
How does Valerie Rosenbluth Angst write and sign a letter on May 17th, yet have it postmarked on May 16th?

This seems to happen all the time…. especially when corresponding with the Judges and Masters. She generously provides them with a courtesy facsimile copy.

Have to wonder what date appeared on the facsimile copy?


The Glass

“well get over it… think of the glass half full.”

think of the glass being shattered and no one helping while everything in it is destroyed and lost. there’s the right analogy.

then let it run like that for 5 years. with no hope of it ending because someone keeps chipping at the glasss.

don’t mock the glass… it is fragile… and worn. and trying to not fall apart… even though it knows it will break… soon… and then won’t be a glass anymore. destroyed.


The retelling has become less emotional.

The hoplessness of no future is enveloping me though. The court has only ordered me to lose more. the court has refused to address the outstanding issue of the last 4 years – cancelling all hearings, and ordered my continued financial destruction.

As I attempt to respond to their actions, they hit the laptop. I can barely connect to the web…. and must have rebooted over 500 times yesterday.

1. The computer can be hit whenever they like, there is NO protection from their atrtacks. There has not been for the last 5 years. No future there. There is no software protection from the program which gives them control of the computers. and if I get close to breaking free, they kill the computers.

2. I have been ordered out of the house, so it breaks my heart to pack and store my things at my mothers until June 9 when i must be out. I have to leave and pay the bills at the house until it sells while i may not live here. No future financially there.

3. the ultrasonic noises which have tortured my health and sleep will likely follow me wherever I go. if I end up living with my mother I fear she will have a stroke from its impact on her. 2 friends in similar circumstances. One had a massive stroke, the other has been having seizures. No future there knowing it could kill my mother if i move in with her. It is one thing for her to say she isnt afraid. It’s another to make me watch them injure her… and when it happens deal with my family blaming me for bringing it to her door.

4. The judge has allowed for my wife to arrive and take whatever, whenever… no security while here in the house. The same fear as the last 4 years, but now without any court order for her to violate and them NOT to enforce anyway. No respite from the terror.

5. Then she can lie about property matters, and we are back in court. Perhaps I’ll have to produce something she already stole from the house. As defendant, i have to appear to be beat up some more – no choice. They have NEVER enforced a court order on my behalf. But the alternate has been pursued regularly. Not Exaggerating there. No hope for any future there.
– The toothaches are more painful by the day, but the court never enforced the order for dental insurance… for 4 years.
– There has been no financial recoup on all the money I paid on the mortgage in the last 4 years. They haven;t enforce the order for her to pay the house expenses. And have ignored the one for 3 years of back support payments.

The overwhelming hopelessness of surviving the terror of the last 5 years to find there is absolutely no hope of any future despite persevering is debilitating. And dealing with it alone, when everyone imagines it will blow over.

Police have never even looked into the crimes committed against me. The false reports, the identity theft, the conp[uter and phone intrusions.
FBI have never indicated they are investigating them, or me. It seems I continue to catch someone investigating me instead of the ones attacking for the last 5 years.
County Detectives have never investigated anything, even though I met with them and showed them evidence. they stopped when she burglarized the house. Not sure why that justified ending the computer intrusion investigation.
District Attorney has ignored the crimes.

No one helped me in the past. there is no one helping now. and there is no future. no escape. and my heart is breaking.
i am not crazy, i am the only one living in the reality daily and not dismissing and ignoring and imagining it wil end.

I don’t count anyone out. I have no future though. I’ve been destroyed… professionaly, financially, personnally, emotionally… because someone took the bad advice of her lawyer who then had to cover liabilities. Evil. Pure evil.


Inquirer Judicial Candidate Questionnaire
Name: Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio
Post: Judge of the Court of Common Pleas,
Montgomery County

1. Why are you qualified and well-suited to serve as a judge on the court for which you are running?
My decades of experience working in the criminal and civil courts on a Federal, State and local level, together with my reputation for fairness demonstrate that I am capable of “outstanding service” as a Judge in the Court of Common Pleas. My passion for public service and love for the community make me perfect for the role of a judge.

2. Did you receive a rating of “recommended” or higher from the state or local bar association? If not, why not?
I received a rating of “Highly Recommended” from the Montgomery Bar Association Judiciary committee.

