business at the courthouse? INTIMIDATION.


One has to wonder which site is the correct current web site for the United States Department of Justice.
I get a different contact name and number than a friend on Facebook finds. And today’s result is different than one I have found before. Looking further into it, the sites aren’t even the same colors? format? or data?

Could that explain why no one investigates the corruption? Am I reporting it to non-existent people? at non-existent or misdirected phone numbers? or does the DOJ really just ignore reports of ongoing and persistent judicial corruption?

Look up the contact for Official Corruption, Civil Rights, Computer Crimes? Send me the info through the Comments Block below. Thanks for helping determine the correct contact. If you feel inspired, contact the person you find and ask them to investigate.


11:24 AM. I just got a call from Tim Goodwin now indicating his displeasure at his number being posted around the web.

Yesterday, after I got the call and realized I knew the mystery caller – though he hasn’t been involved in the web site for 15 years – I told him I would take his number down from this web site. I removed the phone numbers last 4 digits last night on every post on this site and pulled messages down from Facebook.

This morning, I get a call from Tim Goodwin and he isn’t happy at his number still being cached on the search engine sites. The search engine cache is not within my control.

I told him that it was not my fault that the whole issue was raised. He disagreed. He is wrong.

This post is related to these previous posts:

Nelly Neben put him up to making the call. She was at fault.
Nelly Neben knew I found out about the caller attempting to gain control of the web site.
Nelly Neben knew I was on a mission to find out who was behind the attempt.
Nelly Neben could have said that she had contacted Tim and asked him to make the call.

Nelly Neben went on to lie to me on the phone when the site was moved to Utah in February.
Nelly Neben then acted to lock down the site and prevent it from being moved back to the Texas location.
Nelly Neben locked up the site from February 15, 2011 through March 15, 2011 through a dispute filed with Network Solutions. This action disabled all of my accounts at Network Solutions.
Nelly Neben‘s actions also locked me out from my primary email account to which most of my internet accounts were connected.

Nelly Neben did not act within the 30 days on the dispute and the lock was lifted. A stall tactic? A time waster? WHY?

That lock was lifted only after multiple phone calls with Network Solutions, where each day I was informed that the problem would be resolved within 24 hours. After a week of emails, phone calls and “unsure what’s going on” responses from Network Solutions, control of the site was once again returned to my account.
An account that I have paid for and managed since it’s creation.

Nelly Neben could have provided the information about her activity. INSTEAD, I FOUND OUT THROUGH USE OF A SUBPEONA, the INTERNET, and FACEBOOK.

So, Tim, If you want an apology for your number being published on the internet connected to my web site. The person you need to seek the apology from is Nelly Neben. AND IF YOU CONTACT NELLY NEBEN, tell her that she owes me an apology and an explanation.

To Tim Goodwin: Nelly Neben used you to act against me… and you know, you could have called me at anytime to inquire why Nelly Neben was asking this of you. Why didn’t you do that? Take responsibility for your actions. Ask Nelly Neben “WHY?”

For the record, I always considered Nelly Neben as a friend.

I am the type of friend that was able to get over the incidental moments of inconsideration that was part of friendship with Nelly Neben. I have never done or said anything with the intention to cause her any stress or harm. Yet, Nelly’s actions in this matter are incomprehensible, and go way beyond hurtful and devious. What would cause her to act like this? Most say it was her way of dealing with everyone… I don’t believe that.

I do know that my wife was extremely jealous of my business relationship with Nelly and my friendship with Nelly. That unfounded jealousy turned into hatred. Sadly, Sonya passed those bad feelings on to my children. Undermining our business relationship and friendship was definitely a target for Sonya. Sonya’s actions hurt my business and clients and also Nelly’s business and her clients.

Nelly and I have only met in person a handful of times. We communicated by telephone and email. Nelly and I did work well together. We had an open and direct style of communicating with each other. Deceitful and deceptive activity was not the way we ever dealt with each other. We always talked things through when we weren’t on the same page. I can only recall one time going over her head on a decision. Also, I defended her time and time again when her style of doing business was questioned.

So Nelly, WHY?

Why would you cause me such incredible grief? Why would you make my life more difficult? Why would you want me to experience more stress?

I was brokenhearted when you fired me from my dream, but I didn’t hold it against you.

