
There have been what seems to be more than 6 teams of confidential informants inserted into my life in the last few years. I make no excuse to offering friendship to them. I am alone and isolated as most of my friends and neighbors have been harassed to the point of non-contact.

Where law enforcement may have made a deal with these informants to supress their cases, and their names and the reasons for their involvement in the program. I am not under any obligation to do so.

And when considering the threats I have received from them that I will be sued for libel and slander… there suit is without merit. They would have to prove that what I am writing is NOT true, and that I am posting their names with some malicious intent.

I’m not considering posting their names out of malice. They are involved in this story. Directly. Inexplicably. I am trying to find answers and they are trying to make me something that I am not and will never be. While I have welcomed them into my life in hopes they might be able to provide some assistance to getting through the overwhelming amount of harassment, they have each failed in their actions and bailed once their suspicious behaviors were questioned.

I’m not doing so to destroy reputations. All things considered, they have been trying to destroy mine… to destroy me. And those they report to have been affecting the court appearances resulting in the inexplicable and corrupt rulings by judges in the case. I am left with no choice to fight to survive the unending legal storms with no releif from anyone.


Any review of the documents I have prepared for court shows that they were submitted BECAUSE of the actions of the plaintiff, or her lawyers.

This is not a case of PRO SE GONE WILD. It is, however, a case of a lawyer so desperate to save her career that she will pull out all the stops to file blantantly ridiculous petitions which contain NO TRUE CONTENT beyond the name and address of her client. So the lawyer is acting like an out of control pro se, and the defendant is responding, as he has to, to the lies and manipulations of the lawyer… While the lawyer tries to accuse the defendant of creating the litigation.

There is not that much to fight over. Why has she reported that she has spent over $55,000 on her legal case, when that represents a major percentage of the assets? Any lawyer would do a cost benefit analysis and steer clear.


Heck, Valerie even filed a petition to switch the cars. The petition was completely false and was seeking legal fees of $2500. When her client had refused to switch the titles which would have cost $75. THEN SHE TRADED THE CAR (Worth $4000) IN FOR $200 in violation of court orders prohibiting the dissipation of assets. Litigious? YES. Vexacious? YES. WHY??

The real purpose was to force me into a car they had rigged. The speedometer was replaced prior to them giving it to me. The auto shop records indicate that ON THE VERY DAY THEY BURGLARIZED / VANDALIZED MY HOUSE the car was in for service. AND the odometer was no longer working in the vehicle they were forcing me to take. Next time, you might think to take the manufacturers stickers off the replacement parts.)

The resulting speeding stop quickly became a drug investigation after they ran my license. Then, they questioned everything I said or did. I carefully explained – selecting the proper words so as not to be misunderstood. That too was questioned. Then, they searched for drugs in the car. There found none. I had none, but wasn’t sure whether they had planted anything in the car. There were none. On an early Sunday morning in New Jersey, a routine speeding ticket took over 45 minutes while police officers searched my car inside and out… TWICE. Another failed setup.

Answer: It is not about divorce. It is about covering up the crimes committed on the advice of her attorney.


Both of my children know that I am being targeted. They have been forced to keep quiet and remain away from the entire family. You can imagine that after witnessing first hand what has been done to their father, there is no way they would ever consider helping him. They would face the wrath of corrupt law enforcement and judiciary. And they have seen the corruption first hand… they have watched as corruption has attacked and destroyed their father.

Colin Healy knows. In June 2007, I ran a graphic movie for 8 hours on my computer one evening. Forwards and BACKWARDS. At reduced speed. Days later, Colin is telling his grandmother that ‘she would not believe the things I am sending her [his mother]” His grandmother explained to him that I was not sending anything to her. She was stealing it off of my computer with her surveillance software. Colin hasn’t been to see his grandmother since.

Brennan Healy knows. In July 2008, Brennan indicated in a rare phone call that he didn’t care how many petitions I wrote in the basement, he wasn’t coming home. The thing is that in July 2007, when Brennan was abducted from the home never to return, the basement was not finished and was in no way a place in the house where I would be typing legal petitions. So how could he know the I WAS doing all of those petitions regarding his custody in the basement. When I asked him, he ended the call and has not spoken to me since.

My children know the power that they have to destroy. Whether it is the lawyers, the private investigators, the local police, the county detectives, the DA, or the judges. They have watched their father, an innocent man who detected the illegal computer surveillance, ATTACKED AND HARASSED FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS. They would have reason to be afraid that the same kind of attack could happen to them if they don’t keep quiet. Guess what? They will attack you anyway. Do you think you can trust the people who forced you to cooperate in the destruction of your father?

Be quiet or they will turn and destroy you. It applies to my children. It applies to informants. It applies to everyone in the court system manipulated by Angst & Angst. Two hateful lawyers who f’d up in a divorce case. It might be noted, Valerie Angst had not handled divorces prior to Healy v Healy. The court record shows she only represented people who’s mortgages were being foreclosed upon… FOR TWELVE YEARS OF CASES IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Her first divorce case? It would seem. But Valerie was following the game plan of another lawyer in Bucks County. One who played the same game, but hadn’t gotten caught. But I came across the life that lawyer destroyed using the same tactics.