
Judge Patricia Coonahan determines that the issue can await the return of the designated Judge.

It doesn’t matter that I can’t eat, or sleep, and I am in constant pain from the tooth decay. Now two judges have not seen fit to have her send me the benefit cards at a cost of 44 cents. What do they know? Do they know that she is telling lies about the coverage? Why would they cover for her? What does she hold over them?

To recap on Emergency Petitions, I have been granted only 1 Emergency Petition. It was necessitated by Judge Del Ricci’s arbitrary decision to recuse himself one month before my son turned 18, after repeatedly delaying the proceedings for about 2 years. Judge Del Ricci’s curious recusal appears elsewhere in this blog. Upon assignment of Judge Bertin, my emergency petition resulted in an abbreviated custody hearing just days before my son turned 18.

All other emergency petitions filed by me were not granted.

Oddly, what constitutes an emergency varies widely.

Judge Del Ricci did not consider it an Emergency when I filed to prevent my son from leaving the US just before an anticipated custody hearing.

Judge Tillson did consider the same matter an emergency when they filed to block me from preventing the trip. It was such an emergecy that Judge Tillson issued an immediate TEMPORARY EX PARTE ORDER ordering me to allow the trip. (Even though it violated several state, federal and international laws to do so.)

Even though the constant and ongoing litigation has caused great financial troubles for my entire family, no petition for financial releif has ever been granted emergency status. Then again, I have inexplicably never been granted any financial releif.

Judge Coonahan was threatening jail time for a friend when his divorcing spouse waited for him to go on vacation and filed an emergency petition regarding benefits. Emergency granted. He was never informed of the hearing, the order for a subsequent hearing, or the court order until he returned to find all the orders. Even though they lied in their petition fabricating the entire situation, they face no prosecution for perjury. Seems it may only be an emergency when it involves harassing and intimidating honest innocent people.

Then I discovered a Court Order I had never seen before… and everything became very clear.

This order was never docketed, so there was no way to know it even existed unless you went to the courthouse. Even then, you could not find the order unless you requested to review the actual paper file for the case. I had done so about 6-8 times over the course of the last few years and never found this order.

BUT, on August 12, 2010, when I asked for the file I was told it was out. I was then offered the ‘accordion file’. This is something I had never been offered before. I had been told the file had been unavailable numerous times in the past as it was checked out by the judges in the days before any proceeding. But, I had never been offered another file in it’s place.

The ‘accordion file’ was different. Neatly organized. Papers stacked cleanly in the file. And there it was. Right on top.

There it was… the very first EMERGENCY. Emergency was granted to them by Judge Rhonda Danielle and never docketed. Another undocketed Ex Parte Order without any benefit of a hearing issued by Judge Rhonda Danielle summarily dismissed my parental rights, and granted me only supervised visitation. Six sentences drafted by Valerie Angst, lightly edited and signed by Judge Rhonda Danielle. THIS ORDER HAS UNDERMINED EVERYTHING FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS. And they were hiding it in another file. I had realized that there were ex parte communications surrounding every proceeding, but had no idea there was an ex parte order for them to talk about.

The Prothonotary staff immediately docketed the paperwork (# 215, #216).

I began to unravel how their SECRET Order issued by the Judge at the head of the family court. All the Judges and Masters reported up through Judge Rhonda Danielle, and reversing another Judge, let alone your boss, was no easy task. The order had affected not only every proceeding, but every aspect of the case, every police report, ever custody conference and hearing, everything was done to keep it a secret. And now I was looking at it. One page, with one signature… and so much conspiracy to cover it up.

WHY? What misinformation warranted these years of terror and allowed them to destroy my family and deny all my civil rights.


I discovered a Court Order I had never seen before… and everything became very clear.

This order was never docketed, so there was no way to know it even existed unless you went to the courthouse. Even then, you could not find the order unless you requested to review the actual paper file for the case. I had done so about 6-8 times over the course of the last few years and never found this order.

BUT, on August 12, 2010, when I asked for the file I was told it was out. I was then offered the ‘accordion file’. This is something I had never been offered before. I had been told the file had been unavailable numerous times in the past as it was checked out by the judges in the days before any proceeding. But, I had never been offered another file in it’s place.