3. If you are an incumbent judge, what’s a recent instance in which you acted to preserve your judicial independence?
If you are an aspiring judge, how do you plan to remain independent if elected to the bench? I came to learn the importance of judicial independence when I was chosen to represent the United States Attorney in Washington, DC on ethics matters. If elected I will render decisions on their own merits, free from political pressure or popular sentiment. All arguments will be conducted with both parties present and ex-parte communication will not be

4. A number of Pennsylvania judges have been sanctioned for campaign activities, ex parte dealings, and other alleged misconduct. How can the state’s judiciary prevent discipline scandals of the type seen recently?
The state judiciary should have an independent review board to review all allegations of misconduct and impose a series of sanctions appropriate to the misconduct such as suspension without pay, removal from the bench and/or forfeit their pension.

5. If you believe that gender, racial, ethnic, class or other forms of bias can infect the justice system, how will you work to keep your courtroom as bias-free as possible? I will carry forward the practice I have always followed of fighting bias and discrimination, which is why I was chosen as a leader in the diversity committee. In my courtroom everyone, regardless of race, class, gender and ethnic background will be treated fairly, professionally and in accordance with the law.


I have never met Rhonda Daniele.

I have never been in her court.

I have read the horrible things she has done to anyone who dares to stand up to her. SHE DESTROYS PEOPLE.

It is interesting to note that whenever Judge Daniele has issued any order in my case it has NEVER been docketed. Always issued under secrecy and without any hearings whatsoever.

There have been several orders issued by her even though JUDGE DANIELE HAS NEVER BEEN ASSIGNED TO MY CASE.

She seems to have her own secret justice system… and she keeps everyone under her in line through FEAR.

Some interesting things. It seems when I asked this next question out loud, the securtity at the courthouse bacame very nervous and began following me around.

Valerie Angst graduated Law school and began her clerkship with Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas at around the same time that Judge Daniele was first elected to serve as a judge.

Did Valerie Angst clerk for the newly installed judge? Did she work under another name? Her AKA’s are extensive. Valerie Park, Valerie Rosenbluth, Valerie Rosenbluth Angst

Is that why the Secret Order of August 22, 2007 was signed and given to Valerie Angst to use against me SECRETLY?

Did they have a special relationship which permitted them to have their OWN PERSONAL JUSTICE SYSTEM?

Did each of the Judges on this case act to protect the SECRET JUSTICE SYSTEM of Rhonda Daniele? Thomas Delricci, Arthur Tilson, Emanuel Bertin, Stephen Barrett, Carolyn Carluccio. THEY ALL TURNED THEIR BACK ON JUSTICE AND THE LAW TO PROTECT RHONDA DANIELE. THEY SHOULD ALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BENCH. YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE FROM EVERY ASPECT. It is my sincere hope that the judicial system will return the favor for me and serve you each with prison sentences.

The ONLY judge beyond reproach in this case is Judge Toby Dickman. Her actions were consistent with the law. I only stood before Judge Dickman once, on September 6, 2007. Judge Dickman passed away shortly thereafter. I see her painting when I go to the law library. I thank her for the notes she made on her orders, she may not have known how corrupt the other judges of Family Court could become, but her actions from the bench have reached a long way.

Is the Montgomery County Drug Task Force the paramilitary arm of the Family Court system headed by Judge Daniele? All indiciations are that they too have been used to attempt to create a situation which did not end with me becoming a drug dealer. They tried. They failed. I am a stronger person than that.

When do ther judges get prosecuted for their crimes against me? and against my family? and against the others trapped in the Family Court of Montgomery County?


On Thursday May 5, 2011, I had been ordered to appear in Court.

When I arrived, I was told the hearing was cancelled.

I had not been notified.

The Court Staff gave me a copy of the Cancellation Order. It was right there waiting for me.

I stopped at Court Admin to advise them of the CANCELLATION ORDER.

I was surrounded by 7 Security Guards who told me I should only show up at the Court when Subpeonaed or Ordered to appear.

I showed them the Order to Appear.

Court Admin attempted on Tuesday to get a cancellation Order from the Judge. She would only provide verbal notification… which would not hold up in any Court, SO I HAD TO APPEAR.

The Security then explained there was a report from the Judge’s Chambers that I had verbally threatened the Judge.
They realized they were being used. But they had a job to do. I thanked them for telling me why they were following me and my 70+ year old mother.

They then escorted me to the Prothonotary where I filed the 96 pages of exhibits I had planned to present during the hearing. After 4 years of trying to have a court order enforced, it should not take 4 judges, and 96 pages to accomplish.




I have made arrangements with Security where I will contact them when going to the Courthouse for any business or hearings, to assure them they have nothing to be concerned about with regard to me.

