
When I filed my first petition which could possibly be considered a counterstrike, it was dismissed. The judge indicated it was not cognizable and could offer no further explanation indicating he could not provide me with legal advice.

Was it cognizable when first submitted as a counter petition? Which the judge asked me to resubmit as a separate petition.

After resubmitted, was it cognizable at the Short List conference where the document was not reviewed at all?

Was it cognizable as it was scheduled and rescheduled on the court calendar?

Was it cognizable at the Hearing to which I was ordered to appear?
Which had not been on the judge’s schedule?
AND TO WHICH THE OPPOSING PARTY AND HER LAWYERS DID NOT APPEAR? How did they know it wasn’t REALLY scheduled for then? And whoever informed Angst & Angst that it wasn’t actually on the Judge’s schedule, took NO ACTION to inform everyone involved.
[ Big surprise, someone in court administration is issuing incorrect paperwork. ]

Was it first scheduled for a date when it would have been cognizable? Then moved to a Family court date?

Cognizable? It was dismissed because it wasn’t cognizable, BUT NOT BECAUSE IT HAD NO MERIT. They had no defense. Yet, won fees… because it wasn’t cognizable.

Why did it take from August to December to find out it was not cognizable? How does one determine if the petition is scheduled under the judge’s Family Court schedule (with limited cognizance) or on his Civil Court schedule to which she would have been found guilty on all counts?

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