
Today, my mother recieved a phone call from Officer Dougherty to check on me.

Am I to assume that Ofc Dougherty doesn’t realize he had the ability to end this nightmare in August 2007. Instead, Ofc Dougherty made the nightmare worse by having me involuntarily committed. He faked the paperwork. He falsified the police reports. He kept the reports from me for years. Then when I got the report the lies were evident.

Ofc Dougherty is responsible for the problem being permitted to go on for 5 years.

Ofc Dougherty knows who contacted police that day to make the ridiculous report of a threat.

Ofc Dougherty has maintained the secret which has permitted the destruction of my life for the last five years.

At any time, Ofc Dougherty and the Montgomery Township Police could reveal the truth about their actions and bring this to an end. Instead, they have sat silently as I am destroyed and Angst & Angst have manipulated the Court Masters and judges into misconduct. It is the original crime which has been kept secret… that crime has perpetuated the constant harassment and terror I experience on a daily basis. The complete violation of my civil rights. And now it has exposed Judge Carluccio as a co-conspirator, as she has acted in her official position as a Judge to obstruct justice.

Anyone who was manipulated by Angst & Angst could have done the right thing at any time. but they were too busy protecting each other…. and destroy every aspect of my life.

When it was suggested that Ofc Dougherty stop by my home today to check on me, I clearly indicated that would not be good and would be viewed as a threat. I DO NOT TRUST HIM. Last time I did that was August 8, 2007… and he destroyed my life and enabled the terror I have experienced for five years.

So he called my mother??? Her life has been hell as I have been destroyed. her finances are destroyed. Her security is at risk. Ofc Dougherty destroyed an entire family with his illegal actions in August 2007. UNFORGIVABLE.

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