
Both of my children know that I am being targeted. They have been forced to keep quiet and remain away from the entire family. You can imagine that after witnessing first hand what has been done to their father, there is no way they would ever consider helping him. They would face the wrath of corrupt law enforcement and judiciary. And they have seen the corruption first hand… they have watched as corruption has attacked and destroyed their father.

Colin Healy knows. In June 2007, I ran a graphic movie for 8 hours on my computer one evening. Forwards and BACKWARDS. At reduced speed. Days later, Colin is telling his grandmother that ‘she would not believe the things I am sending her [his mother]” His grandmother explained to him that I was not sending anything to her. She was stealing it off of my computer with her surveillance software. Colin hasn’t been to see his grandmother since.

Brennan Healy knows. In July 2008, Brennan indicated in a rare phone call that he didn’t care how many petitions I wrote in the basement, he wasn’t coming home. The thing is that in July 2007, when Brennan was abducted from the home never to return, the basement was not finished and was in no way a place in the house where I would be typing legal petitions. So how could he know the I WAS doing all of those petitions regarding his custody in the basement. When I asked him, he ended the call and has not spoken to me since.

My children know the power that they have to destroy. Whether it is the lawyers, the private investigators, the local police, the county detectives, the DA, or the judges. They have watched their father, an innocent man who detected the illegal computer surveillance, ATTACKED AND HARASSED FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS. They would have reason to be afraid that the same kind of attack could happen to them if they don’t keep quiet. Guess what? They will attack you anyway. Do you think you can trust the people who forced you to cooperate in the destruction of your father?

Be quiet or they will turn and destroy you. It applies to my children. It applies to informants. It applies to everyone in the court system manipulated by Angst & Angst. Two hateful lawyers who f’d up in a divorce case. It might be noted, Valerie Angst had not handled divorces prior to Healy v Healy. The court record shows she only represented people who’s mortgages were being foreclosed upon… FOR TWELVE YEARS OF CASES IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Her first divorce case? It would seem. But Valerie was following the game plan of another lawyer in Bucks County. One who played the same game, but hadn’t gotten caught. But I came across the life that lawyer destroyed using the same tactics.

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