What caused you to betray me? abandon me? hurt me? lie to me? Nelly, you were someone I trusted… you weren’t some post divorce pawn inserted into my life to eventually pull a rug out from under me. What was your motivation? Why did you lie? Why did [your husband] lie? Why couldn’t you tell me the truth? Why?

And Nelly,… you owe Tim a huge apology for involving him.


Something I didn’t install on my computer. Appeared without Publisher information. And provides remote printing capabilities… like printing to a PDf file for small file size and easy transmission. …and it works for Windows Terminal Server …with transparent printing, so it goes unnoticed. Part of the Stealth Surveillance package. Ya think?

I’ve been unable to disable Terminal Services for years. It permits stealth remote access to the VM programs.

No wonder the computer can’t process anything quickly. It’s too busy taking and sending printouts of my screens and messages to whomever it is that wants me dead, but wants me to do it for them.

Now could that be why I am getting all those Adobe PDF Reader Updates also? Or is Adobe now providing twice daily updates to their programs and getting so lazy with their installs that the buttons are downright chatty in context.

REDMONTransparent PostScript printing from Windows 95/98 and NT (3.51, 4, 2000 and XP) and soon Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The RedMon port monitor redirects a special printer port to a program. RedMon is commonly used with Ghostscript and a non-PostScript printer to emulate a PostScript printer.

RedMon can be used with any program that accepts data on standard input.

Using RedMon you create a redirected printer port. If you connect a Windows printer driver to the redirected printer port, all data sent to the redirected port will be forwarded by RedMon to the standard input of a program. The output of this program can be sent to different printer port, or the program can generate whatever output it desires.


Any of the persons I believe to be Confidential Informants who were directed to intrude into my life would have legitimate fears of all of the following situations. Confidential informants are treated as disposable human beings. I believe that they have taken weak people with little self respect and inserted them into my life. When those people see that what they are doing to me is wrong – at so many levels – they become even more fearful. They see that I am a good person suffering through tremendous injustice. They see that the victim of injustice will only be further victimized by injustices.


These examples from the New Jersey /ACLU Report explain the varied situations.

Manufacturing and Overlooking Criminal Conduct — Some law enforcement officers overlook the criminal conduct of CIs under their supervision. In addition, police officers have allowed CIs to participate in crime with other civilians and then arrested only the non-informant. In cases where a CI is encouraged to induce a civilian to engage in criminal activity, those actions might validly be subject to claims of entrapment.

Financial Abuse — Interviews revealed that some police agents use personal money or money confiscated from criminal suspects to fund CIs despite written policies prohibiting these practices. Engaging in such practices allows individual officers to recruit and deploy CIs without their departments’ knowledge and outside the appropriate oversight — behavior that is also expressly prohibited by existing written policies.

Physical and Verbal Abuse — We learned from the community interviews that law enforcement officers sometimes assault or threaten civilians in order to coerce them or their friends and relatives to serve as CIs. Based on information provided by community members, who admitted to acting as CIs, “cooperation” achieved through such means has led individuals to fabricate information. This practice, while seemingly rare, is criminal. Reports of verbal abuse were more prevalent than reports of physical abuse. The reported verbal abuse included derogatory name calling and threats of civil action (such as child removal) if civilians refused to act as informants.

“Burning” the CI — Police officials fail to sufficiently safeguard information about the identities and locations of CIs or about their relationships with the police, thereby exposing civilians to risk of harm. At times, CIs perceive the “burning” as intentional punishment for failing to cooperate as expected; other times it appears to be inadvertent — police or prosecutors carelessly make verbal statements or gestures in the presence of others (outside the police-informant relationship) from which an inference can be made that the civilian is “working for” the police.

Use of Unreliable Informants — Police survey responses and community interviews indicate that police sometimes take CIs at their word without first carefully and independently corroborating the veracity of their statements before attempting to make an arrest. Incentives offered to CIs, including leniency in their own criminal cases, increase the risk that CIs will provide unreliable information. The prevalent and repeated use of drug-addicted civilians as CIs increases the risk that the information they provide may be unreliable.