The ‘accordion file’ was different. Neatly organized. Papers stacked cleanly in the file. And there it was. Right on top.

There it was… the very first EMERGENCY. Emergency was granted to them by Judge Rhonda Danielle and never docketed. Another undocketed Ex Parte Order without any benefit of a hearing issued by Judge Rhonda Danielle summarily dismissed my parental rights, and granted me only supervised visitation. Six sentences drafted by Valerie Angst, lightly edited and signed by Judge Rhonda Danielle. THIS ORDER HAS UNDERMINED EVERYTHING FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS. And they were hiding it in another file. I had realized that there were ex parte communications surrounding every proceeding, but had no idea there was an ex parte order for them to ex parte talk about.

The Prothonotary staff immediately docketed the paperwork (# 215, #216). Three years late.

I began to unravel their SECRET Order issued by the Judge at the head of the family court. All the Judges and Masters reported up through Judge Rhonda Danielle, and reversing another Judge, let alone your boss, was no easy task. The order had affected not only every proceeding, but every aspect of the case, every police report, ever custody conference and hearing, everything was done to keep it a secret. And now I was looking at it. One page, with one signature… and so much conspiracy to cover it up.

WHY? What misinformation warranted these years of terror and allowed them to destroy my family and deny all my civil rights.



(Plaintiff) : #2007-12477

v. :



Plaintiff has repeatedly failed to provide proof of medical and dental benefits to Defendant placing the health and welfare of the Defendant in extreme risk.

Defendant has been unable to seek medical attention for ongoing intestinal pain because of inability to pay for physician visits. Defendant has previously been hospitalized for a week in Intensive Care in February 2006 with intestinal pain and diverticulitis.

Defendant has also been unable to afford dental coverage over the last 4 years. His teeth have begun to crack and he has been experiencing severe pain related to the tooth decay. He cannot afford to pay for dental visits and is humiliated and embarrassed by the condition of his teeth.

Defendant has been denied any benefit through Montgomery County Assistance Office and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. The explanation for the denial of any benefit relates to the financial support he is receiving from his family.
– The agencies consider the monies being loaned to the defendant by his family to pay monthly
bills and the monthly mortgage to be income.
The financial affects of the Plaintiff’s divorce has caused severe financial difficulties for the Defendant’s entire family.

WHEREAS, Defendant requests the Court order the immediate production of the medical and dental benefits cards by the Plaintiff directly to the Defendant; and that the Plaintiff provide proof of the coverage which she claims to have been secretly providing for the last 3 years.

1. Plaintiff has failed to act in accordance with the Court’s Order of July 21, 2010 resulting in continuing financial hardship to the Defendant.

2. The Order issued on July 21, 2010, with exceptions filed by the Plaintiff on August 6, 2010, places the parties in great financial jeopardy and risks their coverage in regard to medical benefits. (Exhibit A)

3. The document filed by Valerie Angst on August 6, 2010 fails to indicate the nature of the Plaintiff’s exceptions to the order.

4. Defendant filed an emergency petition on August 10, 2010 responding with the his issues relating to the order.

5. Plaintiff has repeatedly failed to provide proof of medical and dental benefits to the Defendant to corroborate her testimony.


6. Valerie Angst indicated at the June 3, 2010 Conference that her client was providing medical and dental benefits for the Plaintiff.

7. Valerie Angst further falsely indicated that insurance cards had been sent directly to the Defendant by the insurance company regularly over the last 3 years.

8. Plaintiff had not received any insurance cards during the preceding 3 years and was unaware of this benefit.

9. Plaintiff requested the insurance cards relating to his coverage. Mrs. Angst indicated she would send them.

10. Plaintiff did not receive the cards.

11. It should be noted that Valerie Angst made a false allegation that the Defendant threatened her and was escorted to the June 3, 2010 conference by a security guard. This false allegation was brought to the attention of the Support Officer, Jennifer Qawasmy, in a letter dated June 9, 2010. (Exhibit B)


