
Someone posted this on one of their web pages… Isn’t it ironic? He should take his own advice.

When you have found that you have dug yourself a hole,
the first thing you must do is stop digging.



SONYA HEALY : #2007-12477

v. :



1. The Petitioner is Terance Healy, an adult individual residing at 110 Banbury Avenue, North Wales, Pa 19454 hereinafter referred to as Husband.

2. The Respondent is Sonya Healy, an adult individual residing at 811 Station Square Boulevard, Lansdale, PA 19446 hereinafter referred to as Wife.

3. A divorce complaint was filed by Wife on May 25, 2007 and an Answer and Counterclaim was filed by husband on July 23, 2007.

4. The parties are joint owners of a property located at 110 Banbury Avenue North Wales, PA 19454. Husband received sole and exclusive possession of the marital home on September 6, 2007.

5. Since May 2007, Husband has been paying all expenses associated with the marital home including the mortgage, taxes, and utilities in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ( $ 100,000.00). Husband has borrowed all monies to maintain the marital asset from family.

6. Wife has delayed the resolution of the divorce case resulting in financial hardship for husband, who is unemployed.

7. The parties were scheduled for an Equitable Distribution hearing on March 18, 2010. Husband’s Pre-Trial Memorandum was timely filed on or about March 8, 2010.

8. In anticipation of the equitable Distribution hearing and in compliance with this Honorable Court’s Discovery Order dated december 15, 2009, Husband served the respondent with resuests on or about January 30, 2010.

9. The Respondent failed to comply with the Order and has also failed to fully answer the requests.

10. Wife’s Pre-Trial Memorandum was NOT filed or prepared until March 17, 2010. Filed electronically Wife’s submission included information contained in Husband’s Memorandum.

11. The late filing of Wife’s Memorandum resulted in the delay in resolving the equitable distribution of the marital estate, thereby, forcing husband to incur additional financial hardship and loans from his family.

12. Husband, who has been representing himself Pro Se during the majority of the divorce process, hired legal counsel to represent his interests at Equitable Distribution in the interest of resolving any issues raised during the conference as quickly as possible.

13. The additional legal work required to compel discovery and to request sanctions quickly became excessive and it became financially necessary to resume self representation.

WHEREFORE, Husband requests this Honorable Court grant him all of the equitable releif deemed appropriate including but not limited to:

1. Order Wife to immediately pay all outstanding mortgage, utility, taxes, homeowners insurance, and or give Husband credit for same.

2. Awarding Husband reasonable counsel fees and any other releif deemed appropriate.

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy, Defendant
Pro Se


“quit being a pussy and say those words to bobs face you coward. burn in hell”
received from Colin Healy on April 27, 2010 @ 8:25pm

1. Colin Healy is being very rude.
2. Colin to which words are you referring? I have told you to stay out of the divorce. Please stop calling your 76-year-old grandmother if your sole purpose is to upset her.
3. Who is ‘bob’?
4. I am no coward.
I don’t lie and I don’t put my children in a position to lie for me.
I don’t hire people to harass anyone.
I don’t hire people to spy on anyone.
I don’t make false reports to police.
I don’t ask my friends to make false reports to police.
I don’t file petitions because “my attorney said it would hinder you financially.”
I don’t try to hurt my children financially by filing a counter petition when they make false allegations.
I also don’t use spoofing programs to send people nasty text messages.

Colin, ‘burn in hell’ is beginning to sound kind of trite at this point. Unless you are making this your new tag line when you sign off, you might want to consider changing that. But, do avoid the hate speak. It makes me laugh when you do that.

BTW, Colin, if you are short of money for school, your mother has wasted an awful lot on legal fees. WHY?

And take a peek at the wills that your mother submitted to the court after her parents passed away. I had spoken to your grandparents at length about their wills. They modified the wills to remove their sons-in-law after Cecelia & Dick began their divorce BUT at that same time they named their grandchildren as secondary beneficiaries. They apologized to me and I told them my feelings were not hurt at all. I totally understood how very proud they felt to be taking care of their grandchildren.