Misuse of Juvenile Informants — There is currently no absolute ban on using children as CIs. Current state, county, and municipal policies include age restrictions and requirements such as parental or prosecutorial consent prior to using juveniles as CIs, but the policies are not uniform across the three levels of government. This means police may use underage persons as CIs, in some cases without consulting the juvenile’s attorney or legal representatives. Juvenile CIs by virtue of their age are even more vulnerable than the general population, when dealing with law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

“Legal” Coercion — Police “squeeze” criminal defendants by threatening them with additional charges or counts related to their own cases if they do not “cooperate” by becoming CIs.

Using Big Fish to Catch Little Fish — Police or prosecutors occasionally give upper-level drug dealers, traffickers, and manufacturers more lenient treatment because they can “give up” numerous less-serious offenders in the ranks below them. This means that the more culpable leaders of drug networks — the “kingpins” — may get less severe punishment than underlings who play a lesser role in the drug trafficking operation.

Although procedural changes were made in 2004 to limit such situations in New Jersey, some public defenders interviewed during this study reported that this situation still occurs, though less frequently.

Failure to Protect the Safety of Lower-Level Informants — The practice of allowing, encouraging, or coercing low-level offenders to actively participate in the investigation and apprehension of more serious or higher-level offenders exposes low-level offenders, their families, and their friends to the risk of serious physical harm if their identities become known. As reported in the public defender interviews, mere motor vehicle traffic violators were used in some cases to infiltrate criminal enterprises run by interstate drug traffickers.

Failure to Put Agreements in Writing — State guidelines require that cooperation agreements between the state and a defendant facing sentencing for a drug crime be in writing, pursuant to the Attorney General mandates that bind county prosecutors (the “Brimage Guidelines”) (See Appendix B).23 There is substantial evidence that, with the exception of a few counties, this requirement is often not followed. In addition, the Brimage requirements do not apply in a variety of other contexts where the state seeks and obtains cooperation from witnesses. There is little evidence that written agreements are used in these other contexts, and it appears that New Jersey law enforcement officials consistently fail to comply with the dictates of Brimage when written cooperation agreements are required. In all contexts where CIs are used, the absence of a written agreement pits a CI’s word against that of a law enforcement agency, leading to disputes about what promises were made in return for cooperation, as well as the nature and duration of the expected cooperation.

Circumventing Search Warrant Requirements — In urban areas, according to community respondents, CIs are sometimes used in place of search warrants to gain access to dwellings that the police believe contain evidence of drug sales. Rather than apply for a search warrant, the police send an informant to make a purchase at a residence they suspect of drug involvement. When an occupant opens the door to conduct a hand-to-hand transaction, the police push their way into the residence and conduct a search of the entire premises, not just the area within the arrestee’s immediate reach.

Anonymous Accusers — Several of the public defenders interviewed stated that they sometimes questioned the veracity of a CI’s claim against a client or even whether a CI actually was involved in a particular investigation. Under the general legal rule, applicable in both federal and state courts, CIs with information that relates directly to a defendant’s guilt or innocence cannot remain anonymous and may be called to testify.25 In practice, the public defenders and private attorneys reported that they rarely succeed in compelling the disclosure of an alleged CI’s identity.26 In the rare case, where such a motion is successful, prosecutors elect to dismiss charges rather than reveal information about the informant.

Street-Level Recruitment — When police officers are allowed to recruit a CI on the street in lieu of arresting him or her, it increases their use of CIs and precludes the oversight mandated by written policies. The unregulated recruitment of individuals on the street and their participation in the act of informing undermine community cohesion and faith in fair law enforcement.



Turns out the number is someone I know who hasn’t had any involvement with the site in 15 years. Tim Goodwin was asked by Nelly Neben to gain control of the site.

I was in contact with Nelly Neben repeatedly during the events in January, February and March, and I kept Nelly Neben informed with my pursuit of the caller’s identity. WHY DIDN”T NELLY NEBEN TELL ME SHE PUT THE PERSON UP TO IT? WHY IS SHE HIDING HER ACTIONS? WHY WOULD SHE PUT ME THROUGH THE ANXIETY OF NOT KNOWING?

Considering that this event lead to the discovery of the criminal actions of the Contra Costa Drug Task Force and the Private Investigator – a story which offers many parallels to my situation. Have I once again learned more from their mistakes?

