
It would seem that Sonya Healy is going to be doing some international travel.

As my only exit from her terroristic divorce is the prosecution of the people and companies/organizations behind the terroristic actions, is it outside the realm of possibility that Sonya Healy does not plan to return to the USA? While Sonya hides in the U.K., Angst & Angst can continue to act on her behalf to maintain the unending and prolonged divorce proceedings.

This is not outside the realm of imagination. Not even outside the experience of the Montgomery County courts. The Librett/Marran case shows that in Montgomery County a criminal can have her attorneys continue expensive and unending litigation by proxy EVEN WHEN the attorney’s do not know the whereabouts of their client.

In Librett, the father was denied any relationship or contact with his child while the mother who kidnapped her was in hiding with the child in Canada, yet all the while the mother’s attorneys continued the legal battle against the father’s court ordered custody …even while the child was missing …for over 3 years.

So, is Sonya Healy going on the vacation like she planned for her son 2 years ago,… Recall when the court denied the father’s legal rights and without any conference, proceeding, hearing, or opportunity to respond to the false allegations in the mother’s petition, the court ordered the father permit the child to leave the country EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A 6 MONTH OLD CUSTODY PETITION PENDING. A clear violation of PA, US and International laws on custody, and a due process civil rights violation.

The child did return from the ‘vacation’, but probably only because the plan was exposed before they could eliminate the liabilities of all involved parties, mother, lawyers and court staff.

This might explain why there was an attempt to continue the June 3, 2010 support hearing all the way into September.

Angst & Angst had post dated their letter requesting a continuance of June 3 into the following week. But why?

A typo (?) or an attempt to conceal their late submission month long (August) vacation schedule to the court? At the June 3 support conference (which she had tried unsuccessfully to continue) as the matter was being scheduled before a support master, Valerie was very VERY quick to point out that her vacation had already been approved/accepted by the court . Very quick indeed.

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