Lee & Geri Pursel did NOT cut their grandchildren out of their wills. The wills submitted have numerous flaws that clearly show they are not correct and true. Who did the sloppy cut and paste work on those wills? Very poorly executed fraud. I never would have let you turn in a book report with that many errors and flaws… do you think Lee Pursel would have signed it as his legacy? NOT A CHANCE.
a. Lee Pursel’s signatures do not match on several pages.
b. Geri Pursel’s signatures do not match on several pages.
c. They named Sonya P Healy. It’s Sonya L Healy. L is for Lee.
d. They named Cecelia P Williams. It’s Cecelia L Williams. L is for Lee.
e. Geri Pursel and I were the only two in the family without the Lee middle name.
“P Healy” probably came from editing MY NAME.
f. With over 10 years to correct the errors, Lee Pursel NEVER would have left those lines uncorrected.
e. The documents fail to indicate a secondary beneficiary. Definitely a mistake and a HUGE error in the forgery.
… and there is more

The wills were part of public record. So when Sonya refused to provide them it was just a matter of going to the courthouse to get them.

Sonya Healy has been a very bad liar since she began the divorce process in January 2007.


Not sure if they are trying to upgrade or remove the traces of their program… BUT as I have learned to expect, as soon as I discovered some of my older tools were once again working around their stealth file hiding code and I was able to once again secure the data which indicates the illegal software installation, there is another attack.

WARNING: The TPM embedded security chip password cannot be verified. To prevent possible attacks, the system will pause for a pre-determined interval and then automatically restart. Note the TPM will remain in this state until the system restarts automatically.

The Embedded Security has taken password attack defense measures due to failed authentication.

Each time I get closer to exposing their crimes, they try to kill the computer. BUT, when the BIOS has been protected, they can’t get the destructive code into the BIOS as easily. TPM is good…


I just learned about Kate Schaeffer’s complaint filed in April 2008. It would seem Kate is able to file a police complaint by email from outside the country even when she has not had any contact with me in over 2 years.

Kate apparently was so compelled to report that I was dangerous. The sick part of this is that it is SO far from correct. Did anyone tell Kate about the people whose lives were NOT saved? Seems they are describing another situation that happened a few years ago.

Did anyone tell Kate that Robert Angst’s brother, when under pressure of being criminally investigated, shot and killed his pregnant wife, his child and himself? How about how he reloaded the gun several times? How about firing shots into his pregnant wife making certain he also killed the baby? How about firing into his own pre-school child? And then commiting suicide? Robert Angst would know what people do when under pressure. Robert Angst worked with his brother. Both were lawyers. Robert was also the beneficiary on the insurance policies of his brother, and his brother’s wife.

Pretty damn sick, Kate. Were you following the directions of a sociopath when you concocted your story?

From the police report dated April 14, 2008:

“I was provided a printout of an email complaint from a Kate Schaeffer, who does not reside in the United States. Schaeffer stated that she has viewed a website from a man (Healy) that lives in our township and is very dangerous. Further, she stated in her email that Healy mentions suicide, homicide and has been threatening his family with text messages. To this date the Montgomery Township PD has not received any police reports from the alleged victims. Schaeffer stated that Healy has also sent emails to ACTS Retirement Community and has stated at he will go to Alterra to visit Mrs Healy’s parents.”

– Terance Healy hadn’t communicated with Kate in any way since May 2007.
– The report comes along at a time when Sonya Healy had just been found in contempt regarding the Robbery.
– There is no suicide, homicide or threats. (But they keep trying to say there are.)
– Terance Healy had made numerous complaints to Montgomery PD. All of which were ignored. HE IS THE REAL VICTIM.
– Sonya Healy worked at ACTS Retirement Community, the implication of sending emails to senior citizens is wrong.
– Terance Healy asked to visit his in-laws at Alterra. I knew that showing up would be presented as threatening. I have done everything in my power to avoid those accusations. They make false accusations anyway. I never did get to see them before they passed. In my last conversation with Lee Pursel, I mentioned that Sonya was not getting good advice from the people in her life and she was destroying everyone’s lives in the process.

From the newspaper covering the murder suicide:

Gunshots Killed Family, Coroner Says
October 04, 1994 The Morning Call
The Montgomery County coroner’s office ruled multiple gunshot wounds as the cause of the death in the murder-suicide of Thomas E. Angst, 31, his wife, and the couple’s son, Loren.

The autopsies were performed Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Cynthia Angst, also 31, and Loren were shot several times throughout their bodies. Thomas Angst apparently shot himself twice in the stomach and once in the head.

There was no sign that any of the wounds to Angst’s wife and son were from defensive movements, the coroner said.

The Angsts were discovered Thursday in their home in Lower Salford Township. Montgomery County prosecutors said on the day of the shootings that Angst shot his wife and son before shooting himself.

A .22-caliber handgun was found in Angst’s hand when the bodies were discovered.

