
So why is it that the FBI isn’t interested in investigating?

Are they protecting the County Detectives who f’d up with their computer and phone surveillance and got caught?
Kind of like they did with the Lower Merion School District case. Yes, the early reports indicated that the county detectives were part of the group responsible for the investigation of the ‘stolen’ laptops.

Or are the County detectives protecting the local police who removed me from my home while investigating the computer intrusion… they had me involuntarily committed. BUT, they never charged me with a crime. And as they pointed out that I WAS NOT CRAZY. AND THE POLICE REFUSED TO PROVIDE A POLICE REPORT (until a few weeks ago).

Had Cheif Brady simply indicated the level of illegal surveillance being used against me, perhaps my life would have continued. It wasn’t very practical for him to simply tell me that I do not want to know what is involved here.

And the police report, which they finally delivered, is full of holes… starting with the first sentence. It takes a good memory to be a liar. It was a lazy fool, who wrote the report. After 3 years of delaying its’ release you think they would have gotten it correct.


Everything I say on my web site is the truth. I can prove everything. If I haven’t proven it yet, it isn’t on this site.
I have a roomful of documentation and technology which will confirm my story.


Emily googles herself regularly. I thought I’d give her something to find.

So Emily, why did you burglarize my home? vandalize the house? and poison my dog? AND then threaten me with charges of harassment?

Max died 6 months later.


The ants are once again corroborating my emotional state. And you gotta wonder… Why does that happen?


… to the massive team of people who have caused so much pain. Congratulations you have murdered me.

I’m just one person… Sorry, if I inconvenienced you by trying to survive and making it this far. For what it’s worth You have destroyed me… You have stolen my life… You are evil. I wish you a long and miserable life knowing what you have done to me.


Montgomery County Courts are criminally corrupt. The corruption is throughout the system. Their cursory denial of human rights, their unethical ignorance of the law and of procedures are an embarassment to the entire judicial system.

Pat Derby, in the Family Court Admin office summed it up quite succinctly. We don’t care. SHE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ANY MORE ACCURATE IN HER STATEMENT. It’s a job to them. It’s a job they do badly and fail at repeatedly. They don’t care if they mess up a life. They don’t care about the impact on the family. They don’t care about the impact on a community. THEY DON’T CARE. How simple. (BTW, There were several witnesses to her statement.)

Sara Goren didn’t care when she failed to include any of the updated case information in her reports. It would seem that those reports were drafted before the meeting was even held. Perhaps when she was meeting with Valerie Angst in an ex parte meeting hours before the one scheduled with both parties.

Sara Goren didn’t even remember her false family emergency which cancelled a conference and delayed the scheduling for another 6 weeks. Of course not, she didn’t even care to remember her fraud. How could she when that delayed meeting report included NONE of the issues raised.

When her ridiculous reports were brought to the attention of the President Judge, he dismissed the complaint entirely. A credibility determination? Yes, but it was her credibility called into question. This ugly woman has the power to destroy families – to destroy the people – and you permit her to go unchecked. Even when called to your attention, you ignore it. News Flash: Your court is horribly corrupt. AND we know what was going on with the OTHER Custody Master who must have been too pre-occupied with her own corrupt divorce to handle the case.

Judge Thomas Del Ricci was so corrupt he couldn’t even control himself in or out of the courtroom. The transcripts of his hearings read like the courtroom of a mental patient. He was incapable of remembering which party raised an issue. And his eye-popping emotional outbursts seem the type of drama one might expect from the severely mentally deranged drama queen. He was always willing to target anyone in the courtroom. Regardless of the issue before him his attention deficit disorder which was always at an exponential level seemed to have the entire court awaiting which direction he might turn next. After his recusal, didn’t anyone review his statement – Maybe realize he was so out of control and full of shit when talking about what he did on this case that he must have been off his meds for a few days.