The list of crimes being committed by Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio grows daily.

If Judge Carluccio feels threatened by me, how does she suppose I feel as she denies my civil rights, prevents any resolution of any matter since her assignment to the case in December 2010… while my teeth fall out from stress of 5 years of terror and harassment… while I can’t eat or sleep some days… while I spend hours (and entire days) crying at the hopelessness of surviving this nightmare since 2007… with no end in sight. I FEEL THREATENED… but I never make false reports to authorities. To do so would be a crime in this state.

The terror and harassment at the hands of the Montgomery County Court for the last 5 years has consumed my existence. I have no peace, no joy, and they offer no explanations.

EVIL IS NOT ILLEGAL. And Judge’s are not held accountable for the damage they do.
5 years. 8 judges.
For a simple divorce?


Exhibits Emergency Medical benefits


SONYA HEALY : #2007-12477

v. :



– Issue was included as a part of APL Exceptions on 8/11/2010
#211 Emergency Appeal in Support (APL)
– Emergency was denied, the issue was separated and re-filed on 8/12/2010
#214 Emergency Petition for Relief (re: Medical Benefits)


The Following exhibits are provided in support of the Petition

Court Order dated December 6, 2007 signed by Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele
– clearly indicates Plaintiff to Provide Medical and Dental Insurance

Court Order dated December 6, 2007 signed by Judge Kent Albright
– clearly indicates Plaintiff to Provide Medical and Dental Insurance

Summary of Trier of Fact dated September 14, 2007 – Meg Blatman
– Page 2 indicates Plaintiff Benefits
– Page 3 indicates “PLTF TO PROV MEDICAL & DENTAL”

Plaintiff’s paystubs indicate her inclusion in the Dental Plan (DPPO) offered by ACTS Retirement life Communities

Ex Parte Letter from Valerie Angst to Support Master dated August 9, 2010
– Letter sent to Defendant is NOT a Copy of Original

08/12/2010 Filed as Emergency Petition by Defendant (#214)

08/13/2010 Can Await the return of Designated Judge by Judge Coonahan (#218)
– never distributed to Defendant

08/23/2010 Not Emergency – Schedule along with Support Exceptions (#224)

08/24/2010 Scheduled for Short List on September 22, 2010 before Judge Bertin (#223)

08/24/2010 Related Contempt Petition filed

08/31/2010 Medical Card mailed to Defendant
– Dental Card is not provided

09/02/2010 Judge Bertin Recusal (#234)

09/13/2010 Scheduled for Short List on October 5, 2010 before Judge Barrett (#237)

09/21/2010 Continuance request by Plaintiff

09/22/2010 Continued for Short List on October 7, 2010 by Judge Barrett (#246)

10/07/2010 Scheduled for 1 Day Protracted Hearing – February 2011 Trial List (#257)

11/30/2010 Judge Barrett Recusal (#263)

12/09/2010 Order for Plaintiff to provide Medical Cards (#265)
– fails to address the Dental Insurance

12/13/2010 Ex Parte Letter to Judge Carluccio from Valerie Angst

12/19/2010 Defendant Responds to Ex Parte Letter
– addresses partial compliance, scheduling and ex parte communication

01/04/2010 Scheduled for Short List on January 10, 2010 before Judge Carluccio (#277)

01/10/2011 Scheduled for 2 Day Protracted Hearing on June 1 and 2, 2011 (#282)

03/25/2011 Judge’s Schedule available from www.montcopa.org incorrectly indicates the matter is scheduled for March 29, 2011 at 9:00 AM

03/29/2011 Equitable Distribution Hearing (Transcript)
– Outstanding petitions which have financial concerns should be addressed prior to any hearing in Equitable Distribution
– incorrect schedule information in the docket is called to the Judge’s attention
– Judge confirms the purpose of hearing is EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION ONLY
– Judge confirms that petitions scheduled for June 1 and 2, 2011 have not been heard
– Judge indicates the June 1 and 2, 2011 dates have been cleared from her schedule

03/29/2011 Order scheduling ½ Day Protracted hearing on May 5, 2011. (#291)
– Cross APL Exceptions
– Regular and Emergency Petition for Dental insurance;
– Deft’s Petition regarding Ex Parte Communication filed 9/14/10
– Plt’s Answer filed 10/5/10

04/14/2011 Order dated April 14, 2011 incorrectly indicates the matter was resolved by the December 9, 2010 Order
– December 9, 2010 Order is an Emergency Ex Parte Order, there was no hearing at that time and the petition was included to be heard during the January Short List