Angst had law offices in Skippack, Montgomery County, and in Pottsville, Schuylkill County. Authorities said Angst was being investigated by the state Supreme Court’s disciplinary board for his handling of clients’ money.

The Montgomery County district attorney’s office also was investigating whether Angst misappropriated $700,000 in clients’ funds.

In Schuylkill County, Angst was being investigated for possibly misappropriating $200,000. Though he knew of the Supreme Court investigation, Montgomery County prosecutors said that he was not aware of the county’s investigation.

On Friday, the Montgomery County district attorney’s office closed its investigation into the shootings.

And another newspaper article:

Brother Fights For Dead Lawyer’s Insurance
November 27, 1994|by FRANK DEVLIN, The Morning Call
When Montgomery County attorney Thomas Angst took the lives of his pregnant wife, 3-year-old son and himself two months ago, he was on the brink of economic and professional collapse.

The 31-year-old lawyer’s law practice was hopelessly behind in payments to scores of creditors, from utility companies to office equipment suppliers, said David J. Schiller, the court-appointed attorney whose job it is to close down the firm.

And he was being investigated by the state Supreme Court’s disciplinary board and the counties of Montgomery and Schuylkill for allegedly embezzling money from clients.

His $250,000 home on a leafy street in Lower Salford Township and the two luxury cars parked out front may have looked impressive. But Angst left behind so little in assets that no one has come forward to identify estate assets, Schiller said.

But there are a couple of plums included in the sad legacy of Thomas Angst, said Schiller: two life insurance policies worth $1.5 million taken out in the name of Angst and his 31-year-old wife, Cynthia.

Earlier this month, that windfall became the subject of a legal battle pitting Angst’s brother, the secondary beneficiary of both policies, against Schiller, who says Angst’s creditors and the clients he allegedly stole from are entitled to the money.

In U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Schiller said, Robert Angst has sued two insurance carriers, accusing Royal Maccabees and Federal Kemper Insurance of withholding the $1.5 million he believes is due him. The delay, the suit says, is because of a request by Schiller.

And in Montgomery County Court, Schiller said, he has asked that the money be placed in escrow, pending a ruling on who is the proper beneficiary of the policy. Schiller said the insurance companies “are ready and willing to pay the money. It’s just a matter of who they’re going to pay the money to.”

Despite the suicide, Schiller said, both companies have indicated they would honor the policies because more than two years elapsed between the time they were purchased and the time of the suicide.

Schiller said creditors and theft victims should get the money, even though the policies indicate Robert Angst, because the policies were purchased by Thomas Angst with stolen money.

“The thrust is, Angst stole money, took the money, put it into a corporate account and purchased life insurance policies,” Schiller said. An argument can be made that the policies were firm assets, and not personal ones, because they were purchased through firm accounts, he said.

Schiller said Angst, who did a lot of estate work, stole from clients by writing estate checks out to himself. “It appears that the stealing has gone back a couple years,” said Schiller, adding that his findings are based on examinations of the firm’s banking records and ledgers.

Schiller added that he did not want to discuss his strategy, but indicated he would base it on an argument like this: If a man steals money and gives it to his brother, the brother should not be allowed to keep the booty.

Robert Angst’s lawyer, Louis Sinatra Jr., said the origin of the money used to purchase the policies was irrelevant. Robert Angst, a 25-year-old law clerk at the firm, was the beneficiary and should receive the money, his lawyer said. Sinatra said Schiller’s attempt to “follow (allegedly stolen) money into insurance proceeds … is a very difficult thing to do.”

“As far as we know,” Sinatra added, “no one has prevailed in this commonwealth under any theories” similar to the one offered by Schiller. “I think that Robert (Angst) is clearly the beneficiary,” Sinatra said.

Schiller said that in addition to being behind on bills and being accused of theft, Angst also failed to forward $130,000 to the Internal Revenue Service that he had withheld from employees’ paychecks to pay Social Security and other taxes. In accordance with IRS policy, Schiller explained, firm employees will be given full credit for the tax money that should have been paid in their names. However, those employees have also been shorted two weeks of pay. They were due to get their paychecks around the day of the murder-suicide. Schiller said the IRS and the employees should get some of the insurance money.

Before shooting himself, Angst shot his wife and son Loren several times. Authorities said he reloaded three times and fired about 25 shots. The bodies were found in the home’s family room.

Angst had law offices in Skippack, Montgomery County, and in Pottsville, Schuylkill County. Authorities said Angst was being investigated by the state Supreme Court’s disciplinary board for his handling of clients’ money.

