
1. The order has been date stamped by the Domestic Relations Office “2011 JUL 21 P 1:58″.
– A simple error? Am I to believe that no one noticed the incorrect year on the ‘official’ date stamp. Even though it was almost 2PM? DID EVERYTHING THAT DAY GET THE WRONG DATE STAMP??? If this is indeed a simple office error, the people responsible should realize the impact that their simple errors can have on the lives of the people affected by these orders, and the incredible delays caused by the court schedule which make these errors take months to resolve – all the while increasing the financial hardship of the parties involved.

2. I am concerned that this order was written on July 15, 2010. Considering the hearing which was scheduled for 9AM was not held until after 1PM, and that all questions were not responded to because of the remaining full schedule of afternoon hearings, how did Mindy Harris have the time to do a thorough review of the facts before coming to her decision for the order? So even though Mindy did all the work on July 15th, the document was not signed until a week later (July 21, 2010), then docketed and then incorrectly time stamped.

3. Though accepting my earning capacity, the order does not take into account that I have been unemployed for over 3 years now… or that that unemployment has been caused by my wife, her attorneys and her private investigators, etc….

4. My wife’s income is not adjusted for her intentional reduction in salary as she began planning her divorce.

5. The order indicates that I now have to provide medical insurance for her. ?? This replaces the previous order (which she has completely ignored) to provide my medical insurance for which she was given credit.

She was given credit for this ‘deduction’ even though (1) she has never provided insurance cards, (2) her attorney lied about the issue on June 3, 2010, (3) her attorney promised to provide the insurance cards on June 3, 2010 and they have not yet been received, (4) her attorney falsley indicated that insurance cards had been sent directly to me from the insurance company over the last 3 years, (5) her attorney falsely indicated that cards had been delivered to me during the period through my brother, (6) her attorney indicated I could have always gotten the cards myself even though I was unaware of the insurance provider to contact and was prohibited by court order from contacting my wife’s company, (7) the support master indicated I should just call to get the cards, however the cards can only be sent to the insured’s address. BUT NOW SHE ISN’T RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BENEFITS AND THE AMOUNT AWARDED FOR APL IS HARDLY ENOUGH FOR ME TO PROVIDE FOR HER INSURANCE AS DIRECTED.

6. The effective date for support orders by law is the date when the benefits request was filed. In this case, the request was made in July 2007. The request was re-filed on March 19, 2010, because it had not been scheduled in over 3 years. When this was called to the master’s attention she indicated that I would have to find out why that request was never scheduled through the DRO which failed to schedule it. No one ever explains themselves, even when the file is in their hands.

7. The APL fails to take into account the mortgage on the marital residence which has been paid in full by me for over 3 years now. Even though my wife (1) has taken all the tax deductions though she did not pay any part of the mortgage, (2) has not paid any local or state taxes on the property, (3) has not paid sewer, water, electric and gas bills which are associated with the property, (4) has been shown to be directly involved in fraud regarding the mortgage payment, (5) has filed multiple petitions in attempts to evict me from the home after she manipulated mortgage payments, (6) has repeatedly and fraudulently filed that her credit standing was being affected by my payment schedule for the mortgage. She gets all the benefits of the mortgage and my family takes on the debt? Even though she has breached the agreement and it should not be effective any longer. The mortgage is $2557/month.

Recall, ‘my lawyer said it would hinder you financially” was the message when in September 2007 my wife sought child support after preventing my son from seeing me for a few weeks. Hindering me financially was something they began in February 2007 when they sabotaged my business, infiltrated my computers and began manipulating the banking and financial transactions. They never imagined I could survive for years begging from family for support. They never imagined I could stand the humiliation, especially on top of the terror they were causing in all other areas.

They have not destroyed me yet, but that has not slowed them in their attempts. I persevere, but every day is overwhelming with the affects of the last three years of terror. I wake every day crying wondering why I have made it another day against such impossible attacks. The overwheming and constant legal battle has no end.. they are trying to avoid prosecution for their crimes, I am just trying to survive. The damage they have caused all involved has been all-consuming. There are no moments of releif from the pressure. There is no escape for me, until they are proscuted. They will always be in fear that the evidence of their crime will be presented. They will never stop.