11. At the July 15, 2010 hearing before Mindy Harris, the insurance cards were once again requested.

12. Valerie Angst indicated that the cards were not delivered to the Defendant.

13. Valerie Angst indicated the cards were delivered to the Defendant’s brother, Brian.

14. Defendant’s brother, Brian, had not delivered the cards to him.

15. Defendant has no regular contact with his brother Brian.

16. Defendant asked why the cards were delivered to his brother instead of himself, further pointing out that to deliver the cards
– the Plaintiff had to drive past the Defendant’s home;
– the Plaintiff had to drive past the Defendant’s brother John’s home (with whom he has regular contact);
– the Plaintiff had to drive past the Defendant’s mother’s home (whom he sees regularly);
– to deliver the cards to the brother with whom he has no contact. (Map: Exhibit C)

17. Plaintiff further pointed out that the last time documents were delivered in this manner (Spring 2008), they were fraudulent documents delivered months after the date on the documents and created by Valerie Angst in an attempt to create chaos regarding property issues.

18. It has been suggested that by delivering the documents in this manner, the Plaintiff is attempting to avoid charges of mail fraud for providing fraudulent documents through the mail.

19. The Defendant was then instructed by Mindy Harris, to directly contact the insurance company to obtain the cards himself.

20. After contacting the Insurance company for copies of the cards, the Defendant was informed that the cards can only be sent to the insured at her address.

21. The Defendant has no way of obtaining the insurance cards himself.

THIRD OPPORTUNITY (August 3, 2010)

22. After a conference regarding equitable distribution on August 3, 2010, the Plaintiff and her attorney were AGAIN reminded of the situation and the inability to obtain the insurance cards.

23. Instead of offering to provide the benefit cards by mail at a cost of $ 0.44 (44 cents), the Plaintiff and her attorney indicated it would be necessary to petition the court regarding the matter.

WHEREAS, the Defendant requests this Honorable Court issue an Order as follows:

1. The Plaintiff shall immediately produce the medical and dental benefits cards for the Court, and file verified copies with the Prothonotary.

2. The Plaintiff shall immediately provide the medical and dental benefit cards DIRECTLY to the Defendant.

3. The Plaintiff shall provide proof of the coverage which she claims to have been secretly providing for the last 3 years.

4. The Plaintiff shall provide corroborative proof of previous mailings of the cards from the Insurance Company directly to the Defendant.

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy
Pro Se


I verify that the statements made in this Pleading are true and correct. I understand that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of PA C.S. Section 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.

Terance Healy


“Emergency Appeal In Support (APL)” is to be listed on Short List the same date and time as the “Exceptions” to the APL order.
– Judge Bertin



(Defendant)* : #2007-12477

v. :

(Plaintiff) * :


The Order issued on July 21, 2010, and appealed by the defendant on August 6, 2010, places the parties in great financial jeopardy and risks their coverage in regard to medical benefits.

Issue 1: Medical Benefits

1. The Order issued July 21, 2010 orders the Plaintiff to provide medical benefits when it is the defendant who is employed and receiving benefits from her employer. The plaintiff is not employed.

2. This part of the order appears to be a typographical error.

3. Valerie Angst indicated at the June 3, 2010 Conference that her client was providing medical and dental benefits for the Plaintiff.

4. Plaintiff had not received any insurance cards during the preceding 3 years and was unaware of this benefit.

5. Plaintiff requested the insurance cards relating to his coverage. Mrs. Angst indicated she would send them.

6. Plaintiff did not receive the cards.

7. At the July 14, 2010 hearing, the cards were once again requested.

8. Valerie Angst indicated that the cards were not delivered to the Plaintiff but were instead delivered to the Plaintiff’s brother, Brian.

9. Plaintiff’s brother, Brian, had not delivered the cards to him.

10. Plaintiff has no contact with his brother Brian.

11. Plaintiff asked why the cards were delivered to his brother instead of himself, further pointing out that the Defendant had to drive past the Plaintiff’s home, his brother John’s home (with whom he has regular contact), and his mother’s home (whom he sees regularly), to deliver the cards to the brother with whom he has no contact.

12. Plaintiff further pointed out that the last time documents were delivered in this manner, they were fraudulent documents delivered months after the date on the documents and created by Valerie Angst in an attempt to create chaos regarding property issues.

13. Plaintiff was then instructed by Mindy Harris, to contact the insurance company to obtain the cards himself.

14. After contacting the Insurance company for copies of the cards, the Plaintiff was informed that the cards can only be sent to the insured at her address.