Judge Emanuel Bertin doesn’t take his own court orders seriously and excuses it completely when they are COMPLETELY IGNORED. He says its at his discretion to ignore when his orders are not being followed. REALLY, then why bother with issuing the orders to begin with? Why have a procedure, if it doesn’t really have to be followed? And I’m not talking about missing one or two things in an order… THEY WERE EXCUSED FOR NOT FOLLOWING ANYTHING IN THE ORDER. NOTHING DONE. NOTHING AT ALL. WITHOUT ANY EXCUSES. Careful, your corruption is showing.

Judge Emanuel Bertin has a problem with hearing cases, so he consolidates the cases, hears one and dismisses both. He’s done that several times. And that way he never has to get around to hearing the part where you are not able to begin because the iother party has not provided the discovery which they were ordered to provide. AND then Judge Bertin will villify you in his decision on the case but ALWAYS using issues which had not been brought up in the trial. So who was he talking to to get his nasty opinions? How about the County Detectives that are covering up their criminal and illegal surveillance in violation of state and federal law… Yea, these types of characterizations wouldbe the product of someone trying to coverup their misdeeds.

Why don’t the taxpayers realize the amount of money being wasted by the idiots running the courts. DO you realize the cost to taxpayers of these types of cases? Mine isn;t the only one. It would seem that one of the county ‘masters’ has been delaying her divorce with ridiculous proceedings for the last 3 years. And even though the final hearing in equitable distribution has occurred, the judge has yet to make her decision. That was over 70 days ago. What’s the issue? The couple was only married for 6 months prior to her seeking the divorce. The divorce process has run 6 times longer than the divorce. What’s wrong with this picture?


Could it be that the same detectives that IGNORED my report of the criminal tech-terrorism, have been behind the ex parte communications with the judges?

Were they too busy trying to set me up? using their confidential informants?

Every news story about a drug arrest in Montgomery County seems to include the words ‘confidential informant’.

The lack of any interest in my case was remarkable… they never indicated there was nothing to investigate. They just decided NOT to investigate. Well, it would be silly for them to investigate when they were behind it at that point. So they just accepted the report from me and then ignored it. MULTIPLE TIMES.

And just the other day…
Could this be the reason someone in the county offices was online reviewing my web site? And could it be they were talking to their insurance company at the same time – and reviewing the same pages? Only conclusion I can come to at this point is that someone is reviewing their liability before this story finally gets some media attention.

So the county has been behind all of the injustice in court. What the hell is wrong with people? They destroyed my family and left nothing in their wake… and continue to corrupt every legitimate court proceeding… when did it become your job to destroy my life? … and why do you find it surprising that I have been fighting back? I am fighting for my life… all because you didn’t succeed in killing me.

Reference: Detective Peffall’s February 2008 investigation via email without ever making voice or face to face contact while hearing about tha additional terrors being committed at the same time.

Reference: Detective D’Angelo who after hearing the technology part of the story decided to start with the Robbery issue, and then DROPPED THE ENTIRE THING at the direction of the DA’s office. WITHOUT ANY FURTHER EXPLANATION.

Reference: I will be posting the identities of the persons who I believe to be (or who have been) confidential informants to this web site shortly. Do I care about what it does to your life? No, look what you allowed to happen to mine.


After all these years of terror, the patterns become evident. One cliche which can be used over and over in this situation has been… so much so that it can be considered a rule.


I know it’s totally cliche… but have a look at the things they accuse me of and you will see they were doing it to me.

When I read any petition from Angst & Angst, I keep this in mind. They reveal their tactics by accusing me of them.

I’m not playing their game. There is no eye for an eye. Tit for tat. None of it. They keep portraying the situation that way but there is no truth in it. But everyone believes that a divorce has to be fought like this.

The truth does not matter to the court. The court grants lawyers the right to lie with complete impunty.