04/26/2011 Defendant Petitions to have the matter rescheduled.
– Petition to Rescind/Cancel the Order of April 14, 2011 Which Violates Pennsylvania Law and the United States Constitution and Reschedule all Outstanding Petitions (#295)

04/29/2011 Order renames Defendant Petition as Motion for Reconsideration; is DENIED; and the ruling STANDS. (#296)
– No hearing on the matter

05/02/2011 Ex Parte Letter from Valerie Angst to Judge Carluccio
– requesting confirmation of the May 5, 2011 hearing
– fails to specify the petitions/motions
– fax’d to Judge’s chambers


Late evening on May 4, 2011, Defendant found an entry on the Court Docket for this order titled: CANCELLED AS THE ABOVE-REFERENCED ISSUES WERE PREVIOUSLY ADDRESSED IN THE ORDERS OF THE UNDERSIGNED DATED APRIL 14, 2011 AND APRIL 29, 2011.
It would seem the Judge issued this order to address the question in Ms. Angst’s letter.

Defendant had requested a similar confirmation from Court Administration on May 3, 2011 while at the courthouse.

The response from Court Admin was that there was no hearing scheduled for May 5, 2011.

When Defendant requested a scheduling order confirming the cancellation, Court Admin reported the request was denied.

Ethics Opinions
Is the communication ex parte?
Is the communication permitted by law?
What is the definition of ex parte communications in Pennsylvania?


So after several years where the Court has failed to enforce any Court Order against her…
February 2010 – My teeth are cracking in half and falling out from the stress. There are many days where I am unable to eat or sleep from the pain. I try to obtain my insurance cards, which they have failed to provide after 3 years and constant reminders.

August 2010 – I file a petition… and while I wait for the hearing.

I have all of the exhibits prepared…

All of my information is accurate…

I find and expose the source of their “Impunity”…

And I wait for the hearing… TO ENFORCE THE EXISTING COURT ORDER.

August 2010 – Judge Coonahan said it was not an Emergency, and we waited for Judge Bertin to return.

September 2010 – When Judge Bertin recused himself after the “Secret Order” by Judge Daniele was discovered.

November 2010 – When Judge Barrett recused himself after being extremely disrespectful, not permitting me to speak and scheduling the petitions 6 months out on his schedule.

January 2011 – Judge Carluccio automatically continues all hearings until June 2011.

February 2011 – Judge Carluccio is tricked into rushing a hearing to evict me from the house. But to everyone’s surprise I was able to respond to the allegations AND file a counterpetition. The Counterpetition includes a great deal of the terror I have been subjected to during the last 4 years. The Rushed Hearing backfires… The COunterpetition provides the opportunity to be heard.

March 2011 – Judge Carluccio has an Emergency Hearing with limited time and refuses to hear any evidence or permit the presentation of the Counterpetition. She takes the matter under advisement… further issuing two orders completely unrelated to the petitions she was hearing.

Judge Carluccio then issues an order moving the Equitable Distribution Hearing up to March 29, 2011.

The Outstanding Petitions deal with financial considerations which could affect Equitable Distribution. After Equitable Distribution it is impossible to address any financial issues any further. That’s the law. Nothing after Equitable Distribution.

The Judge begins the Equitable Distribution Hearing indicating that we are ONLY there for E.D.

I present the concern about Equitable Distribution only occuring after all financial considerations have been addresses.
The Judge repeatedly assures me the other Hearings will take place. I trust her.

Whenever the topic could be affected by the pending hearings, I call it to the Judge’s attention and am reassured that the hearings will occur, and it would not be appropriate to discuss the issue at that time. I trust her.

Then a few weeks later, the Judge issues an order incorrectly indicating the matters are resolved. HOW CAN THAT BE WHEN THERE WERE NO HEARING? WHEN SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION TO MAKE ANY INFORMED DECISION.

The issue is raised to the Judge, and she refuses to reconsider.

Judge Carluccio has cleared the docket without any explanation, or facts to support her determinations, or laws and procedures to justify her actions.

Appeal?? How? You can’t appeal what has not been decided. Judge DelRicci used the same tactic in 2007/2008 to prevent custody hearings.

Oddly, the issues cleared by the Judge are only the Petitions filed by myself. None of the Angst & Angst petitons, counter petitions and new matters have been withdrawn by themselves, or cancelled by the Judge. The Judge’s order specifically refers to ONLY my filings.

