
No one helps…. I have no choice. perseverance is key.

I discovered the software intrusion in February 2007.
I contacted McAfee. The program was not removed/prevented from reinstall.

I continued to contact McAfee regularly for months as the data streaming from the computer caused me to close all web storefronts.

In May 2007, when I discovered Sonya had been working with Angst & Angst on her divorce since January, it took about a week to realize the problem was not a virus. It was surveillance/spyware/remote control software.

As I had been wrestling with it as a virus, it did not take long to recognize the experience had all the characteristics of WebWatcher from Awareness Technologies.

I notified their Fraud Department. The Fraud Department denied their program was responsible.

I investigated further, and in July 2007, confirmed the WebWatcher installation.

I notified police, who indicated they could do nothing.
I notified Microsoft, who indicated I should contact the FBI.
I notified the FBI, who did not wish to get involved in my divorce. This left me to continue to investigate alone.

Local Police drop by to investigate, hear what I have discovered in the 2 weeks since they had been contacted; and have me involuntarily committed (for a ridiculous reason – and in violation of proper procedure). Police show my brother a picture of my computer screen that someone gave them. Police have refused to provide copies of that “screenshot”.

Local Police could have ended the nightmare in August 2007. They didn’t. The terror continued.

August 2007, Judge Rhonda Daniele issues an order which is kept secret from me. The order is not distributed to me, or my lawyer. The order is never docketed. There is no way to even know the order exists. The order slanders me in the eyes of any court official that would see it because it ordered supervised visitation. PA law grants that to the most heinous and violent sexual predators. It was a gross injustice, and it was unknown to me until August 2010, three years later.

Custody proceedings are delayed and continued for the next 2 years. A likely reason for the bad treatment I receive from the court is that they have seen the secret order, and they believe they are protecting the child from me, or they are protecting Judge Rhonda Daniele from being exposed for issuing the secret order.

November 2007, I am contacted by someone representing themselves as FBI. They pretend to investigate however I never meet them, and they never look at any evidence. Her name was Rose. After multiple phone calls, I contact the FBI directly when I didnt;t have her phone number handy only to discover that there is no one named Rose working on my case. There is no Rose.

December 2007, the cell phone intrusion is documented and proven. My mother, brother and I go to the FBI in Philadelphia to make a report. Nothing happens.

December 2007, I obtain a Protection From Abuse Order regarding the computer and phone intrusion. Fully documented indicating the specific programs responsible. Judge Tilson cancels the order indicating Pennsylvania Law is not prepared for Orwell’s “1984”.

January 2008, after FBI indicating they would not get involved in divorce, the complaint agent indicates if there is a fake FBI agent, they want the info and will get involved. I gather the phone messages, phone bills, etc and take the to the Fort Washington FBI office. The agent (Ken) goes apeshit on me and throws me out of their office. No explanation.

Afraid after Ken’s threats, I don’t contact FBI again until 2011.

The computer intrusions continue. The software affects new hard disks and new computers and any computer which comes in to the house.

The phone intrusions continue. The phones have been hacked remotely and replaced outright. The remote hacks affect the phone settings. When the protective plastic cover reappeared on my 2 month old phone in December 2009, it was apparent it had been cloned/replaced.

February 2008, pretend investigation by Lt Peffall of Montgomery County Detectives. Entirely handled by email, I never speak to or meet Lt Peffall.

March 2008, Detective D’Angelo of Montgomery County Detectives sets a meeting to discuss becoming involved in the computer/phone intrusions.

The weekend before that meeting, Sonya burglarizes the house in violation of the Court Order of September 6, 2007. Police allow her to do it as she shows them the ‘secret order’ issued by Judge Daniele which also granted her exclusive use of the house. Police laugh as I show them the Order granting me the exclusive use of the house indicating the “one she showed was one page cleanly typed” from her lawyer. The secret order is one page cleanly typed and authored by Angst & Angst.

Detective D’Angelo is distracted by the burglary, and decides to begin his investigation by looking at why a former township police officer (who is now constable) was participating in the burglary. Detective D’Angelo indicates that there is a court order indicating she could enter the house. I send him all Court Orders on the issue. He doesn’t tell me about the secret order which is not part of my documents.

Judge DelRicci rewards Sonya for burglarizing the house. Judge DelRicci continues any custody proceedings for the next full year. All the while I am prevented any contact with my son without any explanation.

December 2008, I begin filing to have the existing Custody Orders enforced. The hearings are delayed and continued.

March 2009, custody proceedings show the contempt and non-compliance with the orders, however no visitations is ever scheduled or granted. I don’t even know that supervised visitation was ordered in August 2007 and never scheduled. How can I defend against what is hidden from me?