When you do catch a lawyer in a lie, you are required to file a petition advising the lawyer of their misstatement and provide them an opportunity (20 days, i think) to recant their untruth. When they then choose not to you may file a petition with the court to hold them accountable for their lie. So it is possible that it would then take 3 months to straighten out each and every lie before you get to fight about it in a court which does not prosecute perjury. No one gets prosecuted for perjury… no one. Unless the District Attorney has an axe to grind.

Now when all of the information submitted is a lie, you have triple the efforts to get to the truth.
1. You have to review the lies submitted.
2. You have to provide their own information.
3. You have to obtain and provide the truthful information relating to your lies.


Catch them in a lie and they will ‘get a negative inference’. WTF? What ever happened to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing bu the truth. Without fear of prosecution for perjury, it is clearly to their advantage to lie. AND THEY DO. THEY LIE. THEY LIE ALOT. OH BOY, DO THEY LIE ALOT.

And so it goes on and on and on and on.


What have they done to you? I’ve long since stopped crying about how you are hurt by the things going on. You have had the power to escape it. You have had the power to end it.

Think back and remember who I really am. Think for yourselves. You know me.

I’ve done nothing to hurt anyone. I’ve never threatened anyone.

I want one thing. Prosecution of the people responsible for the destruction of OUR lives.



To anyone reading this… I am not a drug dealer. I’ve been introduced to a few over the years. They never became friends of mine. Any I have had occasion to meet are not around any longer.

No matter how tight money gets, I will not resort to selling drugs. No matter how easily the opportunity presents itself. It’s not me. It’s not my style. So there’s no sense in trying to recruit me or to continue to falsely allege this about me.

So when you are asked…
… how is he affording that house without an income for 3 years take a look at the bank records, the court records, you can see who is paying the bills. My mother… and it is wiping out her financial security.

… how is he able to live ‘off the grid’? Well I have been kept unemployed and harrassed for over 3 years, you find out you have little use for a bank account when you have no money. Your banks and credit cards disappear. Your financial life goes ‘off the grid’. There is nothing suspicious about it.

… how come he knows about all these ‘people’ yet doesn’t know any of them personally? Perhaps you might consider the circle of friends you have surrounded him with. And he’s so desperate to not be isolated and alone, he’ll risk those indirect associations.

It would seem that the information you are providing in your false allegations to law enforcement are the product of your litigation, and computer and phone surveillance (hacks and control), and harrasment techniques. And you are fooling law enforcement into thinking there is something to investigate. And they can’t figure it out… so they get frustrated. And when the victim reports your actions, he is ignored.

I saw the movie THE INFORMANT. I didn’t like it. All of those FBI agents being duped by their own informant. FOR YEARS AND YEARS. It made me wonder… How many times has something like that happened? Who would imagine something like that could happen to me?


Foresight Services first came to my attention after a friend used my computer to check his email. After he left, I ran a search that combined the information from a few of his emails. It returned mostly nothing, EXCEPT Foresight Services stood out among the results as a very interesting result. That was 3 years ago.

Foresight is/was also known by another name “Retired F B I Agents” at the same address.

The address only has a mailbox at a small complex south of Doylestown. There is no signage about them at the address location.

I asked at a few businesses across the street, they did not know the business.

The friend from 3 years ago. That was Ron. Ron completely disappeared in March 2010, after I began to ask him the specific questions about Foresight, and specific strange things which happened around the house which he had denied or lied about at the time. He had no answers to the direct questions. He immediately walked out of the house and I haven’t seen him or heard a word from him since. Only one person has ever asked about him. That person was at the house during one of the ‘things’ I had asked Ron about. THAT person lives in a house which is also under ultrasonic surveillance. However, THAT person was completely unconcerned when I told him about it…. like he knew it already.

Ron had told me that he had never met anyone who offered friendship as unconditionally as I did to him. He said he knew that if he ever really needed a friend I would be there for him. I was there for him. It seems he may have been prevented from being there for me… so he disappeared.