15. The Plaintiff has no way of obtaining the insurance cards himself.

16. After a conference regarding equitable distribution, the Defendant and her attorney were AGAIN informed of the situation and the inability to obtain the insurance cards.

17. Instead of offering to provide the documents, the Defendant and her attorney indicated it would be necessary to petition the court regarding the matter.

ISSUE 2: Official Date Stamp on the Order

18. The order has been date stamped by the Domestic Relations Office “2011 JUL 21 P 1:58?.

19. The date stamp is one year in ahead and late in the afternoon. A simple error? Am I to believe that no one noticed the incorrect year on the ‘official’ date stamp even though it was almost 2PM? DID EVERYTHING THAT DAY GET THE WRONG DATE STAMP? There has been no corrected copies of the order received as yet.

20. If this is indeed a simple office error, the people responsible should realize the impact that their simple errors can have on the lives of the people affected by these orders, and the incredible delays caused by the court schedule which make these errors take months to resolve – all the while increasing the financial hardship of the parties involved.

ISSUE 3: Reasonable time to review information and prepare the order.

21. This order was written on July 15, 2010 and signed on July 21, 2010 by Mindy Harris

22. Considering the hearing which was scheduled for 9AM did not begin until after 1PM, and that all of the plaintiff questions were not responded to because of the remaining full schedule of afternoon hearings already backed up, how did Mindy Harris have the time to do a thorough review of the facts before coming to her decision for the order?

23. The impact of the order financially on the parties would make it reasonable to expect a minimum attention to the details. So even though Mindy did all the work on July 15th, the document was not signed until a week later (July 21, 2010), then docketed and then incorrectly time stamped.

ISSUE 4: Earning Capacity

24. Though accepting my earning capacity from the May 19, 2008 transcript, the order does not take into account that I have been unemployed for over 3 years now… or that my unemployment has been caused by my wife, her attorneys and her private investigators, etc….

25. My wife’s income is not adjusted for her intentional reduction in salary as she began planning her divorce.

ISSUE 5: Financial responsibility

26. The order indicates that the Plaintiff now must provide medical insurance for the parties. This replaces the previous order (which she has completely ignored) to provide my medical insurance for which she was given credit.

27. The defendant was given credit for this ‘deduction’ even though (1) she has never provided insurance cards, (2) her attorney lied about the issue on June 3, 2010, (3) her attorney promised to provide the insurance cards on June 3, 2010 and they have not yet been received, (4) her attorney falsely indicated that insurance cards had been sent directly to me from the insurance company over the last 3 years, (5) her attorney falsely indicated that cards had been delivered to me during the period through my brother, (6) her attorney indicated I could have always gotten the cards myself even though I was unaware of the insurance provider to contact and was prohibited by court order from contacting my wife’s company, (7) the support master indicated I should just call to get the cards, however the cards can only be sent to the insured’s address.

28. According to the Order the Defendant is not responsible for the medical benefit.

29. The amount awarded for APL is not enough to permit the Plaintiff to obtain the insurance benefit for himself, let alone for both parties..

30. The order as written places the Plaintiff at risk for further legal actions directly related to the courts assignment of additional financial responsibility.

ISSUE 6: Effective Date

31. The effective date for support orders by law is the date when the benefits request was filed. In this case, the request was made July 2007, and related motion filed at the same time.

32. The request for APL was re-filed on March 19, 2010, because it had not been scheduled in over 3 years.

32. When the effective date was called to the master’s attention she indicated that the plaintiff would have to find out why that request was never scheduled through the DRO which failed to schedule it.

33. The Plaintiff has not been able to obtain any explanation from the DRO.

ISSUE 7: Mortgage

34. The APL fails to take into account the mortgage on the marital residence which has been paid in full by the plaintiff for over 3 years now.

35. The plaintiff has paid the mortgage while the defendant
(1) has taken all the tax deductions though she did not pay any part of the mortgage,
(2) has not paid any local or state taxes on the property,
(3) has not paid sewer, water, electric and gas bills which are associated with the property,
(4) has been shown to be directly involved in fraud regarding the mortgage payment,
(5) has filed multiple petitions in attempts to evict me from the home after she manipulated mortgage payments,
(6) has repeatedly and fraudulently filed that her credit standing was being affected by my payment schedule for the mortgage.

