
Valerie Angst lies with impunity.
– Valerie Angst lies about continuances for hearings that happened. Equitable Distribution Master Bruce Goldenberg confirmed the conference was NOT continued and occurred. YET, Valerie Angst has twice filed documents which indicate I requested a continuance for a conference I was not permitted to attend. When you have a lawyer, you are not permitted into the conference.
– Valerie Angst lies to conceal her not scheduling a home appraisal – and accuses me of refusing to allow her appraiser access to the home. I was contacted at 4:30 the night before a 9AM appointment. It was all done in writing, with date and time stamps, but she lied about it.
– Valerie Angst lied on her latest continuance request… She faxing it to the Domestic Relations Office on May 21, I received a copy on May 22, yet the documented was intentionally misdated May 24. (THIS IS NOT THE FIRST FRAUDULENT DOCUMENT – it is not a clerical error when it happens on EVERY DOCUMENT.)

The above lies were only a few latest from the last hearing… It is impossible to answer all of their lies and maintain sight of the issue at hand. This tactic has been used repeatedly. But apparently, even when the lie is exposed, they are immune from any penalty.

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