The Montgomery County district attorney’s office was also investigating whether Angst misappropriated $700,000 in clients’ money.

In Schuylkill County, Angst was being investigated for possibly misappropriating $143,000 from the estate of a former Pottsville factory worker.

Some of the money was allegedly transferred to Montgomery County banks, according to Schuylkill County authorities, while other amounts were transferred between estates.

Authorities have said that Angst was aware of the Supreme Court investigation and had made a call to the disciplinary board and asked how he could have voluntarily relinquished his license.


Emily Weideman ‘googles’ herself just about every day.

Here you go, Emily, something new for you to find.

You burglarized my home. The pictures show your criminal activity. Your father was a township police officer so you got away with it, BUT IT DOESN’T FORGIVE YOUR CRIME.

The laugh of it is your email to me years ago about electronic harassment… I bet you know alot about using technology to harass people.


“Feeling pain is a hard way to know you’re still alive.”

I wake every day under attack. Never knowing where they will strike next. Knowing they are apparently untouchable. They can commit every crime without repercussions. They violate court orders. They commit perjury. They commit fraud. They conspire.

Revenge has not been a motivation for me. I haven’t sought any form of revenge. I haven’t threatened any type of revenge.

I just want them prosecuted for what they have done to me.

I want a life. I’d even settle for an hour of releif from the terror I feel every minute of every day.


A lawyer whose advise results in their client’s commision of a crime will do everything within their power to avoid their own prosecution and disbarrment.

A Private Investigator will not expose the actions and tactics of another Private Investigator.

Police won’t generally expose the improper actions of other police, or former police officers.

County Detectives follow the same and protect the police from exposure.

The District Attorney’s Office protects their own staff who have directed detectives and police not to act.

An organization known as the AntiSpyware Coalition advocates against detection and removal of the surveillance software.

Software companies like McAfee, Symantec, Microsoft, etc… code their anti-virus, anti-spyware programs to permit the stealth installation of surveillance programs. They allow the programs to run secretly. The programs are not invisible. The programs are permitted to hide very well.

When you detect them, don’t expect any assistance…. they will all pretend to have no comprehension of the science fiction type idea you are presenting. They will all concentrate their efforts on ignoring you.

This is what has happened to me since July 2007 when I proved the software was illegally installed on my computers in February 2007. BUT, I have survived and persevered for several years. I had no choice or any other option. Sorry, I am just not capable of suicide. I imagine there have been plenty who exited by that method.

The longer I last the more likely their whole conspiracy will be exposed…
… Now everyone knows about the sci-fi program that can activate a camera remotely and spy on students in Upper Merion school District.
… Now everyone knows your neighbors can hack your computers like Philly’s so-called Bonnie & Clyde.

“Through their own words. They will be exposed. They’ve got a severe case of the Emperor’s new clothes.” – O’Connor


This morning, while I was making some calls and preparing to post a few entries, there was a noise in the basement.

The noise can best be described as ‘a series of circuit breakers being thrown’. There was no one else in the house at the time. There hadn’t been anyone in the basement since yesterday and nothing was left on. I went down to check out the noises and there appeared to be nothing to note.

My general thought is that it may well be time to investigate exactly what is hidden behind the one wall. One wall has been at the center of many questionable ‘things’. I had always thought that they had found a way back in to remove whatever it was hidden there… but apparently they have not yet removed it. I think I know what it is and does. I am very curious to see exactly what it looks like after all this time. I had only read about their use in the UK. How do you suppose one ended up in my basement?


Last time they were unable to schedule anything it held up Judge Del Ricci scheduling anything from March 5, 2009 until mid-June delaying any actions in custody until he arbitrarily decided to recuse himself in July 2009.

Previously, Sara Goren had delayed scheduling the custody issue EVEN AFTER being told it was ridiculous for her to have suggested my waiting 3 weeks to reconsider going to court with the custody case. After waiting 6 months for her to have her waste of time conciliation conference? and it had been almost a year since I had seen my son. She waited anyway and I got wind of plans to take my son out of the US without my permission which was required.

The two petitions which have not been scheduled will directly affect the ability to comply with the next submission requirement. And when I don’t do something, THAT is blamed for everything which does and doesn’t happen.

So again, we have scheduling delays… this time we find Sonya is trying to leave the USA. If she didn;t return, well things would just continue much the same with her attorneys continuing to handle the harassment and her not available for anything. (Expecting their paranoid accusations.)

Perhaps Montgomery County Court Administration is a much more involved participant in this ‘divorce’.