
It would seem there is some sort of LEGAL BLOCK on the web site preventing me from doing any maintenance.

Denying me access to my email accounts which I have used for everything for the last 18-20 years.

Network Solutions cannot explain the LEGAL BLOCK.

Network Solutions did indicate it was not a part of the activity on March 10, 2011 initiated by Nelly Neben of Axis Artist Management.

I know Nelly Neben lied to me about the site status. WHY?

Did Host Gator notify the FBI as I had requested when Rita’s site was hacked in January 2011?

Who attempted to gain control of the site in January 2011? !0 Minute phone call trying to get access to the site.
I realized years ago when they hacked the site to redirect the surveillance data through a site (and IP address) I would not block, that they would have to come back to remove their code.

They had initially done this redirect through the JustinGuarini.com site. Their activity was revealed because even after I stopped handling the JustinGuarini site, traffic was as busy as ever. It was not until the email exchange and conversation about responsibility change for the site happened when the traffic stopped to JustinGuarini.com and moved to Rita Coolidge.com.

I asked HostGator to store the backups in 2007 and 2008 as the hackers were continuing.

When is the FBI going to get involved in the crimes committed against me and everyone who attempts to help and support me?

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