The cancellation of the hearings is NOT DOCUMENTED ANYWHERE on the Docket. So According to the Docket, the hearings are still on. I bring that to the attention of Court Administration. They contact the Judge. They tell me the judge does not have Healy v Healy on her schedule.

I request it in writing. That request is refused by the Judge.

There is no escape from this nightmare. And no one helps. Five Years of terror and harassment from which there is no escape. Every day it continues. I beg, I plead, I survive each day further destroyed and humiliated by what they are doing to me AND NO ONE HELPS.

Five years where not one person in a position to help can explain their inaction. While I try to persevere against the odds. The Truth is on this web site. The truth is on my side. It sustains me… and scares them to think I might be heard someday.

Victimized each day. The more I do to survive and expose their actions, the more they cover up. I cry. This is no life.


The following are the people who breifly came into my life and then disappeared… When they needed help, I did what I could. A meal, a place to sleep, a place to do laundry… I needed some sort of social contact… someone to talk to… someone to break up the lonliness.

Several disappeared after I told a completely fabricated story about them on my telephone. But how could me telling someone in another city something about a person they never met cause a person to disappear for 6-10 months? and then for them to never speak to me again? Without explanation.

Not including last names… or listing in any particular order. The interconnections between these people indicate they worked in teams, though not listing the teams here. The sad part is that I think they were all people who realized they were hurting me, that I didn’t deserve it, and that wanted to do the right thing but were prevented from doing so. If they revealed themselves to me they would face consequences. That’s why several disappeared.

They did all have a few things in common, which when dealing with this many people becomes interesting. All Unemployed. Related to someone in law enforcement, or former law enforcement. All came with the lastest gadgets to access the network, even when asked not to do so. There are about 15 other characteristics which link them all. And they have all disappeared without explanation.

Ron, Chris, Collin, Andy, Ryan, Brian, Dan, Darren, Don, Frank, Glenn, Bobby, Jack, Jay, John, Kevin, Luke, Matt, Jaye, Mike, Nicky, Rich, Ryan, Sean, Tracy, Will, Wally, Derrick, Rick, Justin, Jim, Antoine, Noah… The chart linking everyone with solid and dotted lines is a real eye opener.

Part of the group were connected somehow to a private investigator in Doylestown. The others all seemed to have had minor run ins with the law in Montgomery County.

The first time I met Ron, I connected him to the private investigation company. I never told him. I still have his web site tracking history. When I searched the people and locations, it revealed the company name. I still have the paper with my notes of the searches. After being a close friend for almost a year, he disappeared just days after I made up a story about an argument that got violent. It never happened. But he disappeared.

Andy disappeared after I told my friend he confessed when I caught him switching my phone with a cloned phone. the phone was cloned. The plastic cover was somehow back on the screen too. Andy was gone for over 10 months. He resurfaced and hasn’t spoken to me.

Collin disappeared when oddly someone told him i was eveavesdropping on his phone call. As I was inside upstairs, and he was outside laying by the pool, how did the person on the phone with him know I was listening and tell him. His reaction indicated that was what happened. When asked about it, he indicated it was time to leave… and he was gone.

Jaye was here when I found proof of the original Sept 2007 plan to use fraud to throw me out of the house. I showed it to him. He left to feed his dog. While he was gone I made a phone call and made up a story about him apologizing for his actions and confessing what he was up to. He never came back. Never called again.

Somehow me making up stories about these friends and telling it to someone whom they have never met has caused them to disappear. How could that be happening? How could it happen multiple times?

Matt was someone who I wanted to meet when I heard about him. He was created by the informanbt program. He hated seeing what it was doing to people. His history has plenty of similar parallels to mine. We talked quite a bit. he never confessed to anything specific. BUT everything we talked about could be heard as an indictment of the confidential ionformant program and what it does to the people who become trapped in it. It seemed these people were cultivated by law enforcement to stay in their program.

FYI: If a Confidential Informant reveals himself to anyone, he faces the original sentence which he avoided by entering the confidential informant program. No discussions, No hearings, they go right to jail. That explains the disappearance.
I suppose if they ended up in jail because of something I made up, that might make them not want to speak to me again… and also make it very difficult to explain to me if they did show up again.

I never did what I did out of malice. If they hadn’t been being used to set me up, then they never would have faced those consequences. And my fib, would never have meant anything. I stopped making up the confession stories after the 4th one disappeared. It was confirmation enough for me.