Text Message Update to Friends: I just spoke to Tim Goodwin. NELLY HAD PUT HIM UP TO THE CALL IN JANUARY. Why wouldn’t she tell me that? Why would she rather I kill myself rather than admit her actions? Tim & I are cool. He had no idea what was behind Nelly’s actions… or why she was keeping her attempt to gain control of the site from me. Why not just ask me? talk to me? explain to me? it’s the least I deserve after all I have done for her.”

Why would Nelly Neben not tell me what she was doing when she was aware of the stress her actions were causing?
   –  Fear of becoming further involved in the technology used to hack my life.
   –  An ongoing investigation where she was not permitted to speak with me.
   – National Security Letters  ( Real or Faked? )

As I have been told by the FBI and County Detectives (in refusing to investigate any of my reported technology intrusions) that I am not under any investigation and have not been under any investigation as far back as July 2007… Then any National Security Letter about me would be a fake.

As a National Security Letter forbids the recipient from discussing it in any form with anyone, including their attorney, their spouse,m their family under threat of incarceration. It makes for a great document for someone to hide behind when trying to undermine any support or help I might be getting.

Who knows enough about National Security Letters to abuse them? The FBI would definitely know… As would retired FBI agents.

After I first met Ron Trombino, he used one of my computers to get on the web. After he left, I checked the history and searched a few key terms. Terms not relevant to law enforcement or anything. Surprising thing was Google returned an entry for RETIRED FBI AGENTS. Peculiar???

RETIRED FBI AGENTS was a private investigation company based in Doylestown, PA. The same town where Ronnie rented an apartment and worked for SEPCADD (SouthEastern Pennsylvania Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependance).

RETIRED FBI AGENTS is now known as Foresight Investigations, on Duane Rd in Doylestown. Their address is a post office box on the edge of a property at the corner of 611 and Duane Road. No building. No office. Just a mailbox.

Foresight Investigations is a popular name with private investigators. That business name shows up in the same cities as the people who infiltrated my life. They either came from the city, or moved to the city when they left. There were so many of them I noticed the pattern of key cities.

Ronnie went to Minneapolis. He left everything in his apartment when he left. He just left. He told me he was going on vacation for a few days. He didn’t tell his boss he was leaving/quitting. And SEPCADD seems to have closed at the same time. Coincidence?

Ron’s disappearance occurred within days of my telling someone on the phone we had a fight that escalated and things were broken. I made the story up. Not out of anger, or malice. Moreso for curiosity. Hoping to prove myself wrong.

How could it be possible that me telling a false story to someone on the telephone would have this repercussion? I did this only 2 more times. Each time a few months apart. Each resulted in the disappearance of the person without explanation.

Ron didn’t want to go on vacation. He delayed leaving for days… delaying just a day at a time without explanation while lurking at my house and not going back to his own place. Discussion of my false story and phone call would reveal he knew about the tech intrusion into my life. I noticed his frustration, and realized he didn’t really want this vacation. After a few days, he woke me at 4AM. I took him to the airport, and he was gone. It wasn’t a vacation.

I tried very hard to trust Ron. I considered him a close friend, yet there was always something he wasn’t telling me. He didn’t like to see me when I was down. He learned early on that when I became silent, the emotions were welling up inside me. He always left when that happened. He didn’t ask for a ride home, or wait for one. There was always someone he knew in the area to come pick him up and get him with only a few minutes notice. He didn’t like to see the emotional devastation that the ‘divorce’ was having on me.


They stole everything… my family, my career, my friends, my health, my security, my spirit, and every joy and passion in my life.

4 years of hell and they continue to attack… they aren’t done yet.

There is no recovery. There is no survival.

NO ONE F**KING HELPED ME. No one cared.

Colin, Brennan,
Since you can’t communicate with me without getting caught, I am writing my message here.

You have permitted my destruction. You made that choice, you can live with that.
Forgive yourselves when you realize what you’ve done.
I gave you everything I could in life. I was there for you whenever you needed me.

I’m ashamed that you would allow this to happen to me. Why?
(and if that gives you the anger you need to continue your life, so be it.)
Be careful though, because they will be coming for you when I am gone.
Their secret injustice won’t die with me.

