
It seems that I no sooner posted the Letter to the Judicial Conduct Board, than someone accessed the post from their email.

I haven’t emailed it to anyone. But someone else did? I wonder why? and that was fast. The statistics on the web are a very useful tool.

Hey, (using Linux and the Safari browser to read your Comcast email over a VerizonWireless Connection) who are you and why are you interested in my case?

Coincidentally, my cell phone also turned itself off at about the same time. My cell phone plays that annoying tune when it powers down. It didn’t that time though. It was fully charged. I guess whatever coding added to it, or removed, required a reboot of the device.

Surveillance of computer and cell phone has increased since August 12, 2010 when I found the PROOF of the corruption and conspiracy.


2007-12477-230 Request for Investigation Judge Rhonda Daniele

2007-12477-231 Request for Investigation Judge Thomas DelRicci

2007-12477-232 Request for Investigation Judge Arthur Tilson

2007-12477-233 Request for Investigation Judge Emanuel Bertin

2007-12477-225 Notice Discovery of Ex Parte Orders

August 24, 2010

Judicial Conduct Board
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 3500
P.O. Box 62525
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0901

I humbly beg your immediate attention to this matter which has terrorized my life and that of my family for the last 3 years.

Every ruling in my case has been contradictory to the law and established procedures, yet the judges have refused to explain. It has been apparent there were ex parte actions surrounding the case at each turn. On several occasions, I petitioned the court for an explanation of the rule of law, or disclosure of any ex parte communications. There had to be some explanation for the actions of the Masters and Judges who heard my case.

On August 12, 2010, while reviewing the case file at the Prothonotary, I found an Order which when applied to each situation seems to explain what had influenced their actions. An undocketed order by the head of Family Court, Judge Rhonda Daniele.

I would also note that I have been to the Prothonotary several times since the finding and have not seen the clerk who provided the file to me that day. His name was Casey. I sincerely pray he was not terminated for providing the ’secret’ case file for me to review.

I would also note that it has been impossible to retain legal counsel in my case. Presentation of the corruption and conspiracy involved would only serve to embarrass the judiciary and seriously shorten the career of any attorney who attempted to litigate a fair trial. The attorneys representing me during the period, albeit briefly, never suggested the existence of any secret undocketed order.

The issue with Judge Tilson was called to Judicial Conduct Board attention in March 2009 and dismissed. No explanation was offered for the dismissal of my request for investigation. I believe that a re-examination of that issue is appropriate in light of this new information.

Judge Del Ricci has been directly involved in the conspiracy to prevent the exposure of the document. A document was presented to him in a short list conference by opposing counsel in response to a contempt petition. The document was presented as the document shown to responding police officers which excused the burglary and vandalism of my home. Judge Del Ricci did NOT allow me to see the document presented, or to obtain a copy of the document.

There are so many issues (ethical and corrupt) with regard to Judge Del Ricci, that I do not want to hold this request up for lack of including the entire listing. His unrequested recusal statement in July 2009, after delaying any custody decision for years, speaks volumes about his shameless involvement in ex parte communications. Judge DelRicci failed to indicate the article which so affected him that he needed to consider recusing himself for 3 months, not scheduling any proceeding on the matter, until recusing himself one month before my son’s 18th birthday.

I can and will provide a breakdown of the specific events for each of the items (a-n) in the attached filing. Collateral information can be found at
Or Google: terroristic divorce

I sincerely beg your immediate intervention and action. This case is active and ongoing. I persevere as a Pro Se Defendant, while the inexplicable and absolute impunity granted to the Plaintiff to defy the law and all court orders has been devastating. The actions of the judiciary in this case have not only been unethical and corrupt, but criminal.


Terance Healy

110 Banbury Avenue
North Wales, PA 19454


Request for Investigation: Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele
Request for Investigation: Judge Thomas Del Ricci
Request for Investigation: Judge Arthur Tilson
Request for Investigation: Judge Emanuel Bertin
Notice of Discovery of Ex Parte Orders Dated August 22, 2007