36. The Defendant has received all of the benefits of the mortgage, while the Plaintiff and his family take on the debt.

37. The Defendant is in breach of contract regarding the Agreed Order and the order should not be effective any longer.

It is the law in Pennsylvania that a party to a bilateral contract . . ., breaches a contract when she fails to do something she expressly or impliedly agreed to do. Johnson v. Finestra, Inc. (Construction Division), 305 F.2d 179, 181 (3d Cir. 1965). If the breach amounts to a material failure of performance, the other party is discharged from any liability under the contract. Borough of Greentree v. Tortorette, 205 Pa. Super. 532, 533, 211 A.2d 76, 77 (1965).

Issue 8: Mounting Debt

38. The mortgage is $2557/month. To date the Plaintiff, and his family, have paid over $ 90,000 in mortgage payments.

39. The plaintiff has paid $14,000 in child support for his one son, Brennan. While the Defendant had run up considerably more than that amount in legal costs while seeking the support.

40. The plaintiff has the mounting debt of the mortgage, the utilities on the home (PECO, Water, Sewer), and his credit cards which are over $ 20,000.

41. ‘My lawyer said it would hinder you financially” was the message from Sonya Healy when in September 2007 my wife explained seeking child support after preventing my son from living at home.

Hindering me financially was something begun began in February 2007 when the defendant, and her agents, sabotaged my business, infiltrated my computers and began manipulating the banking and financial transactions, while making false reports to police and law enforcement authorities in their successful attempt to avoid their prosecution..

A crime for which they have yet to be prosecuted.

The District Attorney has yet to explain her failure to act on the crime reported in July 2007 to local police, in August 2007 to County Detective Kuter, in February 2008 to County Detective Peffall, and in March 2008 to County Detective D’Angelo.

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy
Pro Se

* With regard to this issue, the role of Plaintiff and Defendant are reversed. It creates some confusion with regard to who is Defendant and Plaintiff. It was noted in the petition, and here on the web.


There are no exaggerations or falsehoods contained on the web site. The site contains as much information as I can make available while dealing with the legal torrents of petitions and orders.

One thing is absolutely true, they will not do anything to correct their actions until the media focuses on their corruption. They will continue their course of destruction until they are held accountable for their actions.

I did nothing to deserve this. I simply discovered their illegal computer surveillance software. And proved it. THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED AND THE TERROR BEGAN.

Please help expose this issue. The computer surveillance caused enough destruction to my business and my clients and my finances. The coverup of it’s use has targeted everything not already destroyed… and caused more damage to everyone who comes into contact with the case.

Please help.


Everyday I am forced to relive the entire terror of the last 4 years. Since January 2007 when Sonya began planning her divorce to the present. How do you possibly document so many lies, cheats, manipulations, crimes, frauds, and methods of harassment. How do you do that when no one will listen? How do you do that when those responsible to uphold the law are the ones who refuse to investigate? who refuse to look at the evidence?

No one explains themselves, or their actions. They won’t. They can’t. As such, it makes the terror all the more overwhelming.

I can explain. I am forced to explain my every activity. Always to the same shocked reaction. The insanity of the corruption involved is evident. The complete impunity under which they terrorize me eats away at my soul. I persevere.

I have the evidence that no one will look at.

The court record shows their complete defiance of court orders and the courts willingess to accept their contemptuous disobedience. They are untouchable. While I am terrorized.

WHY? Because the court has alowed themselves to be manipulated into a position they cannot explain. I have requested numerous explanations. All those requests have been ignored. WHY?

I have evidence to back up every statement on this web site. The retelling of these events is overwhelming not only to the teller, but the listener. That is the purpose of the web site. Because otherwise a listener cannot believe the lengths that they have gone to destroy me. And the unending terror of trying to prepare for the next court appearance KNOWING THAT THEY WILL FURTHER THEIR CORRUPT ACTIONS is torture.

I can’t walk away. They won’t allow that option because their risk of being exposed will still exist. This is why there has been NO SETTLEMENT ON ANY ISSUE. Everything gets churned over and over and over and over…

Someone. Somewhere. Please help me, and my family, escape this terror.