I never did anything to hurt you. Never would.
Good Luck in life,


Something I didn’t install on my computer. Appeared wiithout Publisher information. And provides remote printing capabilities… like printing to a PDf file for small file size and easy transmission. …and it works for Windows Terminal Server …with transparent printing, so it goes unnoticed. Part of the Stealth Surveillance package. Ya think?

I’ve been unable to disable Terminal Services for years. It permits stealth remote access to the VM programs.

No wonder the computer can’t process anything quickly. It’s too busy taking and sending printouts of my screens and messages to whomever it is that wants me dead, but wants me to do it for them.

Now could that be why I am getting all those Adobe PDF Reader Updates also? Or is Adobe now providing twice daily updates to their programs and getting so lazy with their installs that the buttons are downright chatty in context.

REDMONTransparent PostScript printing from Windows 95/98 and NT (3.51, 4, 2000 and XP) and soon Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The RedMon port monitor redirects a special printer port to a program. RedMon is commonly used with Ghostscript and a non-PostScript printer to emulate a PostScript printer.

RedMon can be used with any program that accepts data on standard input.

Using RedMon you create a redirected printer port. If you connect a Windows printer driver to the redirected printer port, all data sent to the redirected port will be forwarded by RedMon to the standard input of a program. The output of this program can be sent to different printer port, or the program can generate whatever output it desires.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
– US Constitution, First Amendment.

Judge DelRicci began the short list conference by asking Robert Angst if he had heard of the First Amendment.

Judge DelRicci then issued an order directing me to remove my son;s name from my web site. As the web site only contained truthful information about my relationship with my sons; and the actual text messages I was sending my son which were NOT hostile, threatening or intimidating, the order violated my rights.

I complied. YET, Angst & Angst again petitioned the court that I was in contempt of the unconstitutional order of Judge Del Ricci.

In a hearing before Judge Bertin, I explained that I did indeed comply; that Angst & Angst did not provide any evidence of non-compliance; and that the order was in violation of my right to freedom of speech.

I assured Judge Bertin that i did not control the indexes of search engines on the internet, and that I coul dnot contropl how often those indices get updated. Angst & Angst only evidence of my non-compliance with the unconstitutional order were the outdated printous of search engine listings.

Angst & Angst also refused to indicate when they might have visited my web site. Since February 2008, any records of their IP Address were removed from the site history, and any future activity seemed to be the result of their using an anonimizer to hide their access. Why would they have to conceal their access to a web site?


New Jersey police misuse and abuse informants: ACLU report
By Eric W. Dolan
Monday, June 27th, 2011 — 5:34 pm

The use of confidential informants by New Jersey police leads to violations of civilians’ rights and botched investigations thanks to inconsistent polices and insufficient oversight, according to a study by the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and ACLU Criminal Law Reform Project.

The report (PDF) found that some departments throughout New Jersey failed to put agreements in writing, circumvented search warrant requirements, used juveniles improperly, and insufficiently checked the reliability of information given by confidential informants, who can be motivated by financial incentives or fear of prosecution to fabricate information.

The report, released Monday, is based on information gathered from law enforcement and citizens.

In addition, the lack of a clear single state policy regulating the use of informants by law enforcement “has led to inconsistent and ethically questionable practices, and in some instances downright corruption and serious criminality,” the report found. “Whether intentional or inadvertent, the unregulated and unsupervised use of informants causes harms that must be addressed through training and enforcement.”

Many police departments reported that no policies existed concerning the use of informants, while other departments believed the mandatory protocols issued by the New Jersey Attorney General were merely advisory.

“Because the practice of using informants in criminal investigations has such a long history with support from state laws and judicial decisions, we were surprised to find that the policy governing informant use in the state is so disorganized,” said Professor Delores Jones-Brown, co-author of the report and a former Monmouth County Assistant Prosecutor. “Though our sample size was small, it was disturbing to find that half of the officers surveyed were unclear about the requirements for the proper use of informants.”

The report called on New Jersey to adopt a confidential informant system that “does not prey on the poor, the weak, or communities of color that can also adequately protect the interests of civilians who have been accused of crimes.”

A similar report released by the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi in March found that “the widespread recruitment of community members as informants, coupled with aggressive police tactics and excessive sentencing policies, results in a ‘police state’ atmosphere that should not be tolerated anywhere in America.”