Judge DelRicci doesn’t schedule any proceeding until June 2009. Brennan will turn 18 in August 2009. Just as I begin to finalize a Request for Judge DelRicci to recuse, which listed out everything he had done to hinder any relationship with my son, my printer stops working, computer won’t save the 25+ page document…. and I get a letter in the mail from judge DelRicci that he intends to recuse himself. BUT I DIDN’T EVEN ASK HIM YET?

August 2009,Judge Bertin holds a short ‘pretend’ hearing days before Brennan’s 18th birthday. He dismisses my petition for custody. There were no witnesses heard from.

Judge Bertin continues hearings and Orders the separation of a Counterpetition which represented the first time I was able to get the issues filed. The constant frivolous legal actions and delays have been overwhelming. The first time I was able to enter a Counterpetition the Judge orders it split from the response. Judge Bertin does not order me from the house. When the Counterpetition is heard as a standalone petition, it is not cognizable. I am ordered to pay fees. When Angst & Angst bill me for fees, they include their time communicating with Judge Bertin a direct ethics violation. And it explains why they knew not to show up at the hearing in November 2009.

Judge Bertin orders Equitable Distribution to begin. December 2009.

Angst & Angst filibuster through the ED conferences in March, July, August and September 2010.

At the same time, I file for enforcement of my Dental Benefits ordered in December 2007.

I discovered the secret order in August 2010 during a visit to the Prothonotary. It immediately explains the poor treatment I received from the custody people. And the document could explain why no judge has enforced Sonya to comply with any order at any time. Extortion? Could they have used the exposure of my civil rights being violated to coerce judgements in their favor? There is proof they had a copy from back when they burglarized the house. The only logical explanation for every order being overly enforced on me and Sonya being granted complete impunity is the SECRET ORDER.

Judge Bertin recuses, All Outstanding petitions are rescheduled for Judge Barrett.

Judge Barrett treats me with such tremendous disrespect, I request his recusal. Judge Barrett recuses.

Judge Carluccio receives an ex parte letter from Angst & Angst. When exposed, I request a copy. DENIED.

All petitions scheduled for January 2011. At the Short List, Judge Carluccio schedules all proceedings for June 2011.

Then in February 2011, Angst & Angst file a petition to evict me from the house. They do not file electronically. they file in person resulting in a 1 week delay in scheduling and scanning, but not docketing. I get 4 days notice of the EMERGENCY PETITION. Judge Carluccio grants the Emergency.

I respond with a Counterpetition. This is the first chance for any counterpetition since Summer 2009. My counterpetition covers the civil rights violations, the corruption, the conspiracy, the frivolous petitions, the harassing experience. 26 pages to document, with 100 pages as exhibits.

The hearing is an event where Judge Carluccio lies about reading the response/Counterpetition, attempts to intimidate me with incorrect information, repeatedly fails to address any item in the response/counter. She takes the issue under advisement after preventing the introduction of any evidence or exhibits.

Judge Carluccio scheduled Equitable Distribution hearing for March 29, 2011. The cart before the horse, she has neglected to address the financial and health issues in the long list of outstanding petitions. Also, she has modified the Docket through unpublished praecipes and secretly rescheduled the hearings for March 29, 2011. At the outset, i clarify that the purpose of the hearing is Equitable Distribution. Judge Carluccio confirms. She also indicates we are only here for the ED issues and the other hearings will be held in due course. This is repeated whenever an issue relating to the outstanding petitions is raised during the day long hearing. Judge Carluccio reschedules all of the Petitions for May 5, 2011.

Weeks later, Judge Carluccio cancels the hearings and indicates she has reviewed the docket which indicates the hearings occurred. She neglect to realize the file room indicates she hasn;t even got the paperwork for her to have an thorough review of the docket.

Judge Carluccio lies.

I request she reconsider, she refuses. It is pointed out she is violating PA Law and the US Constitution.

She refuses to reconsider.

She issues an Equitable Distribution Order granting EVERYTHING to my ex-wife. With everything to be paid by me until the house is sold. Judge Carluccio has prevented the truth from being heard in the court… and has continued the terror I have experienced for the last 5 years.

May 2011, Four Years since the first intrusion…
– The Computer Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware companies still will not protect and prevent from the software intrusions. Now it operates as a Bootkit from the BIOS.
– Verizon and the other cell phone providers still do nothing to prevent the hacking and control of the cellphone.

Police have done nothing to help. Even as recently as February when I reported the Civil Rights violation. The officer indicated he would not be able to get his job done if he went after a judge.

FBI has been quiet. I don’t know if they are doing anything. Since Rose/2007, no one has identified themselves as FBI.

This prevents any effective communications as you do not have the ability know if your call is being redirected, or your email filtered, or your browsing being filtered to prevent any discovery or intervention.

My terror continues. They will continue to destroy me, because otherwise the truth of their crimes will be exposed.
Their prosecution or my death are the only possible exits.
I have asked my friends to contact anyone they can to help.
I beg. I pray. I have no choice.
I can explain my actions. And I do.
Please Help!

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