
In December 2007, I filed for a Protection from Abuse order. It included 4 pages of allegations. I stand by all of those allegations still.

Valerie Angst has not appeared with her client since that time as her direct involvement is included in the allegations of criminal activity. Her husband Robert Angst has appeared ever since.

How do they explain that? A lawyer covering her ass.

This case is not about divorce. It’s about covering up crimes which a lawyer instructed her client to commit.


Immediately after her meeting with Valerie Angst in January 2007, Sonya Healy went to Verizon and picked up a phone which she kept secret.

She used this phone to immediately call her son Colin. Colin then called her back. It is perfectly logical that Sonya would call Colin whom she had already told about her plans to divorce. (I have those phone records. I have the phone number from that phone.)

That phone was used for contacting everyone setting up the computer surveillance, and the phone surveillance, and troubleshooting anything which went wrong with the surveillance. That phone would contain calls to all of the people she had working with her on her divorce.

When she provided her phone records as part of discovery for a contempt hearing, there were NO CALLS TO HER LAWYER AT ANY TIME. She was always using the secret phone to contact her lawyers. AND SHE WAS IN CONTEMPT OF THE DISCOVERY ORDER TO PROVIDE ALL PHONE RECORDS.

That secret phone is the phone she misplaced which scared her into moving out of the marital residence. She thought I had found it.

It was the first of many phones she has used. I have a few of the other numbers as well. Including the number of a phone purchased for her by her sister in Alexandria Virginia.

And Sonya Healy discussed her divorce plans with alot of people before I discovered her secret bank accounts… She had a 5 month headstart, during which time she manipulated money and destroyed my business with her computer hack. Affecting not only my finances, but the day to day business of my clients whose internet sites were affected and storefronts had to be shutdown because of the security issue she caused.


Keep in mind, that they have full control of communication, by phone or computer.

The phone software permits them complete control of anyone getting in touch with you or texting you.

The computer software permits them to control your email. What gets out. What gets in. AND they can prevent you from finding anything on the web based on a single word appearing on the web page.

You cannot effectively communicate, and you explain this and have not lost your audience. Next, you have the chaos working against you. And when you explain the chaos, you have the corruption and fraud working against you. And most can’t imagine how you survived the parts of the story they have heard. They haven’t heard the full story. You haven’t even gotten to the emotional aspects.

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet? You are not supposed to survive this far. I’ve got one weapon they can’t ever possess. I’ve got the truth. And while the truth can’t be heard above the chaos and unfounded lies in a courtroom. “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” has not been heard in Montgomery County Courts.

The truth is all over this web site.THE TRUTH HAS KEPT ME ALIVE… even when I am overwhelmed with despair.